mirror of
synced 2024-12-26 00:12:29 +03:00
Merge branch 'simpler-monolithic-syntax' into ghc-8.2.1
This commit is contained in:
@ -110,9 +110,11 @@ library
, recursion-schemes
, semigroups
, split
, stm-chans
, template-haskell
, text >=
, these
, time
, haskell-tree-sitter
, c
, go
@ -75,15 +75,18 @@ module Data.Syntax.Assignment
, while
-- Results
, Error(..)
, ErrorCause(..)
, Options(..)
, defaultOptions
, optionsForHandle
, printError
, formatError
, formatErrorWithOptions
, withSGRCode
-- Running
, assign
, assignBy
, runAssignment
-- Implementation details (for testing)
, AssignmentState(..)
, State(..)
, makeState
) where
@ -97,9 +100,10 @@ import Data.Ix (inRange)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (nonEmpty)
import Data.Record
import qualified Data.Source as Source (Source, fromBytes, slice, sourceBytes, sourceLines)
import Data.String
import GHC.Stack
import qualified Info
import Prologue hiding (Alt, get, hPutStr, Location, Symbol, state)
import Prologue hiding (Alt, get, hPutStr, Location, State, Symbol, state)
import System.Console.ANSI
import Text.Parser.TreeSitter.Language
import Text.Show hiding (show)
@ -172,50 +176,73 @@ nodeLocation :: Node grammar -> Record Location
nodeLocation Node{..} = nodeByteRange :. nodeSpan :. Nil
data Error grammar where
:: HasCallStack
=> { errorPos :: Info.Pos
, errorCause :: ErrorCause grammar
} -> Error grammar
data Error grammar = HasCallStack => Error { errorPos :: Info.Pos, errorExpected :: [grammar], errorActual :: Maybe grammar }
deriving instance Eq grammar => Eq (Error grammar)
deriving instance Show grammar => Show (Error grammar)
data ErrorCause grammar
= UnexpectedSymbol [grammar] grammar
| UnexpectedEndOfInput [grammar]
deriving (Eq, Show)
nodeError :: [grammar] -> Node grammar -> Error grammar
nodeError expected (Node actual _ (Info.Span spanStart _)) = Error spanStart expected (Just actual)
-- | Pretty-print an Error with reference to the source where it occurred.
-- | Options for printing errors.
data Options = Options
{ optionsColour :: Bool -- ^ Whether to use colour formatting codes suitable for a terminal device.
, optionsIncludeSource :: Bool -- ^ Whether to include the source reference.
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options
{ optionsColour = True
, optionsIncludeSource = True
optionsForHandle :: Handle -> IO Options
optionsForHandle handle = do
isTerminal <- hIsTerminalDevice handle
pure $ defaultOptions
{ optionsColour = isTerminal
-- | Pretty-print an 'Error' to stderr, optionally with reference to the source where it occurred.
printError :: Show grammar => Blob -> Error grammar -> IO ()
printError Blob{..} error@Error{..} = do
withSGRCode [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity] . putStrErr $ showPos (maybe Nothing (const (Just blobPath)) blobKind) errorPos . showString ": "
withSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red] . putStrErr $ showString "error" . showString ": " . showExpectation error . showChar '\n'
putStrErr $ showString (toS context) . (if isSuffixOf "\n" context then identity else showChar '\n') . showString (replicate (succ (Info.posColumn errorPos + lineNumberDigits)) ' ')
withSGRCode [SetColor Foreground Vivid Green] . putStrErr $ showChar '^' . showChar '\n'
putStrErr $ showString (prettyCallStack callStack) . showChar '\n'
printError blob error = do
options <- optionsForHandle stderr
hPutStr stderr $ formatErrorWithOptions options blob error
-- | Format an 'Error', optionally with reference to the source where it occurred.
-- > formatError = formatErrorWithOptions defaultOptions
formatError :: Show grammar => Blob -> Error grammar -> String
formatError = formatErrorWithOptions defaultOptions
-- | Format an 'Error', optionally with reference to the source where it occurred.
formatErrorWithOptions :: Show grammar => Options -> Blob -> Error grammar -> String
formatErrorWithOptions Options{..} Blob{..} Error{..}
= ($ "")
$ withSGRCode optionsColour [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity] (showPos (maybe Nothing (const (Just blobPath)) blobKind) errorPos . showString ": ")
. withSGRCode optionsColour [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red] (showString "error" . showString ": " . showExpectation errorExpected errorActual . showChar '\n')
. (if optionsIncludeSource
then showString (toS context) . (if isSuffixOf "\n" context then identity else showChar '\n')
. showString (replicate (succ (Info.posColumn errorPos + lineNumberDigits)) ' ') . withSGRCode optionsColour [SetColor Foreground Vivid Green] (showChar '^' . showChar '\n')
else identity)
. showString (prettyCallStack callStack) . showChar '\n'
where context = maybe "\n" (Source.sourceBytes . sconcat) (nonEmpty [ Source.fromBytes (toS (showLineNumber i)) <> Source.fromBytes ": " <> l | (i, l) <- zip [1..] (Source.sourceLines blobSource), inRange (Info.posLine errorPos - 2, Info.posLine errorPos) i ])
showLineNumber n = let s = show n in replicate (lineNumberDigits - length s) ' ' <> s
lineNumberDigits = succ (floor (logBase 10 (fromIntegral (Info.posLine errorPos) :: Double)))
putStrErr = hPutStr stderr . ($ "")
withSGRCode :: [SGR] -> IO a -> IO ()
withSGRCode code action = do
isTerm <- hIsTerminalDevice stderr
if isTerm then do
_ <- hSetSGR stderr code
_ <- action
hSetSGR stderr []
else do
_ <- action
pure ()
withSGRCode :: Bool -> [SGR] -> ShowS -> ShowS
withSGRCode useColour code content =
if useColour then
showString (setSGRCode code)
. content
. showString (setSGRCode [])
showExpectation :: Show grammar => Error grammar -> ShowS
showExpectation Error{..} = case errorCause of
UnexpectedEndOfInput [] -> showString "no rule to match at end of input nodes"
UnexpectedEndOfInput symbols -> showString "expected " . showSymbols symbols . showString " at end of input nodes"
UnexpectedSymbol symbols a -> showString "expected " . showSymbols symbols . showString ", but got " . shows a
showExpectation :: Show grammar => [grammar] -> Maybe grammar -> ShowS
showExpectation [] Nothing = showString "no rule to match at end of input nodes"
showExpectation expected Nothing = showString "expected " . showSymbols expected . showString " at end of input nodes"
showExpectation expected (Just actual) = showString "expected " . showSymbols expected . showString ", but got " . shows actual
showSymbols :: Show grammar => [grammar] -> ShowS
showSymbols [] = showString "end of input nodes"
@ -228,104 +255,90 @@ showPos :: Maybe FilePath -> Info.Pos -> ShowS
showPos path Info.Pos{..} = maybe (showParen True (showString "interactive")) showString path . showChar ':' . shows posLine . showChar ':' . shows posColumn
-- | Run an assignment over an AST exhaustively.
assign :: (HasField fields Info.Range, HasField fields Info.Span, HasField fields grammar, Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Traversable f, HasCallStack)
=> Assignment (Cofree f (Record fields)) grammar a
-> Source.Source
-> Cofree f (Record fields)
-> Either (Error grammar) a
assign = assignBy (\ (r :< _) -> Node (getField r) (getField r) (getField r))
assignBy :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Recursive ast, Foldable (Base ast), HasCallStack)
=> (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar)
-> Assignment ast grammar a
-> Source.Source
-> ast
-> Either (Error grammar) a
assignBy toNode assignment source = fmap fst . assignAllFrom source toNode assignment . makeState . pure
=> (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar) -- ^ A function to project a 'Node' from the ast.
-> Source.Source -- ^ The source for the parse tree.
-> Assignment ast grammar a -- ^ The 'Assignment to run.
-> ast -- ^ The root of the ast.
