mirror of
synced 2024-12-27 00:44:57 +03:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into proto-lens
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,68 +21,6 @@ import Data.Scope (Scope, Incr)
import qualified Data.Scope as Scope
import Data.Name
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Named a) where
toJSON _ = object []
instance ToJSON1 Named where
liftToJSON f _ (Named i a) = object
[ "name" .= i
, "value" .= f a
-- Loses information compared to the toJSON instance
-- due to an infelicity in how Aeson's toJSON1 is implemented.
-- The correct thing to do here is to manually munge the bytestring
-- together as a builder, but we don't even hit this code path,
-- so it will do for now.
liftToEncoding f _ (Named _ a) = f a
instance ToJSON2 Incr where
liftToJSON2 f _ g _ = \case
Scope.Z a -> f a
Scope.S b -> g b
liftToEncoding2 f _ g _ = \case
Scope.Z a -> f a
Scope.S b -> g b
deriving newtype instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Ignored a)
instance (Functor f, ToJSON1 f, ToJSON a) => ToJSON1 (Scope a f) where
liftToJSON f g (Scope.Scope a) = toJSON1 (fmap (toJSON2 . fmap (liftToJSON f g)) a)
liftToEncoding f g (Scope.Scope a) = liftToEncoding inner outer a where
inner = liftToEncoding2 toEncoding toEncodingList hoist loist
outer = liftToEncodingList2 toEncoding toEncodingList hoist loist
hoist = liftToEncoding f g
loist = liftToEncodingList f g
deriving anyclass instance (Functor f, ToJSON1 f) => ToJSON1 (Core f)
instance (ToJSON1 (sig (Term sig))) => ToJSON1 (Term sig) where
liftToJSON f _ (Var a) = f a
liftToJSON f g (Term s) = liftToJSON f g s
liftToEncoding f _ (Var a) = f a
liftToEncoding f g (Term s) = liftToEncoding f g s
instance (ToJSON1 (f k), ToJSON1 (g k)) => ToJSON1 ((:+:) f g k) where
liftToJSON f g (L h) = liftToJSON f g h
liftToJSON f g (R h) = liftToJSON f g h
liftToEncoding f g (L h) = liftToEncoding f g h
liftToEncoding f g (R h) = liftToEncoding f g h
instance (ToJSON1 f) => ToJSON1 (Ann f) where
liftToJSON f g (Ann loc term) =
rest = case liftToJSON f g term of
Object os -> HashMap.toList os
other -> ["value" .= other]
in object (["location" .= loc] <> rest)
-- We default to deriving the default toEncoding definition (that piggybacks
-- off of toJSON) so that we never hit the problematic code paths associated
-- with toEncoding above.
instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (File a) where
toJSON File{fileLoc, fileBody} = object
[ "location" .= fileLoc
@ -56,7 +56,6 @@ assertJQExpressionSucceeds directive tree core = do
(heap, [File _ (Right result)]) -> pure $ Aeson.object
[ "scope" Aeson..= heap
, "heap" Aeson..= result
, "tree" Aeson..= Aeson.toJSON1 core
_other -> HUnit.assertFailure "Couldn't run scope dumping mechanism; this shouldn't happen"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
- Loosens the upper bound on `hashable`.
- Adds support for GHC 8.8.1.
Initial release
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
cabal-version: 2.4
name: semantic-source
synopsis: Types and functionality for working with source code
description: Types and functionality for working with source code (program text).
homepage: https://github.com/github/semantic/tree/master/semantic-source#readme
@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ category: Data
build-type: Simple
stability: alpha
GHC == 8.6.5
GHC == 8.8.1
common common
default-language: Haskell2010
@ -35,6 +36,8 @@ common common
if (impl(ghc >= 8.8))
ghc-options: -Wno-missing-deriving-strategies
import: common
@ -43,15 +46,13 @@ library
-- other-modules:
-- other-extensions:
aeson ^>=
, base >= 4.12 && < 5
, bytestring ^>=
, deepseq ^>=
, generic-monoid ^>=
, hashable ^>=
, hashable >= 1.2.7 && < 1.4
, semilattices ^>=
, text ^>=
hs-source-dirs: src
@ -60,13 +60,13 @@ runParser blob@Blob{..} parser = case parser of
time "parse.tree_sitter_ast_parse" languageTag $ do
config <- asks config
parseToAST (configTreeSitterParseTimeout config) language blob
>>= either (trace >=> const (throwError (SomeException ParserTimedOut))) pure
>>= either (\e -> trace (displayException e) *> throwError (SomeException e)) pure
UnmarshalParser language ->
time "parse.tree_sitter_ast_parse" languageTag $ do
config <- asks config
parseToPreciseAST (configTreeSitterParseTimeout config) language blob
>>= either (trace >=> const (throwError (SomeException ParserTimedOut))) pure
>>= either (\e -> trace (displayException e) *> throwError (SomeException e)) pure
AssignmentParser parser assignment -> runAssignment Assignment.assign parser blob assignment
DeterministicParser parser assignment -> runAssignment Deterministic.assign parser blob assignment
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ runParser
runParser timeout blob@Blob{..} parser = case parser of
ASTParser language ->
parseToAST timeout language blob
>>= either (throwError . SomeException . ParseFailure) pure
>>= either (throwError . SomeException) pure
UnmarshalParser language ->
parseToPreciseAST timeout language blob
>>= either (throwError . SomeException . ParseFailure) pure
>>= either (throwError . SomeException) pure
AssignmentParser parser assignment ->
runParser timeout blob parser >>= either (throwError . toException) pure . Assignment.assign blobSource assignment
@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, ExistentialQuantification, GADTs, RankNTypes #-}
module Control.Effect.Parse
( -- * Parse effect
, parse
, parseWith
, parsePairWith
) where
import Control.Effect.Carrier
import Control.Effect.Error
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Data.Bifunctor.Join
import Data.Blob
import Data.Language
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.These
import Parsing.Parser
data Parse m k
@ -27,3 +35,26 @@ parse :: (Member Parse sig, Carrier sig m)
-> Blob
-> m term
parse parser blob = send (Parse parser blob pure)
-- | Parse a 'Blob' with one of the provided parsers, and run an action on the abstracted term.
:: (Carrier sig m, Member (Error SomeException) sig, Member Parse sig)
=> Map.Map Language (SomeParser c ann) -- ^ The set of parsers to select from.
-> (forall term . c term => term ann -> m a) -- ^ A function to run on the parsed term. Note that the term is abstract, but constrained by @c@, allowing you to do anything @c@ allows, and requiring that all the input parsers produce terms supporting @c@.
-> Blob -- ^ The blob to parse.
-> m a
parseWith parsers with blob = case Map.lookup (blobLanguage blob) parsers of
Just (SomeParser parser) -> parse parser blob >>= with
_ -> noLanguageForBlob (blobPath blob)
-- | Parse a 'BlobPair' with one of the provided parsers, and run an action on the abstracted term pair.
:: (Carrier sig m, Member (Error SomeException) sig, Member Parse sig)
=> Map.Map Language (SomeParser c ann) -- ^ The set of parsers to select from.
