mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 14:11:33 +03:00
Parameterize AssignmentState by the term type.
This commit is contained in:
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ assign = assignBy (rhead . headF)
assignBy :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, HasCallStack) => (forall x. CofreeF [] (Record (node ': Location)) x -> Maybe grammar) -> Assignment grammar a -> Source.Source -> Cofree [] (Record '[node, Info.Range, Info.SourceSpan]) -> Result grammar a
assignBy toSymbol assignment source = fmap fst . assignAllFrom toSymbol assignment . makeState source . pure
assignAllFrom :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, HasCallStack) => (forall x. CofreeF [] (Record (node ': Location)) x -> Maybe grammar) -> Assignment grammar a -> AssignmentState node -> Result grammar (a, AssignmentState node)
assignAllFrom :: (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, HasCallStack) => (forall x. CofreeF [] (Record (node ': Location)) x -> Maybe grammar) -> Assignment grammar a -> AssignmentState (Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location))) -> Result grammar (a, AssignmentState (Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location))))
assignAllFrom toSymbol assignment state = case runAssignment toSymbol assignment state of
Result err (Just (a, state)) -> case stateNodes (dropAnonymous toSymbol state) of
[] -> pure (a, state)
@ -204,9 +204,9 @@ assignAllFrom toSymbol assignment state = case runAssignment toSymbol assignment
r -> r
-- | Run an assignment of nodes in a grammar onto terms in a syntax.
runAssignment :: forall grammar node a. (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, HasCallStack) => (forall x. CofreeF [] (Record (node ': Location)) x -> Maybe grammar) -> Assignment grammar a -> AssignmentState node -> Result grammar (a, AssignmentState node)
runAssignment :: forall grammar node a. (Symbol grammar, Enum grammar, Eq grammar, HasCallStack) => (forall x. CofreeF [] (Record (node ': Location)) x -> Maybe grammar) -> Assignment grammar a -> AssignmentState (Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location))) -> Result grammar (a, AssignmentState (Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location))))
runAssignment toSymbol = iterFreer run . fmap ((pure .) . (,))
where run :: AssignmentF grammar x -> (x -> AssignmentState node -> Result grammar (a, AssignmentState node)) -> AssignmentState node -> Result grammar (a, AssignmentState node)
where run :: AssignmentF grammar x -> (x -> AssignmentState (Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location))) -> Result grammar (a, AssignmentState (Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location))))) -> AssignmentState (Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location))) -> Result grammar (a, AssignmentState (Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location))))
run assignment yield initialState = case (assignment, stateNodes) of
(Location, node : _) -> yield (rtail (extract node)) state
(Location, []) -> yield (Info.Range stateOffset stateOffset :. Info.SourceSpan statePos statePos :. Nil) state
@ -231,25 +231,25 @@ runAssignment toSymbol = iterFreer run . fmap ((pure .) . (,))
_ -> []
choiceSymbols choices = (toEnum :: Int -> grammar) <$> IntMap.keys choices
dropAnonymous :: Symbol grammar => (forall x. CofreeF [] (Record (node ': Location)) x -> Maybe grammar) -> AssignmentState node -> AssignmentState node
dropAnonymous :: Symbol grammar => (forall x. CofreeF f a x -> Maybe grammar) -> AssignmentState (Cofree f a) -> AssignmentState (Cofree f a)
dropAnonymous toSymbol state = state { stateNodes = dropWhile ((`notElem` [Just Regular, Nothing]) . fmap symbolType . toSymbol . runCofree) (stateNodes state) }
-- | Advances the state past the current (head) node (if any), dropping it off stateNodes & its corresponding bytes off of stateSource, and updating stateOffset & statePos to its end. Exhausted 'AssignmentState's (those without any remaining nodes) are returned unchanged.
advanceState :: AssignmentState node -> AssignmentState node
advanceState :: AssignmentState (Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location))) -> AssignmentState (Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location)))
advanceState state@AssignmentState{..}
| node : rest <- stateNodes, (_ :. range :. span :. _) :< _ <- runCofree node = AssignmentState (Info.end range) (Info.spanEnd span) (Source.drop (Info.end range - stateOffset) stateSource) rest
| otherwise = state
-- | State kept while running 'Assignment's.
data AssignmentState node = AssignmentState
data AssignmentState term = AssignmentState
{ stateOffset :: Int -- ^ The offset into the Source thus far reached, measured in bytes.
, statePos :: Info.SourcePos -- ^ The (1-indexed) line/column position in the Source thus far reached.
, stateSource :: Source.Source -- ^ The remaining Source. Equal to dropping 'stateOffset' bytes off the original input Source.
, stateNodes :: [Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location))] -- ^ The remaining nodes to assign. Note that 'children' rules recur into subterms, and thus this does not necessarily reflect all of the terms remaining to be assigned in the overall algorithm, only those “in scope.”
, stateNodes :: [term] -- ^ The remaining nodes to assign. Note that 'children' rules recur into subterms, and thus this does not necessarily reflect all of the terms remaining to be assigned in the overall algorithm, only those “in scope.”
deriving (Eq, Show)
makeState :: Source.Source -> [Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location))] -> AssignmentState node
makeState :: Source.Source -> [Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location))] -> AssignmentState (Cofree [] (Record (node ': Location)))
makeState source nodes = AssignmentState 0 (Info.SourcePos 1 1) source nodes
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