-> Either (Error grammar) a -- ^ 'Either' an 'Error' or the assigned value.
assignBy toNode source assignment = fmap fst . runAssignment toNode source assignment . makeState . pure
assignAllFrom :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Recursive ast, Foldable (Base ast), HasCallStack)
=> Source.Source
-> (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar)
-> Assignment ast grammar a
-> AssignmentState ast grammar
-> Either (Error grammar) (a, AssignmentState ast grammar)
assignAllFrom source toNode assignment state = runAssignment source toNode assignment state >>= go
go (a, state) = case stateNodes (dropAnonymous toNode state) of
[] -> Right (a, state)
node : _ -> let Node nodeSymbol _ (Info.Span spanStart _) = toNode (F.project node) in
Left $ fromMaybe (Error spanStart (UnexpectedSymbol [] nodeSymbol)) (stateError state)
-- | Run an assignment of nodes in a grammar onto terms in a syntax.
-- | Run an assignment of nodes in a grammar onto terms in a syntax over an AST exhaustively.
runAssignment :: forall grammar a ast. (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, Recursive ast, Foldable (Base ast), HasCallStack)
=> Source.Source
-> (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar)
-> Assignment ast grammar a
-> AssignmentState ast grammar
-> Either (Error grammar) (a, AssignmentState ast grammar)
runAssignment source toNode = iterFreer run . fmap ((pure .) . (,))
where run :: AssignmentF ast grammar x -> (x -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> Either (Error grammar) (a, AssignmentState ast grammar)) -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> Either (Error grammar) (a, AssignmentState ast grammar)
run assignment yield initialState = case (assignment, stateNodes state) of
(Location, node : _) -> yield (nodeLocation (toNode (F.project node))) state
(Location, []) -> yield (Info.Range (stateOffset state) (stateOffset state) :. Info.Span (statePos state) (statePos state) :. Nil) state
(Project projection, node : _) -> yield (projection (F.project node)) state
(Source, node : _) -> yield (Source.sourceBytes (Source.slice (nodeByteRange (toNode (F.project node))) source)) (advanceState toNode state)
(Children childAssignment, node : _) -> do
(a, state') <- assignAllFrom source toNode childAssignment state { stateNodes = toList (F.project node) }
yield a (advanceState toNode state' { stateNodes = stateNodes state })
(Choose choices, node : _) | Node symbol _ _ <- toNode (F.project node), Just a <- IntMap.lookup (fromEnum symbol) choices -> yield a state
(Many rule, _) -> uncurry yield (runMany rule state)
-- Nullability: some rules, e.g. @pure a@ and @many a@, should match at the end of input. Either side of an alternation may be nullable, ergo Alt can match at the end of input.
(Alt a b, _) -> case yield a state of
Left err -> yield b state { stateError = Just err }
r -> r
(Throw e, _) -> Left e
(Catch during handler, _) -> case yield during state of
Left err -> yield (handler err) state
Right (a, state') -> Right (a, state')
(_, []) -> Left (Error (statePos state) (UnexpectedEndOfInput expectedSymbols))
(_, ast:_) -> let Node symbol _ (Info.Span spanStart _) = toNode (F.project ast) in Left (Error spanStart (UnexpectedSymbol expectedSymbols symbol))
where state = case assignment of
Choose choices | all ((== Regular) . symbolType) (choiceSymbols choices) -> dropAnonymous toNode initialState
_ -> initialState
expectedSymbols = case assignment of
Choose choices -> choiceSymbols choices
_ -> []
choiceSymbols choices = (toEnum :: Int -> grammar) <$> IntMap.keys choices
runMany :: Assignment ast grammar v -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> ([v], AssignmentState ast grammar)
runMany rule state = case runAssignment source toNode rule state of
=> (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar) -- ^ A function to project a 'Node' from the ast.
-> Source.Source -- ^ The source for the parse tree.
-> Assignment ast grammar a -- ^ The 'Assignment' to run.
-> State ast grammar -- ^ The current state.
-> Either (Error grammar) (a, State ast grammar) -- ^ 'Either' an 'Error' or the pair of the assigned value & updated state.
runAssignment toNode source = (requireExhaustive <=<) . go
where go :: Assignment ast grammar result -> State ast grammar -> Either (Error grammar) (result, State ast grammar)
go = iterFreer run . fmap ((pure .) . (,))
{-# INLINE go #-}
run :: AssignmentF ast grammar x
-> (x -> State ast grammar -> Either (Error grammar) (result, State ast grammar))
-> State ast grammar
-> Either (Error grammar) (result, State ast grammar)
run assignment yield initialState = maybe (anywhere Nothing) (atNode . F.project) (listToMaybe (stateNodes state))
where atNode node = case assignment of
Location -> yield (nodeLocation (toNode node)) state
Project projection -> yield (projection node) state
Source -> yield (Source.sourceBytes (Source.slice (nodeByteRange (toNode node)) source)) (advance state)
Children child -> do
(a, state') <- go child state { stateNodes = toList node } >>= requireExhaustive
yield a (advance state' { stateNodes = stateNodes state })
Choose choices | Just choice <- IntMap.lookup (fromEnum (nodeSymbol (toNode node))) choices -> yield choice state
_ -> anywhere (Just node)
anywhere node = case assignment of
Location -> yield (Info.Range (stateOffset state) (stateOffset state) :. Info.Span (statePos state) (statePos state) :. Nil) state
Many rule -> uncurry yield (runMany rule state)
Alt a b -> yield a state `catchError` (yield b . setStateError state . Just)
Throw e -> Left e
Catch during handler -> yield during state `catchError` (flip yield state . handler)
_ -> Left (maybe (Error (statePos state) expectedSymbols Nothing) (nodeError expectedSymbols . toNode) node)
state | _:_ <- expectedSymbols, all ((== Regular) . symbolType) expectedSymbols = dropAnonymous initialState
| otherwise = initialState
expectedSymbols | Choose choices <- assignment = (toEnum :: Int -> grammar) <$> IntMap.keys choices
| otherwise = []
runMany :: Assignment ast grammar result -> State ast grammar -> ([result], State ast grammar)
runMany rule = loop
where loop state = case go rule state of
Left err -> ([], state { stateError = Just err })
Right (a, state') | ((/=) `on` stateCounter) state state' ->
let (as, state'') = runMany rule state'
in as `seq` (a : as, state'')
Right (a, state') | ((/=) `on` stateCounter) state state', (as, state'') <- loop state' -> as `seq` (a : as, state'')
| otherwise -> ([a], state')
{-# INLINE run #-}
{-# INLINE runMany #-}
dropAnonymous :: (Symbol grammar, Recursive ast) => (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar) -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> AssignmentState ast grammar
dropAnonymous toNode state = state { stateNodes = dropWhile ((/= Regular) . symbolType . nodeSymbol . toNode . F.project) (stateNodes state) }
requireExhaustive :: (result, State ast grammar) -> Either (Error grammar) (result, State ast grammar)
requireExhaustive (a, state) = case stateNodes (dropAnonymous state) of
[] -> Right (a, state)
node : _ -> Left (fromMaybe (nodeError [] (toNode (F.project node))) (stateError state))
-- | Advances the state past the current (head) node (if any), dropping it off
-- stateNodes & its corresponding bytes off of source, and updating stateOffset &
-- statePos to its end. Exhausted 'AssignmentState's (those without any
-- remaining nodes) are returned unchanged.
advanceState :: Recursive ast => (forall x. Base ast x -> Node grammar) -> AssignmentState ast grammar -> AssignmentState ast grammar
advanceState toNode state@AssignmentState{..}
dropAnonymous state = state { stateNodes = dropWhile ((/= Regular) . symbolType . nodeSymbol . toNode . F.project) (stateNodes state) }
-- Advances the state past the current (head) node (if any), dropping it off stateNodes, and updating stateOffset & statePos to its end; or else returns the state unchanged.
advance state@State{..}
| node : rest <- stateNodes
, Node{..} <- toNode (F.project node) = AssignmentState (Info.end nodeByteRange) (Info.spanEnd nodeSpan) stateError (succ stateCounter) rest
, Node{..} <- toNode (F.project node) = State (Info.end nodeByteRange) (Info.spanEnd nodeSpan) stateError (succ stateCounter) rest
| otherwise = state
-- | State kept while running 'Assignment's.
data AssignmentState ast grammar = AssignmentState
data State ast grammar = State
{ stateOffset :: Int -- ^ The offset into the Source thus far reached, measured in bytes.