-> (forall term . c term => These (term ann) (term ann) -> m a) -- ^ A function to run on the parsed terms. Note that the terms are abstract, but constrained by @c@, allowing you to do anything @c@ allows, and requiring that all the input parsers produce terms supporting @c@.
-> BlobPair -- ^ The blob pair to parse.
-> m a
parsePairWith parsers with blobPair = case Map.lookup (languageForBlobPair blobPair) parsers of
Just (SomeParser parser) -> traverse (parse parser) blobPair >>= with . runJoin
_ -> noLanguageForBlob (pathForBlobPair blobPair)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeFamilyDependencies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Diffing.Interpreter
( diffTerms
, DiffTerms(..)
@ -29,11 +29,18 @@ stripDiff :: Functor syntax
-> Diff.Diff syntax ann1 ann2
stripDiff = bimap snd snd
class DiffTerms term diff | diff -> term, term -> diff where
-- | Diff a 'These' of terms.
diffTermPair :: These (term ann1) (term ann2) -> diff ann1 ann2
-- | The class of term types for which we can compute a diff.
class (Bifoldable (DiffFor term)) => DiffTerms term where
-- | The type of diffs for the given term type.
-- Note that the dependency means that the diff type is in 1:1 correspondence with the term type. This allows subclasses of 'DiffTerms' to receive e.g. @'DiffFor' term a b@ without incurring ambiguity, since every diff type is unique to its term type.
type DiffFor term = (diff :: * -> * -> *) | diff -> term
instance (Diffable syntax, Eq1 syntax, Hashable1 syntax, Traversable syntax) => DiffTerms (Term syntax) (Diff.Diff syntax) where
-- | Diff a 'These' of terms.
diffTermPair :: These (term ann1) (term ann2) -> DiffFor term ann1 ann2
instance (Diffable syntax, Eq1 syntax, Hashable1 syntax, Traversable syntax) => DiffTerms (Term syntax) where
type DiffFor (Term syntax) = Diff.Diff syntax
diffTermPair = these Diff.deleting Diff.inserting diffTerms
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, ConstraintKinds, GADTs, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, ConstraintKinds, KindSignatures, GADTs, RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}
module Parsing.Parser
( Parser(..)
, SomeAnalysisParser(..)
, SomeASTParser(..)
, someASTParser
, someAnalysisParser
, ApplyAll
-- À la carte parsers
-- * À la carte parsers
, goParser
, goASTParser
, jsonParser
@ -21,8 +20,27 @@ module Parsing.Parser
, phpParser
, phpASTParser
, haskellParser
-- Precise parsers
, precisePythonParser
-- * Abstract parsers
-- $abstract
, SomeParser(..)
, goParser'
, haskellParser'
, javascriptParser'
, jsonParser'
, jsxParser'
, markdownParser'
, phpParser'
, pythonParserALaCarte'
, pythonParserPrecise'
, pythonParser'
, rubyParser'
, tsxParser'
, typescriptParser'
-- * Canonical sets of parsers
, aLaCarteParsers
, preciseParsers
, allParsers
) where
import Assigning.Assignment
@ -31,8 +49,9 @@ import qualified CMarkGFM
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable (HasPrelude)
import Data.AST
import Data.Graph.ControlFlowVertex (VertexDeclaration')
import Data.Kind
import Data.Language
import Data.Kind (Constraint)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Sum
import qualified Data.Syntax as Syntax
import Data.Term
@ -62,26 +81,26 @@ import TreeSitter.Unmarshal
-- | A parser, suitable for program analysis, for some specific language, producing 'Term's whose syntax satisfies a list of typeclass constraints.
data SomeAnalysisParser typeclasses ann where
SomeAnalysisParser :: ( ApplyAll typeclasses (Sum fs)
data SomeAnalysisParser (constraint :: (* -> *) -> Constraint) ann where
SomeAnalysisParser :: ( constraint (Sum fs)
, Apply (VertexDeclaration' (Sum fs)) fs
, HasPrelude lang
=> Parser (Term (Sum fs) ann)
-> Proxy lang
-> SomeAnalysisParser typeclasses ann
-> SomeAnalysisParser constraint ann
-- | A parser for some specific language, producing 'Term's whose syntax satisfies a list of typeclass constraints.
someAnalysisParser :: ( ApplyAll typeclasses (Sum Go.Syntax)
, ApplyAll typeclasses (Sum PHP.Syntax)
, ApplyAll typeclasses (Sum Python.Syntax)
, ApplyAll typeclasses (Sum Ruby.Syntax)
, ApplyAll typeclasses (Sum TypeScript.Syntax)
, ApplyAll typeclasses (Sum Haskell.Syntax)
someAnalysisParser :: ( constraint (Sum Go.Syntax)
, constraint (Sum PHP.Syntax)
, constraint (Sum Python.Syntax)
, constraint (Sum Ruby.Syntax)
, constraint (Sum TypeScript.Syntax)
, constraint (Sum Haskell.Syntax)
=> proxy typeclasses -- ^ A proxy for the list of typeclasses required, e.g. @(Proxy :: Proxy '[Show1])@.
-> Language -- ^ The 'Language' to select.
-> SomeAnalysisParser typeclasses Loc -- ^ A 'SomeAnalysisParser' abstracting the syntax type to be produced.
=> proxy constraint -- ^ A proxy for the constraint required, e.g. @(Proxy \@Show1)@.
-> Language -- ^ The 'Language' to select.
-> SomeAnalysisParser constraint Loc -- ^ A 'SomeAnalysisParser' abstracting the syntax type to be produced.
someAnalysisParser _ Go = SomeAnalysisParser goParser (Proxy @'Go)
someAnalysisParser _ Haskell = SomeAnalysisParser haskellParser (Proxy @'Haskell)
someAnalysisParser _ JavaScript = SomeAnalysisParser typescriptParser (Proxy @'JavaScript)
@ -112,12 +131,6 @@ data Parser term where
MarkdownParser :: Parser (Term (TermF [] CMarkGFM.NodeType) (Node Markdown.Grammar))
-- | Apply all of a list of typeclasses to all of a list of functors using 'Apply'. Used by 'someParser' to constrain all of the language-specific syntax types to the typeclasses in question.
type family ApplyAll (typeclasses :: [(* -> *) -> Constraint]) (syntax :: * -> *) :: Constraint where
ApplyAll (typeclass ': typeclasses) syntax = (typeclass syntax, ApplyAll typeclasses syntax)
ApplyAll '[] syntax = ()
goParser :: Parser Go.Term
goParser = AssignmentParser (ASTParser tree_sitter_go) Go.assignment
@ -161,8 +174,8 @@ markdownParser :: Parser Markdown.Term
markdownParser = AssignmentParser MarkdownParser Markdown.assignment
precisePythonParser :: Parser (Py.Term Loc)
precisePythonParser = UnmarshalParser tree_sitter_python
pythonParserPrecise :: Parser (Py.Term Loc)
pythonParserPrecise = UnmarshalParser tree_sitter_python
-- | A parser for producing specialized (tree-sitter) ASTs.
