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synced 2024-11-28 01:47:01 +03:00
Bring back re-write experiments in Util
This commit is contained in:
@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ import Analysis.Abstract.Caching
import Analysis.Abstract.Collecting
import Control.Abstract
import Control.Abstract.Matching
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Control.Exception (displayException)
import Control.Monad.Effect.Trace (runPrintingTrace)
import Control.Rule
import Control.Rule.Engine.Builtin
import Data.Abstract.Address.Monovariant as Monovariant
import Data.Abstract.Address.Precise as Precise
import Data.Abstract.BaseError (BaseError (..))
@ -24,10 +22,9 @@ import qualified Data.Abstract.ModuleTable as ModuleTable
import Data.Abstract.Package
import Data.Abstract.Value.Concrete as Concrete
import Data.Abstract.Value.Type as Type
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.Blob
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC
import Data.Coerce
import qualified Data.Source as Source
import Data.Graph (topologicalSort)
import Data.History
import qualified Data.Language as Language
@ -36,19 +33,18 @@ import Data.Machine
import Data.Project hiding (readFile)
import Data.Quieterm (quieterm)
import Data.Record
import qualified Data.Source as Source
import Data.Sum (weaken)
import qualified Data.Sum as Sum
import qualified Data.Syntax.Literal as Literal
import Data.Term
import Language.Haskell.HsColour
import Language.Haskell.HsColour.Colourise
import Language.JSON.Translate
import Matching.Core
import Parsing.Parser
import Prologue hiding (weaken)
import Refactoring.Core
import Reprinting.Tokenize
import Reprinting.Translate
import Reprinting.Typeset
import Reprinting.Pipeline
import Semantic.Config
import Semantic.Graph
import Semantic.IO as IO
@ -57,8 +53,6 @@ import Semantic.Telemetry (LogQueue, StatQueue)
import System.Exit (die)
import System.FilePath.Posix (takeDirectory)
import Text.Show.Pretty (ppShow)
import Language.JSON.Translate
import Reprinting.Pipeline
= runM
@ -195,157 +189,120 @@ testJSONFile = do
tree <- parseFile jsonParser path
pure (src, tree)
-- renameKey :: (Literal.TextElement :< fs, Literal.KeyValue :< fs, Apply Functor fs) => Term (Sum fs) (Record (History ': fields)) -> Term (Sum fs) (Record (History ': fields))
-- renameKey p = case projectTerm p of
-- Just (Literal.KeyValue k v)
-- | Just (Literal.TextElement x) <- Sum.project (termOut k)
-- , x == "\"foo\""
-- -> let newKey = termIn (termAnnotation k) (inject (Literal.TextElement "\"fooA\""))
-- in remark Refactored (termIn (termAnnotation p) (inject (Literal.KeyValue newKey v)))
-- _ -> Term (fmap renameKey (unTerm p))
-- testRenameKey = do
-- (src, tree) <- testJSONFile
-- let tagged = renameKey (mark Unmodified tree)
-- let toks = tokenizing src tagged
-- pure (toks, tagged)
-- testRenameKey' = do
-- res <- translating @'Language.JSON prettyJSON . fst <$> testRenameKey
-- putStrLn (either show (show . typeset) res)
-- increaseNumbers :: (Literal.Float :< fs, Apply Functor fs) => Term (Sum fs) (Record (History ': fields)) -> Term (Sum fs) (Record (History ': fields))
-- increaseNumbers p = case Sum.project (termOut p) of
-- Just (Literal.Float t) -> remark Refactored (termIn (termAnnotation p) (inject (Literal.Float (t <> "0"))))
-- Nothing -> Term (fmap increaseNumbers (unTerm p))
-- findHashes :: ( Apply Functor syntax
-- , Apply Foldable syntax
-- , Literal.Hash :< syntax
-- , term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann
-- )
-- => Rule eff term (Either term (term, Literal.Hash term))
-- findHashes = fromMatcher "findHashes" matchHash
-- addKVPair :: forall effs syntax ann fields term
-- . ( Apply Functor syntax
-- , Apply Foldable syntax
-- , Literal.Float :< syntax
-- , Literal.Hash :< syntax
-- , Literal.Array :< syntax
-- , Literal.TextElement :< syntax
-- , Literal.KeyValue :< syntax
-- , ann ~ Record (History ': fields)
-- , term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann
-- )
-- => Rule effs (Either term (term, Literal.Hash term)) term
-- addKVPair = fromPlan "addKVPair" $ do
-- t <- await
-- Data.Machine.yield (either id injKVPair t)
-- where
-- injKVPair :: (term, Literal.Hash term) -> term
-- injKVPair (origTerm, Literal.Hash xs) =
-- remark Refactored (injectTerm ann (Literal.Hash (xs <> [newItem])))
-- where
-- newItem = termIn ann (inject (Literal.KeyValue k v))
-- k = termIn ann (inject (Literal.TextElement "\"added\""))
-- v = termIn ann (inject (Literal.Array []))
-- ann = termAnnotation origTerm
-- testAddKVPair = do
-- (src, tree) <- testJSONFile
-- tagged <- runM $ cata (toAlgebra (addKVPair . findHashes)) (mark Unmodified tree)