, statePos :: Info.Pos -- ^ The (1-indexed) line/column position in the Source thus far reached.
, stateError :: Maybe (Error grammar)
, stateError :: Maybe (Error grammar) -- ^ The most recently encountered error. Preserved for improved error messages in the presence of backtracking.
, stateCounter :: Int -- ^ Always incrementing counter that tracks how many nodes have been visited.
, stateNodes :: [ast] -- ^ The remaining nodes to assign. Note that 'children' rules recur into subterms, and thus this does not necessarily reflect all of the terms remaining to be assigned in the overall algorithm, only those “in scope.”
deriving (Eq, Show)
makeState :: [ast] -> AssignmentState ast grammar
makeState = AssignmentState 0 (Info.Pos 1 1) Nothing 0
makeState :: [ast] -> State ast grammar
makeState = State 0 (Info.Pos 1 1) Nothing 0
setStateError :: State ast grammar -> Maybe (Error grammar) -> State ast grammar
setStateError state error = state { stateError = error }
-- Instances
@ -356,14 +369,6 @@ instance Show grammar => Show1 (AssignmentF ast grammar) where
Throw e -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Throw" d e
Catch during handler -> showsBinaryWith sp (const (const (showChar '_'))) "Catch" d during handler
instance Show1 Error where
liftShowsPrec sp sl d (Error p c) = showsBinaryWith showsPrec (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "Error" d p c
instance Show1 ErrorCause where
liftShowsPrec sp sl d e = case e of
UnexpectedSymbol expected actual -> showsBinaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) sp "UnexpectedSymbol" d expected actual
UnexpectedEndOfInput expected -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "UnexpectedEndOfInput" d expected
instance MonadError (Error grammar) (Assignment ast grammar) where
throwError :: HasCallStack => Error grammar -> Assignment ast grammar a
throwError error = withFrozenCallStack $ Throw error `Then` return
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ structure.
The example below adds a new field to the `Record` fields.
indexedTermAna :: [Text] -> SyntaxTerm '[NewField, Range, Category]
indexedTermAna :: [Text] -> Term Syntax (Record '[NewField, Range, Category])
indexedTermAna childrenLeaves = ana coalgebra (indexedTerm childrenLeaves)
coalgebra term = (NewField :. (extract term)) :< unwrap term
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ structure to a new shape.
The example below adds a new field to the `Record` fields.
indexedTermCata :: [Text] -> SyntaxTerm '[NewField, Range, Category]
indexedTermCata :: [Text] -> Term Syntax (Record '[NewField, Range, Category])
indexedTermCata childrenLeaves = cata algebra (indexedTerm childrenLeaves)
algebra :: Functor f => CofreeF f (Record t) (Cofree f (Record (NewField : t))) -> Cofree f (Record (NewField : t))
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ stringToTermAna "indexed" =>
the new cofree `Indexed` structure, resulting in a expansion of all possible
string terms.
stringToTermAna :: Text -> SyntaxTerm '[Range, Category]
stringToTermAna :: Text -> Term Syntax (Record '[Range, Category])
stringToTermAna = ana coalgebra
coalgebra representation = case representation of
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ Catamorphism -- construct a list of Strings from a recursive Term structure.
The example below shows how to tear down a recursive Term structure into a list
of String representation.
termToStringCata :: SyntaxTerm '[Range, Category] -> [Text]
termToStringCata :: Term Syntax (Record '[Range, Category]) -> [Text]
termToStringCata = cata algebra
algebra term = case term of
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Final shape:
termPara :: SyntaxTerm '[Range, Category] -> [(SyntaxTerm '[Range, Category], Text)]
termPara :: Term Syntax (Record '[Range, Category]) -> [(Term Syntax (Record '[Range, Category]), Text)]
termPara = para algebra
algebra term = case term of
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Example (from GHCi):
leafTermF :: Text -> SyntaxTermF '[Range, Category] b
leafTermF :: Text -> TermF Syntax (Record '[Range, Category]) b
leafTermF leaf = (Range 1 10 :. Category.MethodCall :. Nil) :< Leaf leaf
@ -57,11 +57,11 @@ Example (from GHCi):
> Leaf "example"
leafTerm :: Text -> SyntaxTerm '[Range, Category]
leafTerm :: Text -> Cofree Syntax (Record '[Range, Category])
leafTerm = cofree . leafTermF
indexedTermF :: [Text] -> SyntaxTermF '[Range, Category] (SyntaxTerm '[Range, Category])
indexedTermF :: [Text] -> TermF Syntax (Record '[Range, Category]) (Term Syntax (Record '[Range, Category]))
indexedTermF leaves = (Range 1 10 :. Category.MethodCall :. Nil) :< Indexed (leafTerm <$> leaves)
indexedTerm :: [Text] -> SyntaxTerm '[Range, Category]
indexedTerm :: [Text] -> Term Syntax (Record '[Range, Category])
indexedTerm leaves = cofree $ indexedTermF leaves
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TypeSynonymInstances, DeriveAnyClass, DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TypeSynonymInstances, DeriveAnyClass, DuplicateRecordFields, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Files
( readFile
, readBlobPairsFromHandle
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Files
) where
import Control.Exception (catch, IOException)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Aeson
import Data.These
import Data.Functor.Both
@ -21,9 +22,9 @@ import Prelude (fail)
import System.FilePath
-- | Read a utf8-encoded file to a 'Blob'.
readFile :: FilePath -> Maybe Language -> IO Blob.Blob
readFile :: forall m. MonadIO m => FilePath -> Maybe Language -> m Blob.Blob
readFile path language = do
raw <- (Just <$> B.readFile path) `catch` (const (pure Nothing) :: IOException -> IO (Maybe ByteString))
raw <- liftIO $ (Just <$> B.readFile path) `catch` (const (pure Nothing) :: IOException -> IO (Maybe ByteString))
pure $ fromMaybe (Blob.emptyBlob path) (Blob.sourceBlob path language . fromBytes <$> raw)
-- | Return a language based on a FilePath's extension, or Nothing if extension is not found or not supported.
@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ languageForFilePath :: FilePath -> Maybe Language
languageForFilePath = languageForType . toS . takeExtension
-- | Read JSON encoded blob pairs from a handle.
readBlobPairsFromHandle :: Handle -> IO [Both Blob.Blob]
readBlobPairsFromHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> m [Both Blob.Blob]
readBlobPairsFromHandle = fmap toBlobPairs . readFromHandle
toBlobPairs BlobDiff{..} = toBlobPair <$> blobs
@ -39,16 +40,16 @@ readBlobPairsFromHandle = fmap toBlobPairs . readFromHandle
where empty = Blob.emptyBlob (mergeThese const (runJoin (path <$> blobs)))
-- | Read JSON encoded blobs from a handle.
readBlobsFromHandle :: Handle -> IO [Blob.Blob]
readBlobsFromHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> m [Blob.Blob]
readBlobsFromHandle = fmap toBlobs . readFromHandle
where toBlobs BlobParse{..} = fmap toBlob blobs
readFromHandle :: FromJSON a => Handle -> IO a
readFromHandle :: (FromJSON a, MonadIO m) => Handle -> m a
readFromHandle h = do
input <- BL.hGetContents h
input <- liftIO $ BL.hGetContents h
case decode input of
Just d -> pure d
Nothing -> die ("invalid input on " <> show h <> ", expecting JSON")
Nothing -> liftIO $ die ("invalid input on " <> show h <> ", expecting JSON")
toBlob :: Blob -> Blob.Blob
toBlob Blob{..} = Blob.sourceBlob path language' (fromText content)
@ -4,12 +4,10 @@ module Interpreter
, decoratingWith
, diffTermsWith
, comparableByConstructor
, runAlgorithm
, runAlgorithmSteps
) where
import Algorithm
import Control.Monad.Free.Freer
import Control.Monad.Free.Freer hiding (cutoff)
import Data.Align.Generic
import Data.Functor.Both
import Data.Functor.Classes (Eq1)
@ -44,7 +42,7 @@ diffTermsWith :: forall f fields . (Traversable f, GAlign f, Eq1 f, HasField fie
-> ComparabilityRelation f fields -- ^ A relation on terms used to determine comparability and equality.
