mirror of
synced 2024-12-22 06:11:49 +03:00
Move the MonadValue instances into the Value/Type modules.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Environment (insert)
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Heap
import Data.Abstract.Value
import Data.Semigroup.Reducer
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Prologue
@ -14,12 +14,6 @@ module Control.Abstract.Analysis
, MonadEvaluateModule(..)
, Evaluatable(..)
, MonadEvaluatable
, MonadValue(..)
, while
, doWhile
, forLoop
, toBool
, Comparator(..)
, require
, load
) where
@ -34,20 +28,14 @@ import qualified Control.Monad.Effect as Effect
import Control.Monad.Effect.Fail as X
import Control.Monad.Effect.Reader as X
import Control.Monad.Effect.State as X
import Data.Abstract.Address
import qualified Data.Abstract.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.Abstract.Exports as Exports
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Module
import Data.Abstract.ModuleTable as ModuleTable
import Data.Abstract.Number as Number
import Data.Abstract.Type as Type
import Data.Abstract.Value as Value
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Data.Semigroup.App
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Term
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Prologue
@ -75,12 +63,7 @@ class (MonadEvaluator term value m, Recursive term) => MonadAnalysis term value
-- This should always be called when e.g. evaluating the bodies of closures instead of explicitly folding either 'eval' or 'analyzeTerm' over subterms, except in 'MonadAnalysis' instances themselves. On the other hand, top-level evaluation should be performed using 'evaluateModule'.
evaluateTerm :: ( Evaluatable (Base term)
, FreeVariables term
, MonadAddressable (LocationFor value) value m
, MonadEvaluateModule term value m
, MonadValue value m
, Show (LocationFor value)
, MonadThrow Prelude.String value m
, MonadEvaluatable term value m
=> term
-> m value
@ -175,182 +158,6 @@ runAnalysis :: ( Effectful m
runAnalysis = Effect.run . runEffects . lower
-- | Construct a 'Value' wrapping the value arguments (if any).
instance ( Evaluatable (Base term)
, FreeVariables term
, Monad m
, MonadAddressable Precise Value m
, MonadEvaluateModule term Value m
, MonadValue Value m
, MonadThrow Prelude.String Value m
=> MonadValue Value m where
unit = pure . injValue $ Value.Unit
integer = pure . injValue . Value.Integer . Number.Integer
boolean = pure . injValue . Boolean
string = pure . injValue . Value.String
float = pure . injValue . Value.Float . Decimal
symbol = pure . injValue . Value.Symbol
rational = pure . injValue . Value.Rational . Ratio
multiple = pure . injValue . Value.Tuple
array = pure . injValue . Value.Array
klass n [] env = pure . injValue $ Class n env
klass n supers env = do
product <- mconcat <$> traverse objectEnvironment supers
pure . injValue $ Class n (Env.push product <> env)
objectEnvironment o
| Just (Class _ env) <- prjValue o = pure env
| otherwise = fail ("non-object type passed to objectEnvironment: " <> show o)
asString v
| Just (Value.String n) <- prjValue v = pure n
| otherwise = fail ("expected " <> show v <> " to be a string")
ifthenelse cond if' else'
| Just (Boolean b) <- prjValue cond = if b then if' else else'
| otherwise = fail ("not defined for non-boolean conditions: " <> show cond)
liftNumeric f arg
| Just (Value.Integer (Number.Integer i)) <- prjValue arg = integer $ f i
| Just (Value.Float (Decimal d)) <- prjValue arg = float $ f d
| Just (Value.Rational (Ratio r)) <- prjValue arg = rational $ f r
| otherwise = fail ("Invalid operand to liftNumeric: " <> show arg)
liftNumeric2 f left right
| Just (Value.Integer i, Value.Integer j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Value.Integer i, Value.Rational j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Value.Integer i, Value.Float j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Value.Rational i, Value.Integer j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Value.Rational i, Value.Rational j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Value.Rational i, Value.Float j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Value.Float i, Value.Integer j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Value.Float i, Value.Rational j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Value.Float i, Value.Float j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| otherwise = fail ("Invalid operands to liftNumeric2: " <> show pair)
-- Dispatch whatever's contained inside a 'SomeNumber' to its appropriate 'MonadValue' ctor
specialize :: MonadValue value m => SomeNumber -> m value
specialize (SomeNumber (Number.Integer i)) = integer i
specialize (SomeNumber (Ratio r)) = rational r
specialize (SomeNumber (Decimal d)) = float d
pair = (left, right)
liftComparison comparator left right
| Just (Value.Integer (Number.Integer i), Value.Integer (Number.Integer j)) <- prjPair pair = go i j
| Just (Value.Integer (Number.Integer i), Value.Float (Decimal j)) <- prjPair pair = go (fromIntegral i) j
| Just (Value.Float (Decimal i), Value.Integer (Number.Integer j)) <- prjPair pair = go i (fromIntegral j)
| Just (Value.Float (Decimal i), Value.Float (Decimal j)) <- prjPair pair = go i j
| Just (Value.String i, Value.String j) <- prjPair pair = go i j
| Just (Boolean i, Boolean j) <- prjPair pair = go i j
| Just (Value.Unit, Value.Unit) <- prjPair pair = boolean True
| otherwise = fail ("Type error: invalid arguments to liftComparison: " <> show pair)
-- Explicit type signature is necessary here because we're passing all sorts of things
-- to these comparison functions.