@ -189,3 +202,139 @@ someASTParser PHP = Just (SomeASTParser (ASTParser tree_sitter_php :: Par
someASTParser Java = Nothing
someASTParser Markdown = Nothing
someASTParser Unknown = Nothing
-- $abstract
-- Most of our features are intended to operate over multiple languages, each represented by disjoint term types. Thus, we typically implement them using typeclasses, allowing us to share a single interface to invoke the feature, while specializing the implementation(s) as appropriate for each distinct term type.
-- In order to accomplish this, we employ 'SomeParser', which abstracts over parsers of various term types, while ensuring that some desired constraint holds. Constructing a @'SomeParser' c@ requires satisfiyng the constraint @c@ against the underlying 'Parser'’s term type, and so it can be used to parse with any of a map of parsers whose terms support @c@.
-- In practice, this means using 'Control.Effect.Parse.parseWith', and passing in a map of parsers to select from for your feature. It is recommended to define the map as a concrete top-level binding using the abstract parsers or ideally the canonical maps of parsers, below; using the abstracted parsers or canonical maps directly with 'Control.Effect.Parse.parseWith' will lead to significantly slower compiles.
-- Bad:
-- @
-- isFancy :: (Carrier sig m, Member Parse sig) => Blob -> m Bool
-- isFancy = parseWith (preciseParsers @Fancy) (pure . isTermFancy) -- slow compiles!
-- @
-- Good:
-- @
-- fancyParsers :: 'Map' 'Language' ('SomeParser' Fancy 'Loc')
-- fancyParsers = preciseParsers
-- isFancy :: (Carrier sig m, Member Parse sig) => Blob -> m Bool
-- isFancy = parseWith fancyParsers (pure . isTermFancy) -- much faster compiles
-- @
-- | A parser producing terms of existentially-quantified type under some constraint @c@.
-- This can be used to perform actions on terms supporting some feature abstracted using a typeclass, without knowing (or caring) what the specific term types are.
data SomeParser c a where
SomeParser :: c t => Parser (t a) -> SomeParser c a
goParser' :: c (Term (Sum Go.Syntax)) => (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
goParser' = (Go, SomeParser goParser)
haskellParser' :: c (Term (Sum Haskell.Syntax)) => (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
haskellParser' = (Haskell, SomeParser haskellParser)
javascriptParser' :: c (Term (Sum TSX.Syntax)) => (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
javascriptParser' = (JavaScript, SomeParser tsxParser)
jsonParser' :: c (Term (Sum JSON.Syntax)) => (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
jsonParser' = (JSON, SomeParser jsonParser)
jsxParser' :: c (Term (Sum TSX.Syntax)) => (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
jsxParser' = (JSX, SomeParser tsxParser)
markdownParser' :: c (Term (Sum Markdown.Syntax)) => (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
markdownParser' = (Markdown, SomeParser markdownParser)
phpParser' :: c (Term (Sum PHP.Syntax)) => (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
phpParser' = (PHP, SomeParser phpParser)
pythonParserALaCarte' :: c (Term (Sum Python.Syntax)) => (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
pythonParserALaCarte' = (Python, SomeParser pythonParser)
pythonParserPrecise' :: c Py.Term => (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
pythonParserPrecise' = (Python, SomeParser pythonParserPrecise)
pythonParser' :: (c (Term (Sum Python.Syntax)), c Py.Term) => PerLanguageModes -> (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
pythonParser' modes = case pythonMode modes of
ALaCarte -> (Python, SomeParser pythonParser)
Precise -> (Python, SomeParser pythonParserPrecise)
rubyParser' :: c (Term (Sum Ruby.Syntax)) => (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
rubyParser' = (Ruby, SomeParser rubyParser)
tsxParser' :: c (Term (Sum TSX.Syntax)) => (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
tsxParser' = (TSX, SomeParser tsxParser)
typescriptParser' :: c (Term (Sum TypeScript.Syntax)) => (Language, SomeParser c Loc)
typescriptParser' = (TypeScript, SomeParser typescriptParser)
-- | The canonical set of parsers producing à la carte terms.
:: ( c (Term (Sum Go.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum Haskell.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum JSON.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum Markdown.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum PHP.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum Python.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum Ruby.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum TSX.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum TypeScript.Syntax))
=> Map Language (SomeParser c Loc)
aLaCarteParsers = Map.fromList
[ goParser'
, haskellParser'
, javascriptParser'
, jsonParser'
, jsxParser'
, markdownParser'
, phpParser'
, pythonParserALaCarte'
, rubyParser'
, typescriptParser'
, tsxParser'
-- | The canonical set of parsers producing precise terms.
preciseParsers :: c Py.Term => Map Language (SomeParser c Loc)
preciseParsers = Map.fromList
[ pythonParserPrecise'
-- | The canonical set of all parsers for the passed per-language modes.
:: ( c (Term (Sum Go.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum Haskell.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum JSON.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum Markdown.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum PHP.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum Python.Syntax))
, c Py.Term
, c (Term (Sum Ruby.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum TSX.Syntax))
, c (Term (Sum TypeScript.Syntax))
=> PerLanguageModes
-> Map Language (SomeParser c Loc)
allParsers modes = Map.fromList
[ goParser'
, haskellParser'
, javascriptParser'
, jsonParser'
, jsxParser'
, markdownParser'
, phpParser'
, pythonParser' modes
, rubyParser'
, typescriptParser'
, tsxParser'
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, GADTs, LambdaCase, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}
module Parsing.TreeSitter
( Duration(..)
( TSParseException (..)
, Duration(..)
, parseToAST
, parseToPreciseAST
) where
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ import Prologue
import Control.Effect.Fail
import Control.Effect.Lift
import Control.Effect.Reader
import qualified Control.Exception as Exc
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types (CBool (..))
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (allocaArray)
@ -29,6 +31,12 @@ import qualified TreeSitter.Parser as TS
import qualified TreeSitter.Tree as TS
import qualified TreeSitter.Unmarshal as TS
data TSParseException
= ParserTimedOut
| IncompatibleVersions
| UnmarshalFailure String
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
-- | Parse a 'Blob' with the given 'TS.Language' and return its AST.