-> Both (Term f (Record fields)) -- ^ A pair of terms.
-> Diff f (Record fields) -- ^ The resulting diff.
diffTermsWith refine comparable (Join (a, b)) = runAlgorithm decompose (diff a b)
diffTermsWith refine comparable (Join (a, b)) = runFreer decompose (diff a b)
where decompose :: AlgorithmF (Term f (Record fields)) (Diff f (Record fields)) result -> Algorithm (Term f (Record fields)) (Diff f (Record fields)) result
decompose step = case step of
Diff t1 t2 -> refine t1 t2
@ -57,29 +55,11 @@ diffTermsWith refine comparable (Join (a, b)) = runAlgorithm decompose (diff a b
Replace a b -> pure (replacing a b)
-- | Compute the label for a given term, suitable for inclusion in a _p_,_q_-gram.
getLabel :: HasField fields Category => SyntaxTermF fields a -> (Category, Maybe Text)
getLabel :: HasField fields Category => TermF Syntax (Record fields) a -> (Category, Maybe Text)
getLabel (h :< t) = (Info.category h, case t of
Leaf s -> Just s
_ -> Nothing)
-- | Run an Algorithm to completion by repeated application of a stepping operation and return its result.
runAlgorithm :: forall f result
. (forall x. f x -> Freer f x)
-> Freer f result
-> result
runAlgorithm decompose = go
where go :: Freer f x -> x
go = iterFreer (\ algorithm yield -> yield (go (decompose algorithm)))
-- | Run an Algorithm to completion by repeated application of a stepping operation, returning the list of steps taken up to and including the final result.
runAlgorithmSteps :: (forall x. f x -> Freer f x)
-> Freer f result
-> [Freer f result]
runAlgorithmSteps decompose = go
where go algorithm = case algorithm of
Return a -> [Return a]
step `Then` yield -> algorithm : go (decompose step >>= yield)
-- | Construct an algorithm to diff a pair of terms.
algorithmWithTerms :: SyntaxTerm fields
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ languageForType mediaType = case mediaType of
".py" -> Just Python
_ -> Nothing
toVarDeclOrAssignment :: HasField fields Category => SyntaxTerm fields -> SyntaxTerm fields
toVarDeclOrAssignment :: HasField fields Category => Term S.Syntax (Record fields) -> Term S.Syntax (Record fields)
toVarDeclOrAssignment child = case unwrap child of
S.Indexed [child', assignment] -> cofree $ setCategory (extract child) VarAssignment :< S.VarAssignment [child'] assignment
S.Indexed [child'] -> cofree $ setCategory (extract child) VarDecl :< S.VarDecl [child']
@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ toVarDeclOrAssignment child = case unwrap child of
S.VarAssignment _ _ -> child
_ -> toVarDecl child
toVarDecl :: HasField fields Category => SyntaxTerm fields -> SyntaxTerm fields
toVarDecl :: HasField fields Category => Term S.Syntax (Record fields) -> Term S.Syntax (Record fields)
toVarDecl child = cofree $ setCategory (extract child) VarDecl :< S.VarDecl [child]
toTuple :: SyntaxTerm fields -> [SyntaxTerm fields]
toTuple :: Term S.Syntax (Record fields) -> [Term S.Syntax (Record fields)]
toTuple child | S.Indexed [key,value] <- unwrap child = [cofree (extract child :< S.Pair key value)]
toTuple child | S.Fixed [key,value] <- unwrap child = [cofree (extract child :< S.Pair key value)]
toTuple child | S.Leaf c <- unwrap child = [cofree (extract child :< S.Comment c)]
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}
module Parser
( Parser
, runParser
( Parser(..)
-- Syntax parsers
, parserForLanguage
, lineByLineParser
-- À la carte parsers
, jsonParser
, markdownParser
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ module Parser
) where
import qualified CMark
import Data.Blob
import Data.Functor.Foldable hiding (fold, Nil)
import Data.Record
import Data.Source as Source
@ -37,7 +36,6 @@ import Text.Parser.TreeSitter.Python
import Text.Parser.TreeSitter.Ruby
import Text.Parser.TreeSitter.TypeScript
import Text.Parser.TreeSitter.JSON
import TreeSitter
-- | A parser from 'Source' onto some term type.
data Parser term where
@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ data Parser term where
-> Assignment ast grammar (Term (Union fs) (Record Location)) -- ^ An assignment from AST onto 'Term's.
-> Parser (Term (Union fs) (Record Location)) -- ^ A parser producing 'Term's.
-- | A tree-sitter parser.
TreeSitterParser :: Language -> Ptr TS.Language -> Parser (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)
TreeSitterParser :: Ptr TS.Language -> Parser (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)
-- | A parser for 'Markdown' using cmark.
MarkdownParser :: Parser (AST CMark.NodeType)
-- | A parser which will parse any input 'Source' into a top-level 'Term' whose children are leaves consisting of the 'Source's lines.
@ -60,12 +58,12 @@ data Parser term where
parserForLanguage :: Maybe Language -> Parser (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)
parserForLanguage Nothing = LineByLineParser
parserForLanguage (Just language) = case language of
C -> TreeSitterParser C tree_sitter_c
Go -> TreeSitterParser Go tree_sitter_go
JSON -> TreeSitterParser JSON tree_sitter_json
JavaScript -> TreeSitterParser TypeScript tree_sitter_typescript
Ruby -> TreeSitterParser Ruby tree_sitter_ruby
TypeScript -> TreeSitterParser TypeScript tree_sitter_typescript
C -> TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_c
Go -> TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_go
JSON -> TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_json
JavaScript -> TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_typescript
Ruby -> TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_ruby
TypeScript -> TreeSitterParser tree_sitter_typescript
_ -> LineByLineParser
rubyParser :: Parser Ruby.Term
@ -80,22 +78,6 @@ jsonParser = AssignmentParser (ASTParser tree_sitter_json) headF JSON.assignment
markdownParser :: Parser Markdown.Term
markdownParser = AssignmentParser MarkdownParser (\ (node@Node{..} :< _) -> node { nodeSymbol = toGrammar nodeSymbol }) Markdown.assignment
runParser :: Parser term -> Blob -> IO term
runParser parser blob@Blob{..} = case parser of
ASTParser language -> parseToAST language blobSource
AssignmentParser parser by assignment -> do
ast <- runParser parser blob
case assignBy by assignment blobSource ast of
Left err -> do
printError blob err
pure (errorTerm blobSource)
Right term -> pure term
TreeSitterParser language tslanguage -> treeSitterParser language tslanguage blobSource
MarkdownParser -> pure (cmarkParser blobSource)
LineByLineParser -> pure (lineByLineParser blobSource)
errorTerm :: Syntax.Error :< fs => Source -> Term (Union fs) (Record Location)
errorTerm source = cofree ((totalRange source :. totalSpan source :. Nil) :< inj (Syntax.Error []))
-- | A fallback parser that treats a file simply as rows of strings.
lineByLineParser :: Source -> SyntaxTerm DefaultFields
@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, TypeOperators #-}
module Semantic.Task
( Task
, Level(..)
, RAlgebra
, Differ
, readBlobs
, readBlobPairs
, writeToOutput
, writeLog
, parse
, decorate
, diff
@ -13,10 +15,15 @@ module Semantic.Task
, distribute
, distributeFor
, distributeFoldMap
, Options(..)