go :: (Ord a, MonadValue value m) => a -> a -> m value
go l r = case comparator of
Concrete f -> boolean (f l r)
Generalized -> integer (orderingToInt (compare l r))
-- Map from [LT, EQ, GT] to [-1, 0, 1]
orderingToInt :: Ordering -> Prelude.Integer
orderingToInt = toInteger . pred . fromEnum
pair = (left, right)
liftBitwise operator target
| Just (Value.Integer (Number.Integer i)) <- prjValue target = integer $ operator i
| otherwise = fail ("Type error: invalid unary bitwise operation on " <> show target)
liftBitwise2 operator left right
| Just (Value.Integer (Number.Integer i), Value.Integer (Number.Integer j)) <- prjPair pair = integer $ operator i j
| otherwise = fail ("Type error: invalid binary bitwise operation on " <> show pair)
where pair = (left, right)
abstract names (Subterm body _) = do
l <- label body
injValue . Closure names l . Env.bind (foldr Set.delete (freeVariables body) names) <$> getEnv
apply op params = do
Closure names label env <- maybe (fail ("expected a closure, got: " <> show op)) pure (prjValue op)
bindings <- foldr (\ (name, param) rest -> do
v <- param
a <- alloc name
assign a v
Env.insert name a <$> rest) (pure env) (zip names params)
localEnv (mappend bindings) (goto label >>= evaluateTerm)
loop = fix
-- | Discard the value arguments (if any), constructing a 'Type' instead.
instance (Alternative m, MonadEnvironment Type m, MonadFail m, MonadFresh m, MonadHeap Type m) => MonadValue Type m where
abstract names (Subterm _ body) = do
(env, tvars) <- foldr (\ name rest -> do
a <- alloc name
tvar <- Var <$> fresh
assign a tvar
(env, tvars) <- rest
pure (Env.insert name a env, tvar : tvars)) (pure mempty) names
ret <- localEnv (mappend env) body
pure (Product tvars :-> ret)
unit = pure Type.Unit
integer _ = pure Int
boolean _ = pure Bool
string _ = pure Type.String
float _ = pure Type.Float
symbol _ = pure Type.Symbol
rational _ = pure Type.Rational
multiple = pure . Type.Product
array = pure . Type.Array
klass _ _ _ = pure Object
objectEnvironment _ = pure mempty
asString _ = fail "Must evaluate to Value to use asString"
ifthenelse cond if' else' = unify cond Bool *> (if' <|> else')
liftNumeric _ Type.Float = pure Type.Float
liftNumeric _ Int = pure Int
liftNumeric _ _ = fail "Invalid type in unary numeric operation"
liftNumeric2 _ left right = case (left, right) of
(Type.Float, Int) -> pure Type.Float
(Int, Type.Float) -> pure Type.Float
_ -> unify left right
liftBitwise _ Int = pure Int
liftBitwise _ t = fail ("Invalid type passed to unary bitwise operation: " <> show t)
liftBitwise2 _ Int Int = pure Int
liftBitwise2 _ t1 t2 = fail ("Invalid types passed to binary bitwise operation: " <> show (t1, t2))
liftComparison (Concrete _) left right = case (left, right) of
(Type.Float, Int) -> pure Bool
(Int, Type.Float) -> pure Bool
_ -> unify left right $> Bool
liftComparison Generalized left right = case (left, right) of
(Type.Float, Int) -> pure Int
(Int, Type.Float) -> pure Int
_ -> unify left right $> Bool
apply op params = do
tvar <- fresh
paramTypes <- sequenceA params
_ :-> ret <- op `unify` (Product paramTypes :-> Var tvar)
pure ret
loop f = f empty
instance Evaluatable [] where
-- 'nonEmpty' and 'foldMap1' enable us to return the last statement’s result instead of 'unit' for non-empty lists.