-- Returns 'Nothing' if the operation timed out.
parseToAST :: ( Bounded grammar
@ -38,8 +46,8 @@ parseToAST :: ( Bounded grammar
=> Duration
-> Ptr TS.Language
-> Blob
-> m (Either String (AST [] grammar))
parseToAST parseTimeout language blob = runParse parseTimeout language blob (fmap Right . anaM toAST <=< peek)
-> m (Either TSParseException (AST [] grammar))
parseToAST parseTimeout language blob = runParse parseTimeout language blob (anaM toAST <=< peek)
:: ( MonadIO m
@ -48,20 +56,27 @@ parseToPreciseAST
=> Duration
-> Ptr TS.Language
-> Blob
-> m (Either String (t Loc))
-> m (Either TSParseException (t Loc))
parseToPreciseAST parseTimeout language blob = runParse parseTimeout language blob $ \ rootPtr ->
TS.withCursor (castPtr rootPtr) $ \ cursor ->
runM (runFail (runReader cursor (runReader (Source.bytes (blobSource blob)) (TS.peekNode >>= TS.unmarshalNode))))
>>= either (Exc.throw . UnmarshalFailure) pure
instance Exception TSParseException where
displayException = \case
ParserTimedOut -> "tree-sitter: parser timed out"
IncompatibleVersions -> "tree-sitter: incompatible versions"
UnmarshalFailure s -> "tree-sitter: unmarshal failure - " <> show s
:: MonadIO m
=> Duration
-> Ptr TS.Language
-> Blob
-> (Ptr TS.Node -> IO (Either String a))
-> m (Either String a)
-> (Ptr TS.Node -> IO a)
-> m (Either TSParseException a)
runParse parseTimeout language Blob{..} action =
liftIO . TS.withParser language $ \ parser -> do
liftIO . Exc.tryJust fromException . TS.withParser language $ \ parser -> do
let timeoutMicros = fromIntegral $ toMicroseconds parseTimeout
TS.ts_parser_set_timeout_micros parser timeoutMicros
TS.ts_parser_halt_on_error parser (CBool 1)
@ -69,11 +84,11 @@ runParse parseTimeout language Blob{..} action =
if compatible then
TS.withParseTree parser (Source.bytes blobSource) $ \ treePtr -> do
if treePtr == nullPtr then
pure (Left "tree-sitter: null root node")
Exc.throw ParserTimedOut
TS.withRootNode treePtr action
pure (Left "tree-sitter: incompatible versions")
Exc.throw IncompatibleVersions
toAST :: forall grammar . (Bounded grammar, Enum grammar) => TS.Node -> IO (Base (AST [] grammar) TS.Node)
toAST node@TS.Node{..} = do
@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ConstraintKinds, FunctionalDependencies, LambdaCase, RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, ConstraintKinds, LambdaCase, MonoLocalBinds, QuantifiedConstraints, RankNTypes #-}
module Semantic.Api.Diffs
( parseDiffBuilder
, DiffOutputFormat(..)
, diffGraph
, doDiff
, decoratingDiffWith
, DiffEffects
, SomeTermPair(..)
, legacySummarizeDiffParsers
, LegacySummarizeDiff(..)
, summarizeDiffParsers
, SummarizeDiff(..)
) where
@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Blob
import Data.ByteString.Builder
import Data.Diff
import Data.Graph
import Data.JSON.Fields
import Data.Language
import Data.ProtoLens (defMessage)
import Data.Term
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Diffing.Algorithm (Diffable)
import Diffing.Interpreter (DiffTerms(..))
import Parsing.Parser
import Prologue
@ -60,12 +60,12 @@ data DiffOutputFormat
parseDiffBuilder :: (Traversable t, DiffEffects sig m) => DiffOutputFormat -> t BlobPair -> m Builder
parseDiffBuilder DiffJSONTree = distributeFoldMap jsonDiff >=> serialize Format.JSON -- NB: Serialize happens at the top level for these two JSON formats to collect results of multiple blob pairs.
parseDiffBuilder DiffJSONGraph = diffGraph >=> serialize Format.JSON
parseDiffBuilder DiffSExpression = distributeFoldMap (doDiff (const id) sexprDiff)
parseDiffBuilder DiffShow = distributeFoldMap (doDiff (const id) showDiff)
parseDiffBuilder DiffDotGraph = distributeFoldMap (doDiff (const id) dotGraphDiff)
parseDiffBuilder DiffSExpression = distributeFoldMap (diffWith sexprDiffParsers sexprDiff)
parseDiffBuilder DiffShow = distributeFoldMap (diffWith showDiffParsers showDiff)
parseDiffBuilder DiffDotGraph = distributeFoldMap (diffWith dotGraphDiffParsers dotGraphDiff)
jsonDiff :: DiffEffects sig m => BlobPair -> m (Rendering.JSON.JSON "diffs" SomeJSON)
jsonDiff blobPair = doDiff (const id) (pure . jsonTreeDiff blobPair) blobPair `catchError` jsonError blobPair
jsonDiff blobPair = diffWith jsonTreeDiffParsers (pure . jsonTreeDiff blobPair) blobPair `catchError` jsonError blobPair
jsonError :: Applicative m => BlobPair -> SomeException -> m (Rendering.JSON.JSON "diffs" SomeJSON)
jsonError blobPair (SomeException e) = pure $ renderJSONDiffError blobPair (show e)
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ diffGraph blobs = do
pure $ defMessage & P.files .~ toList graph
go :: DiffEffects sig m => BlobPair -> m DiffTreeFileGraph
go blobPair = doDiff (const id) (pure . jsonGraphDiff blobPair) blobPair
go blobPair = diffWith jsonGraphDiffParsers (pure . jsonGraphDiff blobPair) blobPair
`catchError` \(SomeException e) ->
pure $ defMessage
& P.path .~ path
@ -90,20 +90,24 @@ diffGraph blobs = do
type DiffEffects sig m = (Member (Error SomeException) sig, Member (Reader Config) sig, Member Telemetry sig, Member Distribute sig, Member Parse sig, Carrier sig m, MonadIO m)
type Decorate a b = forall term diff . DiffActions term diff => Blob -> term a -> term b
dotGraphDiffParsers :: Map Language (SomeParser DOTGraphDiff Loc)
dotGraphDiffParsers = aLaCarteParsers
class DOTGraphDiff diff where
dotGraphDiff :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader Config) sig) => diff Loc Loc -> m Builder
class DiffTerms term => DOTGraphDiff term where
dotGraphDiff :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader Config) sig) => DiffFor term Loc Loc -> m Builder
instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax, Functor syntax) => DOTGraphDiff (Diff syntax) where
instance (ConstructorName syntax, Diffable syntax, Eq1 syntax, Hashable1 syntax, Traversable syntax) => DOTGraphDiff (Term syntax) where
dotGraphDiff = serialize (DOT (diffStyle "diffs")) . renderTreeGraph
class JSONGraphDiff diff where
jsonGraphDiff :: BlobPair -> diff Loc Loc -> DiffTreeFileGraph
jsonGraphDiffParsers :: Map Language (SomeParser JSONGraphDiff Loc)
jsonGraphDiffParsers = aLaCarteParsers
instance (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax, ConstructorName syntax) => JSONGraphDiff (Diff syntax) where
class DiffTerms term => JSONGraphDiff term where
jsonGraphDiff :: BlobPair -> DiffFor term Loc Loc -> DiffTreeFileGraph
instance (ConstructorName syntax, Diffable syntax, Eq1 syntax, Hashable1 syntax, Traversable syntax) => JSONGraphDiff (Term syntax) where
jsonGraphDiff blobPair diff
= let graph = renderTreeGraph diff
toEdge (Edge (a, b)) = defMessage & P.source .~ a^.diffVertexId & P.target .~ b^.diffVertexId