, defaultOptions
, configureOptionsForHandle
, runTask
, runTaskWithOptions
) where
import qualified Files
import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMQueue
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async
import Control.Monad.Free.Freer
@ -24,26 +31,63 @@ import Data.Blob
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Functor.Both as Both
import Data.Record
import Data.Source
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Syntax as Syntax
import Data.Syntax.Algebra (RAlgebra, decoratorWithAlgebra)
import qualified Data.Syntax.Assignment as Assignment
import qualified Data.Time.Clock as Time
import qualified Data.Time.Clock.POSIX as Time (getCurrentTime)
import qualified Data.Time.Format as Time
import Data.Union
import Diff
import qualified Files
import Language
import Language.Markdown
import Parser
import Prologue hiding (diff)
import Prologue hiding (diff, hPutStr, Location, show)
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.IO (hIsTerminalDevice, hPutStr)
import Term
import Text.Show
import TreeSitter
data TaskF output where
ReadBlobs :: Either Handle [(FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> TaskF [Blob]
ReadBlobPairs :: Either Handle [Both (FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> TaskF [Both Blob]
WriteToOutput :: Either Handle FilePath -> ByteString -> TaskF ()
WriteLog :: Level -> String -> TaskF ()
Parse :: Parser term -> Blob -> TaskF term
Decorate :: Functor f => RAlgebra (TermF f (Record fields)) (Term f (Record fields)) field -> Term f (Record fields) -> TaskF (Term f (Record (field ': fields)))
Diff :: Differ f a -> Both (Term f a) -> TaskF (Diff f a)
Render :: Renderer input output -> input -> TaskF output
Distribute :: Traversable t => t (Task output) -> TaskF (t output)
LiftIO :: IO a -> TaskF a
-- | A high-level task producing some result, e.g. parsing, diffing, rendering. 'Task's can also specify explicit concurrency via 'distribute', 'distributeFor', and 'distributeFoldMap'
type Task = Freer TaskF
-- | A log message at a specific level.
data Message = Message Level String Time.UTCTime
deriving (Eq, Show)
data Level
= Error
| Warning
| Info
| Debug
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-- | Format a 'Message', optionally colourized.
formatMessage :: Bool -> Message -> String
formatMessage colourize (Message level message time) = showTime time . showChar ' ' . showLevel level . showString ": " . showString message . showChar '\n' $ ""
where showLevel Error = Assignment.withSGRCode colourize [SetColor Foreground Vivid Red, SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity] (showString "error")
showLevel Warning = Assignment.withSGRCode colourize [SetColor Foreground Vivid Yellow, SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity] (showString "warning")
showLevel Info = Assignment.withSGRCode colourize [SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity] (showString "info")
showLevel Debug = Assignment.withSGRCode colourize [SetColor Foreground Vivid Cyan, SetConsoleIntensity BoldIntensity] (showString "debug")
showTime = showString . Time.formatTime Time.defaultTimeLocale (Time.iso8601DateFormat (Just "%H:%M:%S%Q"))
-- | A function to compute the 'Diff' for a pair of 'Term's with arbitrary syntax functor & annotation types.
type Differ f a = Both (Term f a) -> Diff f a
@ -63,6 +107,11 @@ writeToOutput :: Either Handle FilePath -> ByteString -> Task ()
writeToOutput path contents = WriteToOutput path contents `Then` return
-- | A 'Task' which logs a message at a specific log level to stderr.
writeLog :: Level -> String -> Task ()
writeLog level message = WriteLog level message `Then` return
-- | A 'Task' which parses a 'Blob' with the given 'Parser'.
parse :: Parser term -> Blob -> Task term
parse parser blob = Parse parser blob `Then` return
@ -97,15 +146,94 @@ distributeFor inputs toTask = distribute (fmap toTask inputs)
distributeFoldMap :: (Traversable t, Monoid output) => (a -> Task output) -> t a -> Task output
distributeFoldMap toTask inputs = fmap fold (distribute (fmap toTask inputs))
-- | Options controlling 'Task' logging, error handling, &c.
data Options = Options
{ optionsColour :: Maybe Bool -- ^ Whether to use colour formatting for errors. 'Nothing' implies automatic selection for the stderr handle, using colour for terminal handles but not for regular files.
, optionsLevel :: Maybe Level -- ^ What level of messages to log. 'Nothing' disabled logging.
, optionsPrintSource :: Bool -- ^ Whether to print the source reference when logging errors.
-- | Execute a 'Task', yielding its result value in 'IO'.
defaultOptions :: Options
defaultOptions = Options
{ optionsColour = Nothing
, optionsLevel = Just Warning
, optionsPrintSource = False
configureOptionsForHandle :: Handle -> Options -> IO Options
configureOptionsForHandle handle options = do
isTerminal <- hIsTerminalDevice handle
pure $ options
{ optionsColour = optionsColour options <|> Just isTerminal
-- | Execute a 'Task' with the 'defaultOptions', yielding its result value in 'IO'.
-- > runTask = runTaskWithOptions defaultOptions
runTask :: Task a -> IO a
runTask = iterFreerA $ \ task yield -> case task of
ReadBlobs source -> either Files.readBlobsFromHandle (traverse (uncurry Files.readFile)) source >>= yield
ReadBlobPairs source -> either Files.readBlobPairsFromHandle (traverse (traverse (uncurry Files.readFile))) source >>= yield
WriteToOutput destination contents -> either B.hPutStr B.writeFile destination contents >>= yield
Parse parser blob -> runParser parser blob >>= yield
Decorate algebra term -> yield (decoratorWithAlgebra algebra term)
Diff differ terms -> yield (differ terms)
Render renderer input -> yield (renderer input)
Distribute tasks -> Async.mapConcurrently runTask tasks >>= yield . withStrategy (parTraversable rseq)
runTask = runTaskWithOptions defaultOptions
-- | Execute a 'Task' with the passed 'Options', yielding its result value in 'IO'.
runTaskWithOptions :: Options -> Task a -> IO a
runTaskWithOptions options task = do
options <- configureOptionsForHandle stderr options
logQueue <- newTMQueueIO
logging <- async (logSink options logQueue)
result <- runFreerM (\ task -> case task of
ReadBlobs source -> pure <$ writeLog Info "ReadBlobs" <*> either Files.readBlobsFromHandle (traverse (uncurry Files.readFile)) source
ReadBlobPairs source -> pure <$ writeLog Info "ReadBlobPairs" <*> either Files.readBlobPairsFromHandle (traverse (traverse (uncurry Files.readFile))) source
WriteToOutput destination contents -> pure <$ writeLog Info "WriteToOutput" <*> liftIO (either B.hPutStr B.writeFile destination contents)
WriteLog level message
| Just logLevel <- optionsLevel options, level <= logLevel -> pure <$> liftIO (Time.getCurrentTime >>= atomically . writeTMQueue logQueue . Message level message)
| otherwise -> pure (pure ())
Parse parser blob -> pure <$ writeLog Info "Parse" <*> runParser options parser blob
Decorate algebra term -> pure <$ writeLog Info "Decorate" <*> pure (decoratorWithAlgebra algebra term)
Diff differ terms -> pure <$ writeLog Info "Diff" <*> pure (differ terms)
Render renderer input -> pure <$ writeLog Info "Render" <*> pure (renderer input)
Distribute tasks -> pure <$ writeLog Info "Distribute" <*> liftIO (Async.mapConcurrently runTask tasks >>= pure . withStrategy (parTraversable rseq))
LiftIO action -> pure action)
atomically (closeTMQueue logQueue)
wait logging
pure result
where logSink options queue = do
message <- atomically (readTMQueue queue)
case message of
Just message -> do
hPutStr stderr (formatMessage (fromMaybe True (optionsColour options)) message)
logSink options queue
_ -> pure ()
runParser :: Options -> Parser term -> Blob -> Task term
runParser options parser blob@Blob{..} = case parser of
ASTParser language -> liftIO $ parseToAST language blob
AssignmentParser parser by assignment -> do
ast <- runParser options parser blob
case Assignment.assignBy by blobSource assignment ast of
Left err -> do
let formatOptions = Assignment.defaultOptions
{ Assignment.optionsColour = fromMaybe True (optionsColour options)
, Assignment.optionsIncludeSource = optionsPrintSource options
writeLog Warning (Assignment.formatErrorWithOptions formatOptions blob err)
pure (errorTerm blobSource)
Right term -> do
when (hasErrors term) $ writeLog Warning (blobPath <> ":" <> show blobLanguage <> " has parse errors")
pure term
TreeSitterParser tslanguage -> liftIO $ treeSitterParser tslanguage blob
MarkdownParser -> pure (cmarkParser blobSource)
LineByLineParser -> pure (lineByLineParser blobSource)
errorTerm :: Syntax.Error :< fs => Source -> Term (Union fs) (Record Assignment.Location)
errorTerm source = cofree ((totalRange source :. totalSpan source :. Nil) :< inj (Syntax.Error []))
hasErrors :: (Syntax.Error :< fs, Foldable (Union fs), Functor (Union fs)) => Term (Union fs) (Record Assignment.Location) -> Bool
hasErrors = cata $ \ (_ :< syntax) -> case syntax of
_ | Just err <- prj syntax -> const True (err :: Syntax.Error Bool)
_ -> or syntax
instance MonadIO Task where
liftIO action = LiftIO action `Then` return
@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ module SemanticCmdLine
) where
import Files (languageForFilePath)
import Data.Functor.Both
import Data.Functor.Both hiding (fst, snd)
import Data.List.Split (splitWhen)
import Data.Version (showVersion)
import Development.GitRev
import Language
import Options.Applicative hiding (action)
import Prologue hiding (concurrently, fst, snd, readFile)
import Prologue hiding (concurrently, option, readFile)
import Renderer
import qualified Paths_semantic_diff as Library (version)
import qualified Semantic.Task as Task
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ import System.IO (stdin)
import qualified Semantic (parseBlobs, diffBlobPairs)
main :: IO ()
main = customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) arguments >>= Task.runTask
main = customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) arguments >>= uncurry Task.runTaskWithOptions
runDiff :: SomeRenderer DiffRenderer -> Either Handle [Both (FilePath, Maybe Language)] -> Task.Task ByteString
runDiff (SomeRenderer diffRenderer) = Semantic.diffBlobPairs diffRenderer <=< Task.readBlobPairs
@ -32,13 +32,19 @@ runParse (SomeRenderer parseTreeRenderer) = Semantic.parseBlobs parseTreeRendere
-- | A parser for the application's command-line arguments.