-- let toks = tokenizing src tagged
-- pure (toks, tagged)
-- testAddKVPair' = do
-- res <- translating @'Language.JSON prettyJSON . fst <$> testAddKVPair
-- putStrLn (either show (show . typeset) res)
-- testFloatMatcher = do
-- (src, tree) <- testJSONFile
-- runMatcher matchFloat tree
-- findFloats :: ( Apply Functor syntax
-- , Apply Foldable syntax
-- , Literal.Float :< syntax
-- , term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann
-- )
-- => Rule effs term (Either term (term, Literal.Float term))
-- findFloats = fromMatcher "test" matchFloat
-- overwriteFloats :: forall effs syntax ann fields term . ( Apply Functor syntax
-- , Apply Foldable syntax
-- , Literal.Float :< syntax
-- , ann ~ Record (History ': fields)
-- , term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann
-- )
-- => Rule effs (Either term (term, Literal.Float term)) term
-- overwriteFloats = fromPlan "overwritingFloats" $ do
-- t <- await
-- Data.Machine.yield (either id injFloat t)
-- where injFloat :: (term, Literal.Float term) -> term
-- injFloat (term, _) = remark Refactored (termIn (termAnnotation term) (inject (Literal.Float "0")))
-- testOverwriteFloats = do
-- (src, tree) <- testJSONFile
-- tagged <- runM $ cata (toAlgebra (overwriteFloats . findFloats)) (mark Unmodified tree)
-- let toks = tokenizing src tagged
-- pure (toks, tagged)
-- testOverwriteFloats' = do
-- res <- translating @'Language.JSON prettyJSON . fst <$> testOverwriteFloats
-- putStrLn (either show (show . typeset) res)
renameKey :: (Literal.TextElement :< fs, Literal.KeyValue :< fs, Apply Functor fs) => Term (Sum fs) (Record (History ': fields)) -> Term (Sum fs) (Record (History ': fields))
renameKey p = case projectTerm p of
Just (Literal.KeyValue k v)
| Just (Literal.TextElement x) <- Sum.project (termOut k)
, x == "\"foo\""
-> let newKey = termIn (termAnnotation k) (inject (Literal.TextElement "\"fooA\""))
in remark Refactored (termIn (termAnnotation p) (inject (Literal.KeyValue newKey v)))
_ -> Term (fmap renameKey (unTerm p))
testRenameKey = do
(src, tree) <- testJSONFile
let tagged = renameKey (mark Unmodified tree)
printToTerm $ runReprinter src defaultJSONPipeline tagged
-- kvMatcher :: forall fs ann term
-- . ( Literal.KeyValue :< fs
-- , Literal.Array :< fs
-- , Literal.TextElement :< fs
-- , term ~ Term (Sum fs) ann)
-- => Text -> Matcher term (Literal.KeyValue term)
-- kvMatcher name = matchM kv target <* matchKey where
-- matchKey
-- = match Literal.key $
-- match Literal.textElementContent $
-- ensure (== name)
-- kv :: term -> Maybe (Literal.KeyValue term)
-- kv = projectTerm
-- findKV :: ( Apply Functor syntax
-- , Apply Foldable syntax
-- , Literal.KeyValue :< syntax
-- , Literal.Array :< syntax
-- , Literal.TextElement :< syntax
-- , term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann
-- )
-- => Text -> Rule effs term (Either term (term, Literal.KeyValue term))
-- findKV name = fromMatcher "findKV" (kvMatcher name)
-- changeKV :: forall effs syntax ann fields term
-- . ( Apply Functor syntax
-- , Apply Foldable syntax
-- , Literal.KeyValue :< syntax
-- , Literal.Array :< syntax
-- , Literal.Float :< syntax
-- , Literal.TextElement :< syntax
-- , ann ~ Record (History ': fields)
-- , term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann
-- )
-- => Rule effs (Either term (term, Literal.KeyValue term)) term
-- changeKV = fromFunction "changeKV" $ either id injKV
-- where injKV :: (term, Literal.KeyValue term) -> term
-- injKV (term, Literal.KeyValue k v) = case projectTerm v of
-- Just (Literal.Array elems) -> remark Refactored (termIn ann (inject (Literal.KeyValue k (newArray elems))))
-- _ -> term
-- where newArray xs = termIn ann (inject (Literal.Array (xs <> [float])))
-- float = termIn ann (inject (Literal.Float "4"))
-- ann = termAnnotation term
-- testChangeKV = do
-- (src, tree) <- testJSONFile
-- tagged <- runM $ cata (toAlgebra (changeKV . findKV "\"bar\"")) (mark Unmodified tree)
-- pure $ runReprinter @'Language.JSON prettyJSON src tagged
increaseNumbers :: (Literal.Float :< fs, Apply Functor fs) => Term (Sum fs) (Record (History ': fields)) -> Term (Sum fs) (Record (History ': fields))
increaseNumbers p = case Sum.project (termOut p) of
Just (Literal.Float t) -> remark Refactored (termIn (termAnnotation p) (inject (Literal.Float (t <> "0"))))
Nothing -> Term (fmap increaseNumbers (unTerm p))
findHashes :: (Literal.Hash :< syntax , term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann) => Rule eff term (Either term (term, Literal.Hash term))
findHashes = fromMatcher "findHashes" matchHash
addKVPair :: forall effs syntax ann fields term .