@ -117,41 +121,56 @@ instance (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax, ConstructorName syntax) => JSONGraphD
& P.errors .~ mempty
class JSONTreeDiff diff where
jsonTreeDiff :: BlobPair -> diff Loc Loc -> Rendering.JSON.JSON "diffs" SomeJSON
jsonTreeDiffParsers :: Map Language (SomeParser JSONTreeDiff Loc)
jsonTreeDiffParsers = aLaCarteParsers
instance ToJSONFields1 syntax => JSONTreeDiff (Diff syntax) where
class DiffTerms term => JSONTreeDiff term where
jsonTreeDiff :: BlobPair -> DiffFor term Loc Loc -> Rendering.JSON.JSON "diffs" SomeJSON
instance (Diffable syntax, Eq1 syntax, Hashable1 syntax, ToJSONFields1 syntax, Traversable syntax) => JSONTreeDiff (Term syntax) where
jsonTreeDiff = renderJSONDiff
class SExprDiff diff where
sexprDiff :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader Config) sig) => diff Loc Loc -> m Builder
sexprDiffParsers :: Map Language (SomeParser SExprDiff Loc)
sexprDiffParsers = aLaCarteParsers
instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax, Functor syntax) => SExprDiff (Diff syntax) where
class DiffTerms term => SExprDiff term where
sexprDiff :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader Config) sig) => DiffFor term Loc Loc -> m Builder
instance (ConstructorName syntax, Diffable syntax, Eq1 syntax, Hashable1 syntax, Traversable syntax) => SExprDiff (Term syntax) where
sexprDiff = serialize (SExpression ByConstructorName)
class ShowDiff diff where
showDiff :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader Config) sig) => diff Loc Loc -> m Builder
showDiffParsers :: Map Language (SomeParser ShowDiff Loc)
showDiffParsers = aLaCarteParsers
instance Show1 syntax => ShowDiff (Diff syntax) where
class DiffTerms term => ShowDiff term where
showDiff :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader Config) sig) => DiffFor term Loc Loc -> m Builder
instance (Diffable syntax, Eq1 syntax, Hashable1 syntax, Show1 syntax, Traversable syntax) => ShowDiff (Term syntax) where
showDiff = serialize Show
class LegacySummarizeDiff term diff | diff -> term, term -> diff where
legacyDecorateTerm :: Blob -> term Loc -> term (Maybe Declaration)
legacySummarizeDiff :: BlobPair -> diff (Maybe Declaration) (Maybe Declaration) -> Summaries
legacySummarizeDiffParsers :: Map Language (SomeParser LegacySummarizeDiff Loc)
legacySummarizeDiffParsers = aLaCarteParsers
instance (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax, HasDeclaration syntax) => LegacySummarizeDiff (Term syntax) (Diff syntax) where
class DiffTerms term => LegacySummarizeDiff term where
legacyDecorateTerm :: Blob -> term Loc -> term (Maybe Declaration)
legacySummarizeDiff :: BlobPair -> DiffFor term (Maybe Declaration) (Maybe Declaration) -> Summaries
instance (Diffable syntax, Eq1 syntax, HasDeclaration syntax, Hashable1 syntax, Traversable syntax) => LegacySummarizeDiff (Term syntax) where
legacyDecorateTerm = decoratorWithAlgebra . declarationAlgebra
legacySummarizeDiff = renderToCDiff
class SummarizeDiff term diff | diff -> term, term -> diff where
decorateTerm :: Blob -> term Loc -> term (Maybe Declaration)
summarizeDiff :: BlobPair -> diff (Maybe Declaration) (Maybe Declaration) -> TOCSummaryFile
summarizeDiffParsers :: Map Language (SomeParser SummarizeDiff Loc)
summarizeDiffParsers = aLaCarteParsers
instance (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax, HasDeclaration syntax) => SummarizeDiff (Term syntax) (Diff syntax) where
class DiffTerms term => SummarizeDiff term where
decorateTerm :: Blob -> term Loc -> term (Maybe Declaration)
summarizeDiff :: BlobPair -> DiffFor term (Maybe Declaration) (Maybe Declaration) -> TOCSummaryFile
instance (Diffable syntax, Eq1 syntax, HasDeclaration syntax, Hashable1 syntax, Traversable syntax) => SummarizeDiff (Term syntax) where
decorateTerm = decoratorWithAlgebra . declarationAlgebra
summarizeDiff blobPair diff = foldr go (defMessage & P.path .~ path & P.language .~ lang) (diffTOC diff)
@ -178,51 +197,35 @@ instance (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax, HasDeclaration syntax) => SummarizeDi
& P.errors .~ (defMessage & P.error .~ errorText & P.maybe'span .~ converting #? errorSpan) : file^.P.errors
type DiffActions term diff =
( Bifoldable diff
, DiffTerms term diff
, DOTGraphDiff diff
, JSONGraphDiff diff
, JSONTreeDiff diff
, SExprDiff diff
, ShowDiff diff
, LegacySummarizeDiff term diff
, SummarizeDiff term diff
:: DiffEffects sig m
=> Decorate Loc ann
-> (forall term diff . DiffActions term diff => diff ann ann -> m output)
-> BlobPair
-- | Parse a 'BlobPair' using one of the provided parsers, diff the resulting terms, and run an action on the abstracted diff.
-- This allows us to define features using an abstract interface, and use them with diffs for any parser whose terms support that interface.
:: (forall term . c term => DiffTerms term, DiffEffects sig m)
=> Map Language (SomeParser c Loc) -- ^ The set of parsers to select from.
-> (forall term . c term => DiffFor term Loc Loc -> m output) -- ^ A function to run on the computed diff. Note that the diff is abstract (it’s the diff type corresponding to an abstract term type), but the term type is constrained by @c@, allowing you to do anything @c@ allows, and requiring that all the input parsers produce terms supporting @c@.
-> BlobPair -- ^ The blob pair to parse.
-> m output
doDiff decorate render blobPair = do
SomeTermPair terms <- doParse blobPair decorate
diff <- diffTerms blobPair terms
render diff
diffWith parsers render blobPair = parsePairWith parsers (render <=< diffTerms blobPair) blobPair
diffTerms :: (DiffActions term diff, Member Telemetry sig, Carrier sig m, MonadIO m)
=> BlobPair -> Join These (term ann) -> m (diff ann ann)
-- | Parse a 'BlobPair' using one of the provided parsers, decorate the resulting terms, diff them, and run an action on the abstracted diff.
-- This allows us to define features using an abstract interface, and use them with diffs for any parser whose terms support that interface.
:: forall ann c output m sig
. (forall term . c term => DiffTerms term, DiffEffects sig m)
=> Map Language (SomeParser c Loc) -- ^ The set of parsers to select from.
-> (forall term . c term => Blob -> term Loc -> term ann) -- ^ A function to decorate the terms, replacing their annotations and thus the annotations in the resulting diff.
-> (forall term . c term => DiffFor term ann ann -> m output) -- ^ A function to run on the computed diff. Note that the diff is abstract (it’s the diff type corresponding to an abstract term type), but the term type is constrained by @c@, allowing you to do anything @c@ allows, and requiring that all the input parsers produce terms supporting @c@.
-> BlobPair -- ^ The blob pair to parse.