-- Returns a 'Task' to read the input, run the requested operation, and write the output to the specified output path or stdout.
arguments :: ParserInfo (Task.Task ())
arguments = info (version <*> helper <*> argumentsParser) description
arguments :: ParserInfo (Task.Options, Task.Task ())
arguments = info (version <*> helper <*> ((,) <$> optionsParser <*> argumentsParser)) description
version = infoOption versionString (long "version" <> short 'v' <> help "Output the version of the program")
versionString = "semantic version " <> showVersion Library.version <> " (" <> $(gitHash) <> ")"
description = fullDesc <> header "semantic -- Parse and diff semantically"
optionsParser = Task.Options
<$> options [("yes", Just True), ("no", Just False), ("auto", Nothing)]
(long "colour" <> long "color" <> value Nothing <> help "Enable, disable, or decide automatically iff stderr is a terminal device, whether to use colour.")
<*> options [("error", Just Task.Error), ("warning", Just Task.Warning), ("info", Just Task.Info), ("debug", Just Task.Debug), ("none", Nothing)]
(long "log-level" <> value (Just Task.Warning) <> help "Log messages at or above this level, or disable logging entirely.")
<*> switch (long "print-source" <> help "Include source references in logged errors where applicable.")
argumentsParser = (. Task.writeToOutput) . (>>=)
<$> hsubparser (diffCommand <> parseCommand)
<*> ( Right <$> strOption (long "output" <> short 'o' <> help "Output path, defaults to stdout")
@ -69,3 +75,7 @@ arguments = info (version <*> helper <*> argumentsParser) description
| Just lang <- readMaybe b -> Right (a, Just lang)
[path] -> Right (path, languageForFilePath path)
_ -> Left ("cannot parse `" <> arg <> "`\nexpecting LANGUAGE:FILE or just FILE")
optionsReader options = eitherReader $ \ str -> maybe (Left ("expected one of: " <> intercalate ", " (fmap fst options))) (Right . snd) (find ((== str) . fst) options)
options options fields = option (optionsReader options) (fields <> showDefaultWith (findOption options) <> metavar (intercalate "|" (fmap fst options)))
findOption options value = maybe "" fst (find ((== value) . snd) options)
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module SplitDiff where
import Data.Record
import Info
import Prologue
import Syntax
import Term (Term, TermF)
-- | A patch to only one side of a diff.
@ -24,4 +23,3 @@ getRange diff = byteRange $ case runFree diff of
-- | A diff with only one side’s annotations.
type SplitDiff f annotation = Free (TermF f annotation) (SplitPatch (Term f annotation))
type SplitSyntaxDiff fields = SplitDiff Syntax (Record fields)
@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ data Syntax f
| Ty [f]
-- | A send statement has a channel and an expression in Go.
| Send f f
deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, GAlign, Generic, Generic1, Mergeable, Ord, Show, Traversable, ToJSON, NFData)
deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic, Generic1, Mergeable, Ord, Show, Traversable, ToJSON, NFData)
extractLeafValue :: Syntax b -> Maybe Text
extractLeafValue :: Syntax a -> Maybe Text
extractLeafValue syntax = case syntax of
Leaf a -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
@ -182,3 +182,5 @@ instance Listable recur => Listable (Syntax recur) where
instance Eq1 Syntax where
liftEq = genericLiftEq
instance GAlign Syntax
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module TreeSitter
import Prologue hiding (Constructor)
import Category
import Data.Blob
import Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCStringLen)
import Data.Functor.Foldable hiding (Nil)
import Data.Range
@ -19,7 +20,6 @@ import qualified Language.C as C
import qualified Language.Go as Go
import qualified Language.TypeScript as TS
import qualified Language.Ruby as Ruby
import qualified Syntax
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.String (peekCString)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (allocaArray)
@ -27,24 +27,28 @@ import qualified Syntax as S
import Term
import Text.Parser.TreeSitter hiding (Language(..))
import qualified Text.Parser.TreeSitter as TS
import qualified Text.Parser.TreeSitter.C as TS
import qualified Text.Parser.TreeSitter.Go as TS
import qualified Text.Parser.TreeSitter.Ruby as TS
import qualified Text.Parser.TreeSitter.TypeScript as TS
import Info
-- | Returns a TreeSitter parser for the given language and TreeSitter grammar.
treeSitterParser :: Language -> Ptr TS.Language -> Source -> IO (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)
treeSitterParser language grammar source = bracket ts_document_new ts_document_free $ \ document -> do
ts_document_set_language document grammar
unsafeUseAsCStringLen (sourceBytes source) $ \ (sourceBytes, len) -> do
treeSitterParser :: Ptr TS.Language -> Blob -> IO (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)
treeSitterParser language blob = bracket ts_document_new ts_document_free $ \ document -> do
ts_document_set_language document language
unsafeUseAsCStringLen (sourceBytes (blobSource blob)) $ \ (sourceBytes, len) -> do
ts_document_set_input_string_with_length document sourceBytes len
ts_document_parse_halt_on_error document
term <- documentToTerm language document source
term <- documentToTerm language document blob
pure term
-- | Parse 'Source' with the given 'TS.Language' and return its AST.
parseToAST :: (Bounded grammar, Enum grammar) => Ptr TS.Language -> Source -> IO (A.AST grammar)
parseToAST language source = bracket ts_document_new ts_document_free $ \ document -> do
parseToAST :: (Bounded grammar, Enum grammar) => Ptr TS.Language -> Blob -> IO (A.AST grammar)
parseToAST language Blob{..} = bracket ts_document_new ts_document_free $ \ document -> do
ts_document_set_language document language
root <- unsafeUseAsCStringLen (sourceBytes source) $ \ (source, len) -> do
root <- unsafeUseAsCStringLen (sourceBytes blobSource) $ \ (source, len) -> do
ts_document_set_input_string_with_length document source len
ts_document_parse_halt_on_error document
alloca (\ rootPtr -> do
@ -66,27 +70,27 @@ anaM g = a where a = pure . embed <=< traverse a <=< g
-- | Return a parser for a tree sitter language & document.
