mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-01 09:15:01 +03:00

Index the state array by Diagonal.

This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2017-03-23 15:57:13 -04:00
parent 973d873297
commit f8b3d1490b

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@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ runMoveRightFrom (EditGraph as _) (Endpoint x y script) = return (Endpoint (succ
runGetK :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Diagonal -> Myers a b (Endpoint a b)
runGetK graph k = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in do
v <- checkK graph k
let (x, script) = v ! unDiagonal k in return (Endpoint x (x - unDiagonal k) script)
let (x, script) = v ! k in return (Endpoint x (x - unDiagonal k) script)
-- | Update the maximum extent reached and path taken along a given diagonal.
runSetK :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Diagonal -> Endpoint a b -> Myers a b ()
runSetK graph k (Endpoint x _ script) = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in do
v <- checkK graph k
put (MyersState (v Array.// [(unDiagonal k, (x, script))]))
put (MyersState (v Array.// [(k, (x, script))]))
-- | Slide down any diagonal edges from a given vertex.
runSlideFrom :: HasCallStack => (a -> b -> Bool) -> EditGraph a b -> Endpoint a b -> Myers a b (Endpoint a b)
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ slideFrom from = M (SlideFrom from) `Then` return
-- Implementation details
-- | The state stored by Myers algorithm; an array of m + n + 1 values indicating the maximum x-index reached and path taken along each diagonal.
newtype MyersState a b = MyersState { unMyersState :: Array.Array Int (Int, EditScript a b) }
newtype MyersState a b = MyersState { unMyersState :: Array.Array Diagonal (Int, EditScript a b) }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | State effect used in Myers.
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ data State s a where
-- | Compute the empty state of length m + n + 1 for a given edit graph.
emptyStateForGraph :: EditGraph a b -> MyersState a b
emptyStateForGraph (EditGraph as bs) = let (n, m) = (length as, length bs) in
MyersState (Array.listArray (negate m, n) (repeat (0, [])))
MyersState (Array.listArray (Diagonal (negate m), Diagonal n) (repeat (0, [])))
-- | Evaluate some function for each value in a list until one returns a value or the list is exhausted.
for :: [a] -> (a -> Myers c d (Maybe b)) -> Myers c d (Maybe b)
@ -306,21 +306,21 @@ fail s = let ?callStack = fromCallSiteList (filter ((/= "M") . fst) (getCallStac
throw (MyersException s callStack)
-- | Bounds-checked indexing of arrays, preserving the call stack.
(!) :: HasCallStack => Array.Array Int a -> Int -> a
(!) :: (HasCallStack, Ix i, Show i) => Array.Array i a -> i -> a
v ! i | inRange (Array.bounds v) i = v Array.! i
| otherwise = let ?callStack = fromCallSiteList (filter ((/= "M") . fst) (getCallStack callStack)) in
throw (MyersException ("index " <> show i <> " out of bounds") callStack)
-- | Check that a given diagonal is in-bounds for the edit graph, returning the actual index to use and the state array.
checkK :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Diagonal -> Myers a b (Array.Array Int (Int, EditScript a b))
checkK _ (Diagonal k) = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in do
checkK :: HasCallStack => EditGraph a b -> Diagonal -> Myers a b (Array.Array Diagonal (Int, EditScript a b))
checkK _ k = let ?callStack = popCallStack callStack in do
v <- gets unMyersState
unless (inRange (Array.bounds v) k) $ fail ("diagonal " <> show k <> " outside state bounds " <> show (Array.bounds v))
return v
-- | Lifted showing of arrays.
liftShowsVector :: (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Array.Array Int a -> ShowS
liftShowsVector :: Show i => (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Array.Array i a -> ShowS
liftShowsVector sp sl d = liftShowsPrec sp sl d . toList
-- | Lifted showing of operations in Myers algorithm.