-> m output
decoratingDiffWith parsers decorate render blobPair = parsePairWith parsers (render <=< diffTerms blobPair . bimap (decorate blobL) (decorate blobR)) blobPair where
(blobL, blobR) = fromThese errorBlob errorBlob (runJoin blobPair)
errorBlob = Prelude.error "evaluating blob on absent side"
diffTerms :: (DiffTerms term, Member Telemetry sig, Carrier sig m, MonadIO m)
=> BlobPair -> These (term ann) (term ann) -> m (DiffFor term ann ann)
diffTerms blobs terms = time "diff" languageTag $ do
let diff = diffTermPair (runJoin terms)
let diff = diffTermPair terms
diff <$ writeStat (Stat.count "diff.nodes" (bilength diff) languageTag)
where languageTag = languageTagForBlobPair blobs
doParse :: (Member (Error SomeException) sig, Member Distribute sig, Member Parse sig, Carrier sig m)
=> BlobPair -> Decorate Loc ann -> m (SomeTermPair ann)
doParse blobPair decorate = case languageForBlobPair blobPair of
Go -> SomeTermPair <$> distributeFor blobPair (\ blob -> decorate blob <$> parse goParser blob)
Haskell -> SomeTermPair <$> distributeFor blobPair (\ blob -> decorate blob <$> parse haskellParser blob)
JavaScript -> SomeTermPair <$> distributeFor blobPair (\ blob -> decorate blob <$> parse tsxParser blob)
JSON -> SomeTermPair <$> distributeFor blobPair (\ blob -> decorate blob <$> parse jsonParser blob)
JSX -> SomeTermPair <$> distributeFor blobPair (\ blob -> decorate blob <$> parse tsxParser blob)
Markdown -> SomeTermPair <$> distributeFor blobPair (\ blob -> decorate blob <$> parse markdownParser blob)
Python -> SomeTermPair <$> distributeFor blobPair (\ blob -> decorate blob <$> parse pythonParser blob)
Ruby -> SomeTermPair <$> distributeFor blobPair (\ blob -> decorate blob <$> parse rubyParser blob)
TypeScript -> SomeTermPair <$> distributeFor blobPair (\ blob -> decorate blob <$> parse typescriptParser blob)
TSX -> SomeTermPair <$> distributeFor blobPair (\ blob -> decorate blob <$> parse tsxParser blob)
PHP -> SomeTermPair <$> distributeFor blobPair (\ blob -> decorate blob <$> parse phpParser blob)
_ -> noLanguageForBlob (pathForBlobPair blobPair)
data SomeTermPair ann where
SomeTermPair :: DiffActions term diff => Join These (term ann) -> SomeTermPair ann
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import Data.ProtoLens (defMessage)
import Data.Term
import Data.Text (pack)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Language.Python as Python
import qualified Parsing.Parser as Parser
import Prologue
import Proto.Semantic as P hiding (Blob, BlobPair)
@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ import Semantic.Config
import Semantic.Task
import Serializing.Format (Format)
import Source.Loc
import Source.Source
import Tags.Taggable
import Tags.Tagging
import qualified Tags.Tagging.Precise as Precise
@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ legacyParseSymbols :: (Member Distribute sig, Member (Error SomeException) sig,
legacyParseSymbols blobs = Legacy.ParseTreeSymbolResponse <$> distributeFoldMap go blobs
go :: (Member (Error SomeException) sig, Member (Reader PerLanguageModes) sig, Member Parse sig, Carrier sig m) => Blob -> m [Legacy.File]
go blob@Blob{..} = doParse (pure . renderToSymbols) symbolsToSummarize blob `catchError` (\(SomeException _) -> pure (pure emptyFile))
go blob@Blob{..} = asks toTagsParsers >>= \ p -> parseWith p (pure . renderToSymbols) blob `catchError` (\(SomeException _) -> pure (pure emptyFile))
emptyFile = tagsToFile []
@ -44,8 +46,8 @@ legacyParseSymbols blobs = Legacy.ParseTreeSymbolResponse <$> distributeFoldMap
symbolsToSummarize :: [Text]
symbolsToSummarize = ["Function", "Method", "Class", "Module"]
renderToSymbols :: Precise.ToTags t => t Loc -> [Legacy.File]
renderToSymbols = pure . tagsToFile . Precise.tags blobSource
renderToSymbols :: ToTags t => t Loc -> [Legacy.File]
renderToSymbols = pure . tagsToFile . tags (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize blobSource
tagsToFile :: [Tag] -> Legacy.File
tagsToFile tags = Legacy.File (pack (blobPath blob)) (pack (show (blobLanguage blob))) (fmap tagToSymbol tags)
@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ parseSymbols blobs = do
pure $ defMessage & P.files .~ toList terms
go :: (Member (Error SomeException) sig, Member (Reader PerLanguageModes) sig, Member Parse sig, Carrier sig m) => Blob -> m File
go blob@Blob{..} = catching $ doParse (pure . renderToSymbols) symbolsToSummarize blob
go blob@Blob{..} = catching $ asks toTagsParsers >>= \ p -> parseWith p (pure . renderToSymbols) blob
catching m = m `catchError` (\(SomeException e) -> pure $ errorFile (show e))
blobLanguage' = blobLanguage blob
@ -80,8 +82,8 @@ parseSymbols blobs = do
& P.errors .~ [defMessage & P.error .~ T.pack e]
& P.blobOid .~ blobOid
renderToSymbols :: Precise.ToTags t => t Loc -> File
renderToSymbols term = tagsToFile (Precise.tags blobSource term)
renderToSymbols :: ToTags t => t Loc -> File
renderToSymbols term = tagsToFile (tags (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize blobSource term)
tagsToFile :: [Tag] -> File
tagsToFile tags = defMessage
@ -102,38 +104,15 @@ parseSymbols blobs = do
symbolsToSummarize :: [Text]
symbolsToSummarize = ["Function", "Method", "Class", "Module", "Call", "Send"]
data ALaCarteTerm syntax ann = ALaCarteTerm Language [Text] (Term syntax ann)
class ToTags t where
tags :: Language -> [Text] -> Source -> t Loc -> [Tag]
instance IsTaggable syntax => Precise.ToTags (ALaCarteTerm syntax) where
tags source (ALaCarteTerm lang symbolsToSummarize term) = runTagging lang source symbolsToSummarize term
instance IsTaggable syntax => ToTags (Term syntax) where
tags = runTagging
instance ToTags Python.Term where
tags _ _ = Precise.tags
:: ( Carrier sig m
, Member (Error SomeException) sig
, Member Parse sig
, Member (Reader PerLanguageModes) sig
=> (forall t . Precise.ToTags t => t Loc -> m a)
-> [Text]
-> Blob
-> m a
doParse with symbolsToSummarize blob = do
modes <- ask @PerLanguageModes
case blobLanguage blob of
Go -> parse Parser.goParser blob >>= with . mkTerm
Haskell -> parse Parser.haskellParser blob >>= with . mkTerm
JavaScript -> parse Parser.tsxParser blob >>= with . mkTerm
JSON -> parse Parser.jsonParser blob >>= with . mkTerm
JSX -> parse Parser.tsxParser blob >>= with . mkTerm
Markdown -> parse Parser.markdownParser blob >>= with . mkTerm
| Precise <- pythonMode modes -> parse Parser.precisePythonParser blob >>= with
| otherwise -> parse Parser.pythonParser blob >>= with . mkTerm
Ruby -> parse Parser.rubyParser blob >>= with . mkTerm
TypeScript -> parse Parser.typescriptParser blob >>= with . mkTerm
TSX -> parse Parser.tsxParser blob >>= with . mkTerm
PHP -> parse Parser.phpParser blob >>= with . mkTerm
_ -> noLanguageForBlob (blobPath blob)
where mkTerm :: Term syntax Loc -> ALaCarteTerm syntax Loc
mkTerm = ALaCarteTerm (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize
toTagsParsers :: PerLanguageModes -> Map Language (Parser.SomeParser ToTags Loc)
toTagsParsers = Parser.allParsers
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ legacyDiffSummary :: DiffEffects sig m => [BlobPair] -> m Summaries
legacyDiffSummary = distributeFoldMap go
go :: DiffEffects sig m => BlobPair -> m Summaries
go blobPair = doDiff legacyDecorateTerm (pure . legacySummarizeDiff blobPair) blobPair
go blobPair = decoratingDiffWith legacySummarizeDiffParsers legacyDecorateTerm (pure . legacySummarizeDiff blobPair) blobPair
`catchError` \(SomeException e) ->
pure $ Summaries mempty (Map.singleton path [toJSON (ErrorSummary (T.pack (show e)) lowerBound lang)])
where path = T.pack $ pathKeyForBlobPair blobPair
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ diffSummary blobs = do
pure $ defMessage & P.files .~ diff
go :: DiffEffects sig m => BlobPair -> m TOCSummaryFile
go blobPair = doDiff decorateTerm (pure . summarizeDiff blobPair) blobPair
go blobPair = decoratingDiffWith summarizeDiffParsers decorateTerm (pure . summarizeDiff blobPair) blobPair
`catchError` \(SomeException e) ->
pure $ defMessage
& P.path .~ path
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ termGraph blobs = do
& P.files .~ toList terms
go :: ParseEffects sig m => Blob -> m ParseTreeFileGraph
go blob = doParse (pure . jsonGraphTerm blob) blob
go blob = parseWith jsonGraphTermParsers (pure . jsonGraphTerm blob) blob
`catchError` \(SomeException e) ->
pure $ defMessage
& P.path .~ path
@ -72,19 +72,19 @@ parseTermBuilder :: (Traversable t, Member Distribute sig, ParseEffects sig m, M
=> TermOutputFormat -> t Blob -> m Builder
parseTermBuilder TermJSONTree = distributeFoldMap jsonTerm >=> serialize Format.JSON -- NB: Serialize happens at the top level for these two JSON formats to collect results of multiple blobs.
parseTermBuilder TermJSONGraph = termGraph >=> serialize Format.JSON
parseTermBuilder TermSExpression = distributeFoldMap (doParse sexprTerm)
parseTermBuilder TermDotGraph = distributeFoldMap (doParse dotGraphTerm)
parseTermBuilder TermShow = distributeFoldMap (doParse showTerm)
parseTermBuilder TermSExpression = distributeFoldMap (parseWith sexprTermParsers sexprTerm)
parseTermBuilder TermDotGraph = distributeFoldMap (parseWith dotGraphTermParsers dotGraphTerm)
parseTermBuilder TermShow = distributeFoldMap (\ blob -> asks showTermParsers >>= \ parsers -> parseWith parsers showTerm blob)
parseTermBuilder TermQuiet = distributeFoldMap quietTerm
jsonTerm :: ParseEffects sig m => Blob -> m (Rendering.JSON.JSON "trees" SomeJSON)
jsonTerm blob = doParse (pure . jsonTreeTerm blob) blob `catchError` jsonError blob
jsonTerm blob = parseWith jsonTreeTermParsers (pure . jsonTreeTerm blob) blob `catchError` jsonError blob
jsonError :: Applicative m => Blob -> SomeException -> m (Rendering.JSON.JSON "trees" SomeJSON)
jsonError blob (SomeException e) = pure $ renderJSONError blob (show e)
quietTerm :: (ParseEffects sig m, MonadIO m) => Blob -> m Builder
quietTerm blob = showTiming blob <$> time' ( doParse (fmap (const (Right ())) . showTerm) blob `catchError` timingError )
quietTerm blob = showTiming blob <$> time' ( asks showTermParsers >>= \ parsers -> parseWith parsers (fmap (const (Right ())) . showTerm) blob `catchError` timingError )
timingError (SomeException e) = pure (Left (show e))
showTiming Blob{..} (res, duration) =
@ -95,6 +95,9 @@ quietTerm blob = showTiming blob <$> time' ( doParse (fmap (const (Right ())) .
type ParseEffects sig m = (Member (Error SomeException) sig, Member (Reader PerLanguageModes) sig, Member Parse sig, Member (Reader Config) sig, Carrier sig m)
showTermParsers :: PerLanguageModes -> Map Language (SomeParser ShowTerm Loc)
showTermParsers = allParsers
class ShowTerm term where
showTerm :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader Config) sig) => term Loc -> m Builder
@ -102,9 +105,12 @@ instance (Functor syntax, Show1 syntax) => ShowTerm (Term syntax) where
showTerm = serialize Show . quieterm
instance ShowTerm Py.Term where
showTerm = serialize Show . Py.getTerm
showTerm = serialize Show . void . Py.getTerm
sexprTermParsers :: Map Language (SomeParser SExprTerm Loc)
sexprTermParsers = aLaCarteParsers
class SExprTerm term where
sexprTerm :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader Config) sig) => term Loc -> m Builder
@ -112,6 +118,9 @@ instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax, Functor syntax) => SExprTerm
sexprTerm = serialize (SExpression ByConstructorName)
dotGraphTermParsers :: Map Language (SomeParser DOTGraphTerm Loc)
dotGraphTermParsers = aLaCarteParsers
class DOTGraphTerm term where
dotGraphTerm :: (Carrier sig m, Member (Reader Config) sig) => term Loc -> m Builder
@ -119,6 +128,9 @@ instance (ConstructorName syntax, Foldable syntax, Functor syntax) => DOTGraphTe
dotGraphTerm = serialize (DOT (termStyle "terms")) . renderTreeGraph
jsonTreeTermParsers :: Map Language (SomeParser JSONTreeTerm Loc)
jsonTreeTermParsers = aLaCarteParsers
class JSONTreeTerm term where
jsonTreeTerm :: Blob -> term Loc -> Rendering.JSON.JSON "trees" SomeJSON
@ -126,6 +138,9 @@ instance ToJSONFields1 syntax => JSONTreeTerm (Term syntax) where
jsonTreeTerm = renderJSONTerm
jsonGraphTermParsers :: Map Language (SomeParser JSONGraphTerm Loc)
jsonGraphTermParsers = aLaCarteParsers
class JSONGraphTerm term where
jsonGraphTerm :: Blob -> term Loc -> ParseTreeFileGraph
@ -141,27 +156,3 @@ instance (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax, ConstructorName syntax) => JSONGraphT
& P.vertices .~ vertexList graph
& P.edges .~ fmap toEdge (edgeList graph)
& P.errors .~ mempty
type TermActions t = (DOTGraphTerm t, JSONGraphTerm t, JSONTreeTerm t, SExprTerm t, ShowTerm t)
:: ( Carrier sig m
, Member (Error SomeException) sig
, Member Parse sig
=> (forall term . TermActions term => term Loc -> m a)
-> Blob
-> m a
doParse with blob = case blobLanguage blob of
Go -> parse goParser blob >>= with
Haskell -> parse haskellParser blob >>= with
JavaScript -> parse tsxParser blob >>= with
JSON -> parse jsonParser blob >>= with
JSX -> parse tsxParser blob >>= with
Markdown -> parse markdownParser blob >>= with
Python -> parse pythonParser blob >>= with
Ruby -> parse rubyParser blob >>= with
TypeScript -> parse typescriptParser blob >>= with
TSX -> parse tsxParser blob >>= with
PHP -> parse phpParser blob >>= with
_ -> noLanguageForBlob (blobPath blob)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Semantic.Graph
( runGraph
, runCallGraph
@ -71,7 +71,29 @@ import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)
data GraphType = ImportGraph | CallGraph
type AnalysisClasses = '[ Declarations1, Eq1, Evaluatable, FreeVariables1, AccessControls1, Foldable, Functor, Ord1, Show1 ]
-- | Constraints we require for a term’s syntax in order to analyze it.