eval = maybe unit (runApp . foldMap1 (App . subtermValue)) . nonEmpty
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstrainedClassMethods, DataKinds, FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstrainedClassMethods, DataKinds, FunctionalDependencies, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Control.Abstract.Evaluator
( MonadEvaluator(..)
, MonadEnvironment(..)
@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ module Control.Abstract.Evaluator
, MonadControl(..)
, MonadThrow(..)
, EvaluateModule(..)
, EnvironmentFor
, ExportsFor
, HeapFor
, CellFor
, LiveFor
, LocationFor
, ConfigurationFor
) where
import Control.Effect
@ -25,9 +32,9 @@ import qualified Data.Abstract.Environment as Env
import qualified Data.Abstract.Exports as Export
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Heap
import Data.Abstract.Live
import Data.Abstract.Module
import Data.Abstract.ModuleTable
import Data.Abstract.Value
import Data.Semigroup.Reducer
import Prologue hiding (throwError)
@ -169,3 +176,25 @@ newtype EvaluateModule term = EvaluateModule (Module term)
instance (Effectful m, Members '[Resumable exc value] effects, Monad (m effects)) => MonadThrow exc value (m effects) where
throwException = raise . throwError
-- | The environment for an abstract value type.
type EnvironmentFor v = Env.Environment (LocationFor v) v
-- | The exports for an abstract value type.
type ExportsFor v = Export.Exports (LocationFor v) v
-- | The 'Heap' for an abstract value type.
type HeapFor value = Heap (LocationFor value) value
-- | The cell for an abstract value type.
type CellFor value = Cell (LocationFor value) value
-- | The address set type for an abstract value type.
type LiveFor value = Live (LocationFor value) value
-- | The configuration for term and abstract value types.
type ConfigurationFor term value = Configuration (LocationFor value) term value
-- | The location type (the body of 'Address'es) which should be used for an abstract value type.
type family LocationFor value :: *
@ -6,12 +6,19 @@ module Control.Abstract.Value
, doWhile
, forLoop
, toBool
, ValueRoots(..)
, EnvironmentFor
, ExportsFor
, HeapFor
, CellFor
, LiveFor
, LocationFor
, ConfigurationFor
) where
import Control.Abstract.Evaluator
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Number as Number
import Data.Abstract.Value as Value
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Prologue
@ -139,3 +146,9 @@ doWhile :: MonadValue value m
doWhile body cond = loop $ \ continue -> body *> do
this <- cond
ifthenelse this continue unit
-- | Value types, e.g. closures, which can root a set of addresses.
class ValueRoots value where
-- | Compute the set of addresses rooted by a given value.
valueRoots :: value -> LiveFor value
@ -5,12 +5,8 @@ import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Environment
import Data.Abstract.Heap
import Data.Abstract.Live
import Data.Abstract.Value
import Prologue
-- | The configuration for term and abstract value types.
type ConfigurationFor term value = Configuration (LocationFor value) term value
-- | A single point in a program’s execution.
data Configuration l t v
= Configuration
@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Abstract.Type where
import Prologue
import Control.Abstract.Analysis
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Environment as Env
import Data.Align (alignWith)
import Prelude hiding (fail)
-- | The type of type variable names.
type TName = Int
import Prologue
-- | A datatype representing primitive types and combinations thereof.
data Type
@ -36,3 +37,72 @@ unify (Product as) (Product bs) = Product <$> sequenceA (alignWith (these pure p
unify t1 t2
| t1 == t2 = pure t2
| otherwise = fail ("cannot unify " ++ show t1 ++ " with " ++ show t2)
type instance LocationFor Type = Monovariant
instance ValueRoots Type where
valueRoots _ = mempty
-- | Discard the value arguments (if any), constructing a 'Type' instead.
