mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-29 01:42:43 +03:00

Compute lines within Adjoined.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2016-03-15 10:58:54 -04:00
parent e7702fd11d
commit f3c6f8b3f6
2 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ splitPatchByLines sources patch = wrapTermInPatch <$> splitAndFoldTerm (unPatch
-- | Split a term comprised of an Info & Syntax up into one `outTerm` (abstracted by an alignment function & constructor) per line in `Source`.
splitAbstractedTerm :: (Applicative f, Coalescent (f (Line (Maybe (Identity outTerm), Range))), Coalescent (f (Line (Maybe (T.Text, outTerm), Range))), Foldable f, TotalCrosswalk f) => (Info -> Syntax leaf outTerm -> outTerm) -> f (Source Char) -> f Info -> Syntax leaf (Adjoined (f (Line (outTerm, Range)))) -> Adjoined (f (Line (outTerm, Range)))
splitAbstractedTerm makeTerm sources infos syntax = case syntax of
Leaf a -> tsequenceL (pure mempty) $ fmap <$> ((\ categories -> fmap (\ range -> (makeTerm (Info range categories) (Leaf a), range))) <$> (Diff.categories <$> infos)) <*> (fmap fromList $ linesInRangeOfSource <$> (characterRange <$> infos) <*> sources)
Leaf a -> tsequenceL (pure mempty) $ fmap <$> ((\ categories -> fmap (\ range -> (makeTerm (Info range categories) (Leaf a), range))) <$> (Diff.categories <$> infos)) <*> (linesInRangeOfSource <$> (characterRange <$> infos) <*> sources)
Indexed children -> adjoinChildren sources infos (constructor (Indexed . fmap runIdentity)) (Identity <$> children)
Fixed children -> adjoinChildren sources infos (constructor (Fixed . fmap runIdentity)) (Identity <$> children)
Keyed children -> adjoinChildren sources infos (constructor (Keyed . Map.fromList)) (Map.toList children)
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ adjoinChildren sources infos constructor children = wrap <$> leadingContext <> l
where (lines, next) = foldr (childLines sources) (mempty, end <$> ranges) children
ranges = characterRange <$> infos
categories = Diff.categories <$> infos
leadingContext = tsequenceL (pure mempty) $ fromList . makeContextLines <$> (linesInRangeOfSource <$> (Range <$> (start <$> ranges) <*> next) <*> sources)
leadingContext = tsequenceL (pure mempty) $ makeContextLines <$> (linesInRangeOfSource <$> (Range <$> (start <$> ranges) <*> next) <*> sources)
wrap = (wrapLineContents <$> (makeBranchTerm constructor <$> categories <*> next) <*>)
makeBranchTerm constructor categories next children = let range = unionRangesFrom (rangeAt next) $ Prelude.snd <$> children in
(constructor (Info range categories) . catMaybes . toList $ Prelude.fst <$> children, range)
@ -85,18 +85,18 @@ childLines :: (Copointed c, Functor c, Applicative f, Coalescent (f (Line (Maybe
-- We depend on source ranges increasing monotonically. If a child invalidates that, e.g. if its a move in a Keyed node, we dont output rows for it in this iteration. (It will still show up in the diff as context rows.) This works around https://github.com/github/semantic-diff/issues/488.
childLines sources child (nextLines, next) | or ((>) . end <$> childRanges <*> next) = (nextLines, next)
| otherwise = ((makeChildLines <$> copoint child)
<> tsequenceL (pure mempty) (fromList . makeContextLines <$> trailingContextLines)
<> tsequenceL (pure mempty) (makeContextLines <$> trailingContextLines)
<> nextLines, start <$> childRanges)
where makeChildLines = fmap (fmap (first (Just . (<$ child))))
trailingContextLines = linesInRangeOfSource <$> (Range <$> (end <$> childRanges) <*> next) <*> sources
childRanges = unionRangesFrom <$> (rangeAt <$> next) <*> (concat . fmap (fmap Prelude.snd . unLine) <$> sequenceA (copoint child))
makeContextLines :: [Line Range] -> [Line (Maybe a, Range)]
makeContextLines :: Adjoined (Line Range) -> Adjoined (Line (Maybe a, Range))
makeContextLines = fmap (fmap ((,) Nothing))
-- | Produce open/closed lines for the portion of the source spanned by a range.
linesInRangeOfSource :: Range -> Source Char -> [Line Range]
linesInRangeOfSource range source = pureBy (openRange source) <$> actualLineRanges range source
linesInRangeOfSource :: Range -> Source Char -> Adjoined (Line Range)
linesInRangeOfSource range source = fromList $ pureBy (openRange source) <$> actualLineRanges range source
-- | Does this Range in this Source end with a newline?
openRange :: Source Char -> Range -> Bool

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ spec = parallel $ do
describe "splitAbstractedTerm" $ do
prop "preserves line count" $
\ source -> let range = totalRange source in
splitAbstractedTerm (:<) (Identity source) (Identity (Info range mempty)) (Leaf source) `shouldBe` (fromList (Identity . lineMap (fmap (((:< Leaf source) . (`Info` mempty) &&& id))) <$> linesInRangeOfSource range source))
splitAbstractedTerm (:<) (Identity source) (Identity (Info range mempty)) (Leaf source) `shouldBe` (Identity . lineMap (fmap (((:< Leaf source) . (`Info` mempty) &&& id))) <$> linesInRangeOfSource range source)
let makeTerm = ((Free .) . Annotated) :: Info -> Syntax (Source Char) (SplitDiff (Source Char) Info) -> SplitDiff (Source Char) Info
prop "outputs one row for single-line unchanged leaves" $