documentToTerm :: Language -> Ptr Document -> Source -> IO (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)
documentToTerm language document allSource = do
documentToTerm :: Ptr TS.Language -> Ptr Document -> Blob -> IO (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)
documentToTerm language document Blob{..} = do
root <- alloca (\ rootPtr -> do
ts_document_root_node_p document rootPtr
peek rootPtr)
toTerm root (slice (nodeRange root) allSource)
where toTerm :: Node -> Source -> IO (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)
toTerm node source = do
toTerm root
where toTerm :: Node -> IO (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)
toTerm node = do
name <- peekCString (nodeType node)
children <- getChildren (fromIntegral (nodeNamedChildCount node)) copyNamed
let allChildren = getChildren (fromIntegral (nodeChildCount node)) copyAll
let source = slice (nodeRange node) blobSource
assignTerm language source (range :. categoryForLanguageProductionName language (toS name) :. nodeSpan node :. Nil) children allChildren
where getChildren count copy = do
nodes <- allocaArray count $ \ childNodesPtr -> do
_ <- with (nodeTSNode node) (\ nodePtr -> copy nodePtr childNodesPtr (fromIntegral count))
peekArray count childNodesPtr
children <- traverse childNodeToTerm nodes
children <- traverse toTerm nodes
return $! filter isNonEmpty children
childNodeToTerm childNode = toTerm childNode (slice (offsetRange (nodeRange childNode) (negate (start range))) source)
range = nodeRange node
copyNamed = ts_node_copy_named_child_nodes document
copyAll = ts_node_copy_child_nodes document
@ -101,17 +105,17 @@ nodeSpan :: Node -> Span
nodeSpan Node{..} = nodeStartPoint `seq` nodeEndPoint `seq` Span (pointPos nodeStartPoint) (pointPos nodeEndPoint)
where pointPos TSPoint{..} = pointRow `seq` pointColumn `seq` Pos (1 + fromIntegral pointRow) (1 + fromIntegral pointColumn)
assignTerm :: Language -> Source -> Record DefaultFields -> [ SyntaxTerm DefaultFields ] -> IO [ SyntaxTerm DefaultFields ] -> IO (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)
assignTerm :: Ptr TS.Language -> Source -> Record DefaultFields -> [ SyntaxTerm DefaultFields ] -> IO [ SyntaxTerm DefaultFields ] -> IO (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields)
assignTerm language source annotation children allChildren =
cofree . (annotation :<) <$> case assignTermByLanguage language source (category annotation) children of
cofree . (annotation :<) <$> case assignTermByLanguage source (category annotation) children of
Just a -> pure a
_ -> defaultTermAssignment source (category annotation) children allChildren
where assignTermByLanguage :: Language -> Source -> Category -> [ SyntaxTerm DefaultFields ] -> Maybe (S.Syntax (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields))
assignTermByLanguage language = case language of
C -> C.termAssignment
Language.Go -> Go.termAssignment
Ruby -> Ruby.termAssignment
TypeScript -> TS.termAssignment
where assignTermByLanguage :: Source -> Category -> [ SyntaxTerm DefaultFields ] -> Maybe (S.Syntax (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields))
assignTermByLanguage = case languageForTSLanguage language of
Just C -> C.termAssignment
Just Language.Go -> Go.termAssignment
Just Ruby -> Ruby.termAssignment
Just TypeScript -> TS.termAssignment
_ -> \ _ _ _ -> Nothing
defaultTermAssignment :: Source -> Category -> [ SyntaxTerm DefaultFields ] -> IO [ SyntaxTerm DefaultFields ] -> IO (S.Syntax (SyntaxTerm DefaultFields))
@ -154,16 +158,25 @@ defaultTermAssignment source category children allChildren
categoryForLanguageProductionName :: Language -> Text -> Category
categoryForLanguageProductionName :: Ptr TS.Language -> Text -> Category
categoryForLanguageProductionName = withDefaults . byLanguage
withDefaults productionMap name = case name of
"ERROR" -> ParseError
s -> productionMap s
byLanguage language = case language of
C -> C.categoryForCProductionName
Ruby -> Ruby.categoryForRubyName
Language.Go -> Go.categoryForGoName
TypeScript -> TS.categoryForTypeScriptName
byLanguage language = case languageForTSLanguage language of
Just C -> C.categoryForCProductionName
Just Ruby -> Ruby.categoryForRubyName
Just Language.Go -> Go.categoryForGoName
Just TypeScript -> TS.categoryForTypeScriptName
_ -> Other
languageForTSLanguage :: Ptr TS.Language -> Maybe Language
languageForTSLanguage = flip lookup
[ (TS.tree_sitter_c, C)
, (TS.tree_sitter_go, Language.Go)
, (TS.tree_sitter_ruby, Ruby)
, (TS.tree_sitter_typescript, TypeScript)
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ instance Listable BranchElement where
counts :: [Join These (Int, a)] -> Both Int
counts numbered = fromMaybe 0 . getLast . mconcat . fmap Last <$> Join (unalign (runJoin . fmap Prologue.fst <$> numbered))
align :: Both Source.Source -> ConstructibleFree Syntax (Patch (SyntaxTerm '[Range])) (Both (Record '[Range])) -> PrettyDiff (SplitDiff [] (Record '[Range]))
align :: Both Source.Source -> ConstructibleFree Syntax (Patch (Term Syntax (Record '[Range]))) (Both (Record '[Range])) -> PrettyDiff (SplitDiff [] (Record '[Range]))
align sources = PrettyDiff sources . fmap (fmap (getRange &&& identity)) . alignDiff sources . deconstruct
info :: Int -> Int -> Record '[Range]
@ -281,14 +281,14 @@ newtype ConstructibleFree f patch annotation = ConstructibleFree { deconstruct :
class PatchConstructible p where
insert :: SyntaxTerm '[Range] -> p
delete :: SyntaxTerm '[Range] -> p
insert :: Term Syntax (Record '[Range]) -> p
delete :: Term Syntax (Record '[Range]) -> p
instance PatchConstructible (Patch (SyntaxTerm '[Range])) where
instance PatchConstructible (Patch (Term Syntax (Record '[Range]))) where
insert = Insert
delete = Delete
instance PatchConstructible (SplitPatch (SyntaxTerm '[Range])) where
instance PatchConstructible (SplitPatch (Term Syntax (Record '[Range]))) where
insert = SplitInsert
delete = SplitDelete
@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Functor.Listable
import RWS
import Data.Record
import Data.String
import Data.These
import Diff
import Info
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B (words, length)
import Data.Source
import Data.Syntax.Assignment
import Info
import Prologue hiding (Symbol)
import Prologue hiding (State, Symbol)
import Test.Hspec
import Text.Parser.TreeSitter.Language (Symbol(..), SymbolType(..))