instance (Alternative m, MonadEnvironment Type m, MonadFail m, MonadFresh m, MonadHeap Type m) => MonadValue Type m where
abstract names (Subterm _ body) = do
(env, tvars) <- foldr (\ name rest -> do
a <- alloc name
tvar <- Var <$> fresh
assign a tvar
(env, tvars) <- rest
pure (Env.insert name a env, tvar : tvars)) (pure mempty) names
ret <- localEnv (mappend env) body
pure (Product tvars :-> ret)
unit = pure Unit
integer _ = pure Int
boolean _ = pure Bool
string _ = pure String
float _ = pure Float
symbol _ = pure Symbol
rational _ = pure Rational
multiple = pure . Product
array = pure . Array
klass _ _ _ = pure Object
objectEnvironment _ = pure mempty
asString _ = fail "Must evaluate to Value to use asString"
ifthenelse cond if' else' = unify cond Bool *> (if' <|> else')
liftNumeric _ Float = pure Float
liftNumeric _ Int = pure Int
liftNumeric _ _ = fail "Invalid type in unary numeric operation"
liftNumeric2 _ left right = case (left, right) of
(Float, Int) -> pure Float
(Int, Float) -> pure Float
_ -> unify left right
liftBitwise _ Int = pure Int
liftBitwise _ t = fail ("Invalid type passed to unary bitwise operation: " <> show t)
liftBitwise2 _ Int Int = pure Int
liftBitwise2 _ t1 t2 = fail ("Invalid types passed to binary bitwise operation: " <> show (t1, t2))
liftComparison (Concrete _) left right = case (left, right) of
(Float, Int) -> pure Bool
(Int, Float) -> pure Bool
_ -> unify left right $> Bool
liftComparison Generalized left right = case (left, right) of
(Float, Int) -> pure Int
(Int, Float) -> pure Int
_ -> unify left right $> Bool
apply op params = do
tvar <- fresh
paramTypes <- sequenceA params
_ :-> ret <- op `unify` (Product paramTypes :-> Var tvar)
pure ret
loop f = f empty
@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Abstract.Value where
import Control.Abstract.Analysis
import Data.Abstract.Address
import Data.Abstract.Environment (Environment)
import qualified Data.Abstract.Environment as Env
import Data.Abstract.Exports
import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables
import Data.Abstract.Heap
import Data.Abstract.Live
import Data.Abstract.Number
import qualified Data.Abstract.Type as Type
import qualified Data.Abstract.Number as Number
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Prologue
import Prelude hiding (Float, Integer, String, Rational)
import Prelude hiding (Float, Integer, String, Rational, fail)
import qualified Prelude
type ValueConstructors
@ -75,7 +73,7 @@ instance Ord1 Boolean where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 Boolean where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
-- | Arbitrary-width integral values.
newtype Integer value = Integer (Number Prelude.Integer)
newtype Integer value = Integer (Number.Number Prelude.Integer)
deriving (Eq, Generic1, Ord, Show)
instance Eq1 Integer where liftEq = genericLiftEq
@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ instance Ord1 Integer where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 Integer where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
-- | Arbitrary-width rational values values.
newtype Rational value = Rational (Number Prelude.Rational)
newtype Rational value = Rational (Number.Number Prelude.Rational)
deriving (Eq, Generic1, Ord, Show)
instance Eq1 Rational where liftEq = genericLiftEq
@ -108,7 +106,7 @@ instance Ord1 Symbol where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 Symbol where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
-- | Float values.
newtype Float value = Float (Number Scientific)
newtype Float value = Float (Number.Number Scientific)
deriving (Eq, Generic1, Ord, Show)
instance Eq1 Float where liftEq = genericLiftEq
@ -145,35 +143,124 @@ instance Eq1 Class where liftEq = genericLiftEq
instance Ord1 Class where liftCompare = genericLiftCompare
instance Show1 Class where liftShowsPrec = genericLiftShowsPrec
-- | The environment for an abstract value type.
type EnvironmentFor v = Environment (LocationFor v) v
-- | The exports for an abstract value type.
type ExportsFor v = Exports (LocationFor v) v
-- | The 'Heap' for an abstract value type.