( Declarations1 syntax
, Eq1 syntax
, Evaluatable syntax
, FreeVariables1 syntax
, AccessControls1 syntax
, Foldable syntax
, Functor syntax
, Ord1 syntax
, Show1 syntax
) => AnalysisClasses syntax
( Declarations1 syntax
, Eq1 syntax
, Evaluatable syntax
, FreeVariables1 syntax
, AccessControls1 syntax
, Foldable syntax
, Functor syntax
, Ord1 syntax
, Show1 syntax
) => AnalysisClasses syntax
runGraph :: ( Member Distribute sig
, Member Parse sig
@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ import Tags.Taggable
runTagging :: (IsTaggable syntax)
=> Language
-> Source.Source
-> [Text]
-> Source.Source
-> Term syntax Loc
-> [Tag]
runTagging lang source symbolsToSummarize
runTagging lang symbolsToSummarize source
= Eff.run
. evalState @[ContextToken] []
. Streaming.toList_
@ -10,40 +10,40 @@ spec = do
describe "go" $ do
it "produces tags for functions with docs" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile goParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/go/tags/simple_functions.go")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "TestFromBits" Function (Span (Pos 6 1) (Pos 8 2)) "func TestFromBits(t *testing.T) {" (Just "// TestFromBits ...")
, Tag "Hi" Function (Span (Pos 10 1) (Pos 11 2)) "func Hi()" Nothing ]
it "produces tags for methods" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile goParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/go/tags/method.go")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "CheckAuth" Method (Span (Pos 3 1) (Pos 3 100)) "func (c *apiClient) CheckAuth(req *http.Request, user, repo string) (*authenticatedActor, error)" Nothing]
it "produces tags for calls" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile goParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/go/tags/simple_functions.go")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) ["Call"] tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) ["Call"] (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "Hi" Call (Span (Pos 7 2) (Pos 7 6)) "Hi()" Nothing]
describe "javascript and typescript" $ do
it "produces tags for functions with docs" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile typescriptParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/javascript/tags/simple_function_with_docs.js")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "myFunction" Function (Span (Pos 2 1) (Pos 4 2)) "function myFunction()" (Just "// This is myFunction") ]
it "produces tags for classes" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile typescriptParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/typescript/tags/class.ts")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "FooBar" Class (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 16)) "class FooBar" Nothing ]
it "produces tags for modules" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile typescriptParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/typescript/tags/module.ts")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "APromise" Tags.Module (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 20)) "module APromise { }" Nothing ]
describe "python" $ do
it "produces tags for functions" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile pythonParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/python/tags/simple_functions.py")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "Foo" Function (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 5 17)) "def Foo(x):" Nothing
, Tag "Bar" Function (Span (Pos 7 1) (Pos 11 13)) "def Bar():" Nothing
, Tag "local" Function (Span (Pos 8 5) (Pos 9 17)) "def local():" Nothing
@ -51,30 +51,30 @@ spec = do
it "produces tags for functions with docs" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile pythonParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/python/tags/simple_function_with_docs.py")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "Foo" Function (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 3 13)) "def Foo(x):" (Just "\"\"\"This is the foo function\"\"\"") ]
it "produces tags for classes" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile pythonParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/python/tags/class.py")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "Foo" Class (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 5 17)) "class Foo:" (Just "\"\"\"The Foo class\"\"\"")
, Tag "f" Function (Span (Pos 3 5) (Pos 5 17)) "def f(self):" (Just "\"\"\"The f method\"\"\"")
it "produces tags for multi-line functions" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile pythonParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/python/tags/multiline.py")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "Foo" Function (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 3 13)) "def Foo(x," Nothing ]
describe "ruby" $ do
it "produces tags for methods" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile rubyParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/ruby/tags/simple_method.rb")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "foo" Method (Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 4 4)) "def foo" Nothing ]
it "produces tags for sends" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile rubyParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/ruby/tags/simple_method.rb")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) ["Send"] tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) ["Send"] (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "puts" Call (Span (Pos 2 3) (Pos 2 12)) "puts \"hi\"" Nothing
, Tag "bar" Call (Span (Pos 3 3) (Pos 3 8)) "a.bar" Nothing
, Tag "a" Call (Span (Pos 3 3) (Pos 3 4)) "a" Nothing
@ -82,17 +82,17 @@ spec = do
it "produces tags for methods with docs" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile rubyParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/ruby/tags/simple_method_with_docs.rb")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "foo" Method (Span (Pos 2 1) (Pos 3 4)) "def foo" (Just "# Public: foo") ]
it "correctly tags files containing multibyte UTF-8 characters" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile rubyParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/ruby/tags/unicode_identifiers.rb")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "日本語" Method (Span (Pos 2 1) (Pos 4 4)) "def 日本語" (Just "# coding: utf-8")]
it "produces tags for methods and classes with docs" $ do
(blob, tree) <- parseTestFile rubyParser (Path.relFile "test/fixtures/ruby/tags/class_module.rb")
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) (blobSource blob) symbolsToSummarize tree `shouldBe`
runTagging (blobLanguage blob) symbolsToSummarize (blobSource blob) tree `shouldBe`
[ Tag "Foo" Tags.Module (Span (Pos 2 1 ) (Pos 12 4)) "module Foo" (Just "# Public: Foo")
, Tag "Bar" Class (Span (Pos 5 3 ) (Pos 11 6)) "class Bar" (Just "# Public: Bar")
, Tag "baz" Method (Span (Pos 8 5 ) (Pos 10 8)) "def baz(a)" (Just "# Public: baz")
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