( Apply Functor syntax
, Literal.Hash :< syntax
, Literal.Array :< syntax
, Literal.TextElement :< syntax
, Literal.KeyValue :< syntax
, ann ~ Record (History ': fields)
, term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann
) =>
Rule effs (Either term (term, Literal.Hash term)) term
addKVPair = fromPlan "addKVPair" $ do
t <- await
Data.Machine.yield (either id injKVPair t)
injKVPair :: (term, Literal.Hash term) -> term
injKVPair (origTerm, Literal.Hash xs) =
remark Refactored (injectTerm ann (Literal.Hash (xs <> [newItem])))
newItem = termIn ann (inject (Literal.KeyValue k v))
k = termIn ann (inject (Literal.TextElement "\"added\""))
v = termIn ann (inject (Literal.Array []))
ann = termAnnotation origTerm
testAddKVPair = do
(src, tree) <- testJSONFile
tagged <- runM $ cata (toAlgebra (addKVPair . findHashes)) (mark Unmodified tree)
printToTerm $ runReprinter src defaultJSONPipeline tagged
findFloats :: ( Literal.Float :< syntax , term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann ) => Rule effs term (Either term (term, Literal.Float term))
findFloats = fromMatcher "test" matchFloat
overwriteFloats :: forall effs syntax ann fields term .
( Apply Functor syntax
, Literal.Float :< syntax
, ann ~ Record (History ': fields)
, term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann
) =>
Rule effs (Either term (term, Literal.Float term)) term
overwriteFloats = fromPlan "overwritingFloats" $ do
t <- await
Data.Machine.yield (either id injFloat t)
where injFloat :: (term, Literal.Float term) -> term
injFloat (term, _) = remark Refactored (termIn (termAnnotation term) (inject (Literal.Float "0")))
testOverwriteFloats = do
(src, tree) <- testJSONFile
tagged <- runM $ cata (toAlgebra (overwriteFloats . findFloats)) (mark Unmodified tree)
printToTerm $ runReprinter src defaultJSONPipeline tagged
findKV ::
( Literal.KeyValue :< syntax
, Literal.TextElement :< syntax
, term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann
) =>
Text -> Rule effs term (Either term (term, Literal.KeyValue term))
findKV name = fromMatcher "findKV" (kvMatcher name)
kvMatcher :: forall fs ann term .
( Literal.KeyValue :< fs
, Literal.TextElement :< fs
, term ~ Term (Sum fs) ann
) =>
Text -> Matcher term (Literal.KeyValue term)
kvMatcher name = matchM projectTerm target <* matchKey where
= match Literal.key $
match Literal.textElementContent $
ensure (== name)
changeKV :: forall effs syntax ann fields term .
( Apply Functor syntax
, Literal.KeyValue :< syntax
, Literal.Array :< syntax
, Literal.Float :< syntax
, ann ~ Record (History ': fields)
, term ~ Term (Sum syntax) ann
) =>
Rule effs (Either term (term, Literal.KeyValue term)) term
changeKV = fromFunction "changeKV" $ either id injKV
injKV :: (term, Literal.KeyValue term) -> term
injKV (term, Literal.KeyValue k v) = case projectTerm v of
Just (Literal.Array elems) -> remark Refactored (termIn ann (inject (Literal.KeyValue k (newArray elems))))
_ -> term
where newArray xs = termIn ann (inject (Literal.Array (xs <> [float])))
float = termIn ann (inject (Literal.Float "4"))
ann = termAnnotation term
testChangeKV = do
(src, tree) <- testJSONFile
tagged <- runM $ cata (toAlgebra (changeKV . findKV "\"bar\"")) (mark Unmodified tree)
printToTerm $ runReprinter src defaultJSONPipeline tagged
testPipeline = do
(src, tree) <- testJSONFile
Reference in New Issue
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