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Merge pull request #1174 from github/ses-optimizations

SES optimizations
This commit is contained in:
Rob Rix 2017-06-21 17:06:09 -04:00 committed by GitHub
commit faff524891

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@ -1,20 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, ImplicitParams, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, GADTs, ImplicitParams, MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module SES.Myers
( EditScript
, Myers
, EditGraph(..)
, Distance(..)
, Diagonal(..)
, Endpoint(..)
, ses
, MyersState
) where
import Data.Array ((!))
import qualified Data.Array as Array
import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as Map
import Data.Ix
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.These
import GHC.Show hiding (show)
import Prologue hiding (error)
@ -22,109 +14,58 @@ import Prologue hiding (error)
-- | An edit script, i.e. a sequence of changes/copies of elements.
type EditScript a b = [These a b]
type Myers a b = State (MyersState a b)
-- | Notionally the cartesian product of two sequences, represented as a simple wrapper around those arrays holding those sequences elements for O(1) lookups.
data EditGraph a b = EditGraph { as :: !(Array.Array Int a), bs :: !(Array.Array Int b) }
data Endpoint a b = Endpoint { x :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, _y :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, _script :: EditScript a b }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | Construct an edit graph from Foldable sequences.
makeEditGraph :: (Foldable t, Foldable u) => t a -> u b -> EditGraph a b
makeEditGraph as bs = EditGraph (Array.listArray (0, pred (length as)) (toList as)) (Array.listArray (0, pred (length bs)) (toList bs))
-- | An edit distance, i.e. a cardinal number of changes.
newtype Distance = Distance { unDistance :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | A diagonal in the edit graph of lists of lengths n and m, numbered from -m to n.
newtype Diagonal = Diagonal { unDiagonal :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Ix, Ord, Show)
data Endpoint a b = Endpoint { x :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, y :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, script :: !(EditScript a b) }
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- API
-- | Compute the shortest edit script using Myers algorithm.
ses :: (Foldable t, Foldable u) => (a -> b -> Bool) -> t a -> u b -> EditScript a b
ses eq as bs = let graph = makeEditGraph as bs in evalState (runSES eq graph) (emptyStateForGraph graph)
-- Evaluation
-- | Compute the shortest edit script (diff) of an edit graph.
runSES :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> EditGraph a b -> Myers a b (EditScript a b)
runSES eq (EditGraph as bs)
| null bs = return (This <$> toList as)
| null as = return (That <$> toList bs)
| otherwise = do
Just script <- asum <$> for [0..(n + m)] (searchUpToD . Distance)
return (reverse script)
where (n, m) = (length as, length bs)
ses eq as' bs'
| null bs = This <$> toList as
| null as = That <$> toList bs
| otherwise = reverse (searchUpToD 0 (Array.array (1, 1) [(1, Endpoint 0 (-1) [])]))
where (as, bs) = (Array.listArray (0, pred n) (toList as'), Array.listArray (0, pred m) (toList bs'))
(!n, !m) = (length as', length bs')
-- Search an edit graph for the shortest edit script up to a given proposed edit distance, building on the results of previous searches.
searchUpToD (Distance d) = do
v <- get
let extents = searchAlongK v . Diagonal <$> [ k | k <- [negate d, negate d + 2 .. d], inRange (negate m, n) k ]
put (Map.fromList extents)
pure . fmap (snd . snd) $! find isComplete extents
where isComplete (k, (x, _)) = x >= n && (x - k) >= m
searchUpToD !d !v =
let !endpoints = slideFrom . searchAlongK <$> [ k | k <- [-d, -d + 2 .. d], inRange (-m, n) k ] in
case find isComplete endpoints of
Just (Endpoint _ _ script) -> script
_ -> searchUpToD (succ d) (Array.array (-d, d) ((\ e@(Endpoint x y _) -> (x - y, e)) <$> endpoints))
where isComplete (Endpoint x y _) = x >= n && y >= m
-- Search an edit graph for the shortest edit script along a specific diagonal, moving onto a given diagonal from one of its in-bounds adjacent diagonals (if any), and sliding down any diagonal edges eagerly.
searchAlongK v (Diagonal k) = (,) k . (x &&& script) . slideFrom $!
if d == 0 || k < negate m || k > n then
-- The top-left corner, or otherwise out-of-bounds.
Endpoint 0 0 []
else if k == negate d || k == negate m then
-- The lower/left extent of the search region or edit graph, whichever is smaller.
moveDownFrom next
else if k /= d && k /= n then
-- Somewhere in the interior of the search region and edit graph.
if x prev < x next then
moveDownFrom next
-- Search an edit graph for the shortest edit script along a specific diagonal, moving onto a given diagonal from one of its in-bounds adjacent diagonals (if any).
searchAlongK !k
| k == -d = moveDownFrom (v ! succ k)
| k == d = moveRightFrom (v ! pred k)
| k == -m = moveDownFrom (v ! succ k)
| k == n = moveRightFrom (v ! pred k)
| otherwise =
let left = v ! pred k
up = v ! succ k in
if x left < x up then
moveDownFrom up
moveRightFrom prev
-- The upper/right extent of the search region or edit graph, whichever is smaller.
moveRightFrom prev
where getK k = let (x, script) = v Map.! k in Endpoint x (x - k) script
prev = getK (pred k)
next = getK (succ k)
moveRightFrom left
-- | Move downward from a given vertex, inserting the element for the corresponding row.
moveDownFrom (Endpoint x y script) = Endpoint x (succ y) (if y < m then That (bs ! y) : script else script)
moveDownFrom (Endpoint x y script) = Endpoint x (succ y) $ maybe script ((: script) . That) (bs !? y)
{-# INLINE moveDownFrom #-}
-- | Move rightward from a given vertex, deleting the element for the corresponding column.
moveRightFrom (Endpoint x y script) = Endpoint (succ x) y (if x < n then This (as ! x) : script else script)
moveRightFrom (Endpoint x y script) = Endpoint (succ x) y $ maybe script ((: script) . This) (as !? x)
{-# INLINE moveRightFrom #-}
-- | Slide down any diagonal edges from a given vertex.
slideFrom (Endpoint x y script)
| x >= 0, x < n
, y >= 0, y < m
, a <- as ! x
, b <- bs ! y
| Just a <- as !? x
, Just b <- bs !? y
, a `eq` b = slideFrom (Endpoint (succ x) (succ y) (These a b : script))
| otherwise = (Endpoint x y script)
| otherwise = Endpoint x y script
-- Implementation details
-- | The state stored by Myers algorithm; an array of m + n + 1 values indicating the maximum x-index reached and path taken along each diagonal.
type MyersState a b = Map.IntMap (Int, EditScript a b)
-- | Compute the empty state of length m + n + 1 for a given edit graph.
emptyStateForGraph :: EditGraph a b -> MyersState a b
emptyStateForGraph _ =
Map.singleton 0 (0, [])
-- | Lifted showing of arrays.
liftShowsVector :: Show i => (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Int -> Array.Array i a -> ShowS
liftShowsVector sp sl d = liftShowsPrec sp sl d . toList
-- Instances
instance Show2 EditGraph where
liftShowsPrec2 sp1 sl1 sp2 sl2 d (EditGraph as bs) = showsBinaryWith (liftShowsVector sp1 sl1) (liftShowsVector sp2 sl2) "EditGraph" d as bs
(!?) :: Ix i => Array.Array i a -> i -> Maybe a
(!?) v i | inRange (Array.bounds v) i, !a <- v ! i = Just a
| otherwise = Nothing
{-# INLINE (!?) #-}