@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Applicative" $
it "matches in sequence" $
fst <$> runAssignment "helloworld" headF ((,) <$> red <*> red) (makeState [node Red 0 5 [], node Red 5 10 []])
fst <$> runAssignment headF "helloworld" ((,) <$> red <*> red) (makeState [node Red 0 5 [], node Red 5 10 []])
Right (Out "hello", Out "world")
describe "Alternative" $ do
it "attempts multiple alternatives" $
fst <$> runAssignment "hello" headF (green <|> red) (makeState [node Red 0 5 []])
fst <$> runAssignment headF "hello" (green <|> red) (makeState [node Red 0 5 []])
Right (Out "hello")
@ -27,63 +27,62 @@ spec = do
let s = "colourless green ideas sleep furiously"
w = words s
(_, nodes) = foldl (\ (i, prev) word -> (i + B.length word + 1, prev <> [node Red i (i + B.length word) []])) (0, []) w in
fst <$> runAssignment (fromBytes s) headF (many red) (makeState nodes)
fst <$> runAssignment headF (fromBytes s) (many red) (makeState nodes)
Right (Out <$> w)
it "matches one-or-more repetitions against one or more input nodes" $
fst <$> runAssignment "hello" headF (some red) (makeState [node Red 0 5 []])
fst <$> runAssignment headF "hello" (some red) (makeState [node Red 0 5 []])
Right [Out "hello"]
describe "symbol" $ do
it "matches nodes with the same symbol" $
fst <$> runAssignment "hello" headF red (makeState [node Red 0 5 []]) `shouldBe` Right (Out "hello")
fst <$> runAssignment headF "hello" red (makeState [node Red 0 5 []]) `shouldBe` Right (Out "hello")
it "does not advance past the current node" $
let initialState = makeState [ node Red 0 2 [] ] in
snd <$> runAssignment "hi" headF (symbol Red) initialState `shouldBe` Right initialState
runAssignment headF "hi" (symbol Red) (makeState [ node Red 0 2 [] ]) `shouldBe` Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) [] (Just Red))
describe "without catchError" $ do
it "assignment returns UnexpectedSymbol" $
runAssignment "A" headF
it "assignment returns unexpected symbol error" $
runAssignment headF "A"
(makeState [node Green 0 1 []])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedSymbol [Red] Green))
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) [Red] (Just Green))
it "assignment returns UnexpectedEndOfInput" $
runAssignment "A" headF
it "assignment returns unexpected end of input" $
runAssignment headF "A"
(symbol Green *> children (some red))
(makeState [node Green 0 1 []])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Red]))
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) [Red] Nothing)
describe "catchError" $ do
it "handler that always matches" $
fst <$> runAssignment "A" headF
fst <$> runAssignment headF "A"
(red `catchError` (\ _ -> OutError <$ location <*> source))
(makeState [node Green 0 1 []])
Right (OutError "A")
it "handler that matches" $
fst <$> runAssignment "A" headF
fst <$> runAssignment headF "A"
(red `catchError` const green)
(makeState [node Green 0 1 []])
Right (Out "A")
it "handler that doesn't match produces error" $
runAssignment "A" headF
runAssignment headF "A"
(red `catchError` const blue)
(makeState [node Green 0 1 []])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedSymbol [Blue] Green))
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) [Blue] (Just Green))
describe "in many" $ do
it "handler that always matches" $
fst <$> runAssignment "PG" headF
fst <$> runAssignment headF "PG"
(symbol Palette *> children (
many (red `catchError` (\ _ -> OutError <$ location <*> source))
@ -92,30 +91,30 @@ spec = do
Right [OutError "G"]
it "handler that matches" $
fst <$> runAssignment "PG" headF
fst <$> runAssignment headF "PG"
(symbol Palette *> children ( many (red `catchError` const green) ))
(makeState [node Palette 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Right [Out "G"]
it "handler that doesn't match produces error" $
runAssignment "PG" headF
runAssignment headF "PG"
(symbol Palette *> children ( many (red `catchError` const blue) ))
(makeState [node Palette 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 2) (UnexpectedSymbol [Blue] Green))
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 2) [Blue] (Just Green))
it "handler that always matches with apply consumes and then errors" $
runAssignment "PG" headF
runAssignment headF "PG"
(symbol Palette *> children (
(,) <$> many (red `catchError` (\ _ -> OutError <$ location <*> source)) <*> green
(makeState [node Palette 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 3) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Green]))
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 3) [Green] Nothing)
it "handler that doesn't match with apply" $
fst <$> runAssignment "PG" headF
fst <$> runAssignment headF "PG"
(symbol Palette *> children (
(,) <$> many (red `catchError` const blue) <*> green
@ -125,7 +124,7 @@ spec = do
describe "many" $ do
it "takes ones and only one zero width repetition" $
fst <$> runAssignment "PGG" headF
fst <$> runAssignment headF "PGG"
(symbol Palette *> children ( many (green <|> pure (Out "always")) ))
(makeState [node Palette 0 1 [node Green 1 2 [], node Green 2 3 []]])
@ -133,38 +132,38 @@ spec = do
describe "source" $ do
it "produces the node’s source" $
assignBy headF source "hi" (node Red 0 2 []) `shouldBe` Right "hi"
assignBy headF "hi" source (node Red 0 2 []) `shouldBe` Right "hi"
it "advances past the current node" $
snd <$> runAssignment "hi" headF source (makeState [ node Red 0 2 [] ])
snd <$> runAssignment headF "hi" source (makeState [ node Red 0 2 [] ])
Right (AssignmentState 2 (Info.Pos 1 3) Nothing 1 [])
Right (State 2 (Info.Pos 1 3) Nothing 1 [])
describe "children" $ do
it "advances past the current node" $
snd <$> runAssignment "a" headF (children (pure (Out ""))) (makeState [node Red 0 1 []])
snd <$> runAssignment headF "a" (children (pure (Out ""))) (makeState [node Red 0 1 []])
Right (AssignmentState 1 (Info.Pos 1 2) Nothing 1 [])
Right (State 1 (Info.Pos 1 2) Nothing 1 [])
it "matches if its subrule matches" $
() <$ runAssignment "a" headF (children red) (makeState [node Blue 0 1 [node Red 0 1 []]])
() <$ runAssignment headF "a" (children red) (makeState [node Blue 0 1 [node Red 0 1 []]])
Right ()
it "does not match if its subrule does not match" $
runAssignment "a" headF (children red) (makeState [node Blue 0 1 [node Green 0 1 []]])
runAssignment headF "a" (children red) (makeState [node Blue 0 1 [node Green 0 1 []]])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedSymbol [Red] Green))
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) [Red] (Just Green))
it "matches nested children" $
fst <$> runAssignment "1" headF
fst <$> runAssignment headF "1"
(symbol Red *> children (symbol Green *> children (symbol Blue *> source)))
(makeState [ node Red 0 1 [ node Green 0 1 [ node Blue 0 1 [] ] ] ])
Right "1"
it "continues after children" $
fst <$> runAssignment "BC" headF
fst <$> runAssignment headF "BC"
(many (symbol Red *> children (symbol Green *> source)
<|> symbol Blue *> source))
(makeState [ node Red 0 1 [ node Green 0 1 [] ]
@ -173,7 +172,7 @@ spec = do
Right ["B", "C"]
it "matches multiple nested children" $
fst <$> runAssignment "12" headF
fst <$> runAssignment headF "12"
(symbol Red *> children (many (symbol Green *> children (symbol Blue *> source))))
(makeState [ node Red 0 2 [ node Green 0 1 [ node Blue 0 1 [] ]
, node Green 1 2 [ node Blue 1 2 [] ] ] ])
@ -182,17 +181,17 @@ spec = do
describe "runAssignment" $ do
it "drops anonymous nodes before matching symbols" $
fst <$> runAssignment "magenta red" headF red (makeState [node Magenta 0 7 [], node Red 8 11 []])
fst <$> runAssignment headF "magenta red" red (makeState [node Magenta 0 7 [], node Red 8 11 []])
Right (Out "red")
it "does not drop anonymous nodes after matching" $
stateNodes . snd <$> runAssignment "red magenta" headF red (makeState [node Red 0 3 [], node Magenta 4 11 []])
stateNodes . snd <$> runAssignment headF "red magenta" red (makeState [node Red 0 3 [], node Magenta 4 11 []])
Right [node Magenta 4 11 []]
it "does not drop anonymous nodes when requested" $
fst <$> runAssignment "magenta red" headF ((,) <$> magenta <*> red) (makeState [node Magenta 0 7 [], node Red 8 11 []])
fst <$> runAssignment headF "magenta red" ((,) <$> magenta <*> red) (makeState [node Magenta 0 7 [], node Red 8 11 []])
Right (Out "magenta", Out "red")
@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ import Category
import Data.Functor.Both
import Data.Functor.Listable
import RWS
import Data.String
import Diff
import Info
import Interpreter
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ import Data.Functor.Both
import Data.Functor.Foldable hiding (Nil)
import Data.Functor.Listable
import Data.Record
import Data.String
import Diff
import Interpreter
import Patch
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ spec = parallel $ do
\ diff -> let diff' = (unListableDiff diff :: Diff Syntax ()) in entryPayload <$> tableOfContentsBy (const (Just ())) diff' `shouldBe` replicate (diffSize diff') ()
prop "produces an unchanged entry for identity diffs" $
\ term -> let term' = (unListableF term :: SyntaxTerm '[Category]) in tableOfContentsBy (Just . headF) (diffTerms (pure term')) `shouldBe` [Unchanged (lastValue term')]
\ term -> let term' = (unListableF term :: Term Syntax (Record '[Category])) in tableOfContentsBy (Just . headF) (diffTerms (pure term')) `shouldBe` [Unchanged (lastValue term')]
prop "produces inserted/deleted/replaced entries for relevant nodes within patches" $
\ patch -> let patch' = (unListableF <$> patch :: Patch (Term Syntax Int)) in tableOfContentsBy (Just . headF) (pure patch') `shouldBe` these (pure . Deleted) (pure . Inserted) ((<>) `on` pure . Replaced) (unPatch (lastValue <$> patch'))
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module TermSpec where
import Category
import Data.Functor.Listable
import Data.String (String)
import Prologue
import Term
import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, parallel)
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