mirror of
synced 2024-12-29 01:42:43 +03:00
Rename Content to Source.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module Data.Syntax.Assignment
( Assignment
, symbol
, content
, source
, children
, Rose(..)
, RoseF(..)
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ type Assignment symbol = Freer (AssignmentF symbol)
data AssignmentF symbol a where
Symbol :: symbol -> AssignmentF symbol ()
Content :: AssignmentF symbol ByteString
Source :: AssignmentF symbol ByteString
Children :: Assignment symbol a -> AssignmentF symbol a
Alt :: a -> a -> AssignmentF symbol a
Empty :: AssignmentF symbol a
@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ data AssignmentF symbol a where
symbol :: symbol -> Assignment symbol ()
symbol s = Symbol s `Then` return
-- | A rule to produce a node’s content as a ByteString.
content :: Assignment symbol ByteString
content = Content `Then` return
-- | A rule to produce a node’s source as a ByteString.
source :: Assignment symbol ByteString
source = Source `Then` return
-- | Match a node by applying an assignment to its children.
children :: Assignment symbol a -> Assignment symbol a
@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ children forEach = Children forEach `Then` return
data Rose a = Rose { roseValue :: !a, roseChildren :: ![Rose a] }
deriving (Eq, Functor, Show)
-- | A node in the input AST. We only concern ourselves with its symbol (considered as an element of 'grammar') and content.
data Node grammar = Node { nodeSymbol :: grammar, nodeContent :: ByteString }
-- | A node in the input AST. We only concern ourselves with its symbol (considered as an element of 'grammar') and source.
data Node grammar = Node { nodeSymbol :: grammar, nodeSource :: ByteString }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | An abstract syntax tree.
@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ runAssignment = iterFreer (\ assignment yield nodes -> case (assignment, dropAno
(Alt a b, nodes) -> yield a nodes <|> yield b nodes -- FIXME: Symbol `Alt` Symbol `Alt` Symbol is inefficient, should build and match against an IntMap instead.
(assignment, node@(Rose Node{..} children) : rest) -> case assignment of
Symbol symbol -> guard (symbol == nodeSymbol) >> yield () nodes
Content -> yield nodeContent rest
Source -> yield nodeSource rest
Children childAssignment -> assignAll childAssignment children >>= flip yield rest
_ -> Error ["No rule to match " <> show node]
(Symbol symbol, []) -> Error [ "Expected " <> show symbol <> " but got end of input." ]
(Content, []) -> Error [ "Expected leaf node but got end of input." ]
(Source, []) -> Error [ "Expected leaf node but got end of input." ]
(Children _, []) -> Error [ "Expected branch node but got end of input." ]
_ -> Error ["No rule to match at end of input."])
. fmap ((Result .) . flip (,))
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ instance Alternative (Assignment symbol) where
instance Show symbol => Show1 (AssignmentF symbol) where
liftShowsPrec sp sl d a = case a of
Symbol s -> showsUnaryWith showsPrec "Symbol" d s . showChar ' ' . sp d ()
Content -> showString "Content" . showChar ' ' . sp d ""
Source -> showString "Source" . showChar ' ' . sp d ""
Children a -> showsUnaryWith (liftShowsPrec sp sl) "Children" d a
Alt a b -> showsBinaryWith sp sp "Alt" d a b
Empty -> showString "Empty"
@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ class' = term <$ symbol Class
<*> children (Declaration.Class <$> constant <*> pure [] <*> many declaration)
constant :: Assignment Grammar (Term Syntax ())
constant = term . Syntax.Identifier <$ symbol Constant <*> content
constant = term . Syntax.Identifier <$ symbol Constant <*> source
identifier :: Assignment Grammar (Term Syntax ())
identifier = term . Syntax.Identifier <$ symbol Identifier <*> content
identifier = term . Syntax.Identifier <$ symbol Identifier <*> source
method :: Assignment Grammar (Term Syntax ())
method = term <$ symbol Method
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ statement = exit Statement.Return Return
where exit construct sym = term . construct <$ symbol sym <*> children (optional (symbol ArgumentList *> children expr))
comment :: Assignment Grammar (Term Syntax ())
comment = term . Comment.Comment <$ symbol Comment <*> content
comment = term . Comment.Comment <$ symbol Comment <*> source
if' :: Assignment Grammar (Term Syntax ())
if' = go If
@ -85,9 +85,9 @@ expr :: Assignment Grammar (Term Syntax ())
expr = if' <|> literal
literal :: Assignment Grammar (Term Syntax ())
literal = term Literal.true <$ symbol Language.Ruby.Syntax.True <* content
<|> term Literal.false <$ symbol Language.Ruby.Syntax.False <* content
<|> term . Literal.Integer <$ symbol Language.Ruby.Syntax.Integer <*> content
literal = term Literal.true <$ symbol Language.Ruby.Syntax.True <* source
<|> term Literal.false <$ symbol Language.Ruby.Syntax.False <* source
<|> term . Literal.Integer <$ symbol Language.Ruby.Syntax.Integer <*> source
optional :: Assignment Grammar (Term Syntax ()) -> Assignment Grammar (Term Syntax ())
optional a = a <|> pure (term Syntax.Empty)
@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ spec = do
it "does not advance past the current node" $
fst <$> runAssignment (symbol Red) [ Rose (Node Red "hi") [] ] `shouldBe` Result [ Rose (Node Red "hi") [] ]
describe "content" $ do
it "produces the node’s content" $
snd <$> runAssignment content [ Rose (Node Red "hi") [] ] `shouldBe` Result "hi"
describe "source" $ do
it "produces the node’s source" $
snd <$> runAssignment source [ Rose (Node Red "hi") [] ] `shouldBe` Result "hi"
it "advances past the current node" $
fst <$> runAssignment content [ Rose (Node Red "hi") [] ] `shouldBe` Result []
fst <$> runAssignment source [ Rose (Node Red "hi") [] ] `shouldBe` Result []
describe "children" $ do
it "advances past the current node" $
@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ spec = do
it "matches nested children" $ do
(symbol Red *> children (symbol Green *> children (symbol Blue *> content)))
(symbol Red *> children (symbol Green *> children (symbol Blue *> source)))
[ ast Red "" [ ast Green "" [ ast Blue "1" [] ] ] ]
Result ([], "1")
it "continues after children" $ do
(many (symbol Red *> children (symbol Green *> content)
<|> symbol Blue *> content))
(many (symbol Red *> children (symbol Green *> source)
<|> symbol Blue *> source))
[ ast Red "" [ ast Green "B" [] ]
, ast Blue "C" [] ]
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ spec = do
it "matches multiple nested children" $ do
(symbol Red *> children (many (symbol Green *> children (symbol Blue *> content))))
(symbol Red *> children (many (symbol Green *> children (symbol Blue *> source))))
[ ast Red "" [ ast Green "" [ ast Blue "1" [] ]
, ast Green "" [ ast Blue "2" [] ] ] ]
@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ data Out = Out ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)
red :: Assignment Grammar Out
red = Out <$ symbol Red <*> content
red = Out <$ symbol Red <*> source
green :: Assignment Grammar Out
green = Out <$ symbol Green <*> content
green = Out <$ symbol Green <*> source
blue :: Assignment Grammar Out
blue = Out <$ symbol Blue <*> content
blue = Out <$ symbol Blue <*> source
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