type HeapFor value = Heap (LocationFor value) value
-- | The cell for an abstract value type.
type CellFor value = Cell (LocationFor value) value
-- | The address set type for an abstract value type.
type LiveFor value = Live (LocationFor value) value
-- | The location type (the body of 'Address'es) which should be used for an abstract value type.
type family LocationFor value :: *
type instance LocationFor Value = Precise
type instance LocationFor Type.Type = Monovariant
-- | Value types, e.g. closures, which can root a set of addresses.
class ValueRoots value where
-- | Compute the set of addresses rooted by a given value.
valueRoots :: value -> LiveFor value
instance ValueRoots Value where
valueRoots v
| Just (Closure _ _ env) <- prjValue v = Env.addresses env
| otherwise = mempty
instance ValueRoots Type.Type where
valueRoots _ = mempty
-- | Construct a 'Value' wrapping the value arguments (if any).
instance ( Evaluatable (Base term)
, FreeVariables term
, Monad m
, MonadAddressable Precise Value m
, MonadEvaluateModule term Value m
, MonadValue Value m
, MonadThrow Prelude.String Value m
=> MonadValue Value m where
unit = pure . injValue $ Unit
integer = pure . injValue . Data.Abstract.Value.Integer . Number.Integer
boolean = pure . injValue . Boolean
string = pure . injValue . String
float = pure . injValue . Float . Number.Decimal
symbol = pure . injValue . Symbol
rational = pure . injValue . Rational . Number.Ratio
multiple = pure . injValue . Tuple
array = pure . injValue . Array
klass n [] env = pure . injValue $ Class n env
klass n supers env = do
product <- mconcat <$> traverse objectEnvironment supers
pure . injValue $ Class n (Env.push product <> env)
objectEnvironment o
| Just (Class _ env) <- prjValue o = pure env
| otherwise = fail ("non-object type passed to objectEnvironment: " <> show o)
asString v
| Just (String n) <- prjValue v = pure n
| otherwise = fail ("expected " <> show v <> " to be a string")
ifthenelse cond if' else'
| Just (Boolean b) <- prjValue cond = if b then if' else else'
| otherwise = fail ("not defined for non-boolean conditions: " <> show cond)
liftNumeric f arg
| Just (Integer (Number.Integer i)) <- prjValue arg = integer $ f i
| Just (Float (Number.Decimal d)) <- prjValue arg = float $ f d
| Just (Rational (Number.Ratio r)) <- prjValue arg = rational $ f r
| otherwise = fail ("Invalid operand to liftNumeric: " <> show arg)
liftNumeric2 f left right
| Just (Integer i, Integer j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Integer i, Rational j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Integer i, Float j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Rational i, Integer j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Rational i, Rational j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Rational i, Float j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Float i, Integer j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Float i, Rational j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| Just (Float i, Float j) <- prjPair pair = f i j & specialize
| otherwise = fail ("Invalid operands to liftNumeric2: " <> show pair)
-- Dispatch whatever's contained inside a 'SomeNumber' to its appropriate 'MonadValue' ctor
specialize :: MonadValue value m => Number.SomeNumber -> m value
specialize (Number.SomeNumber (Number.Integer i)) = integer i
specialize (Number.SomeNumber (Number.Ratio r)) = rational r
specialize (Number.SomeNumber (Number.Decimal d)) = float d
pair = (left, right)
liftComparison comparator left right
| Just (Integer (Number.Integer i), Integer (Number.Integer j)) <- prjPair pair = go i j
| Just (Integer (Number.Integer i), Float (Number.Decimal j)) <- prjPair pair = go (fromIntegral i) j
| Just (Float (Number.Decimal i), Integer (Number.Integer j)) <- prjPair pair = go i (fromIntegral j)
| Just (Float (Number.Decimal i), Float (Number.Decimal j)) <- prjPair pair = go i j
| Just (String i, String j) <- prjPair pair = go i j
| Just (Boolean i, Boolean j) <- prjPair pair = go i j
| Just (Unit, Unit) <- prjPair pair = boolean True
| otherwise = fail ("Type error: invalid arguments to liftComparison: " <> show pair)
-- Explicit type signature is necessary here because we're passing all sorts of things
-- to these comparison functions.
go :: (Ord a, MonadValue value m) => a -> a -> m value
go l r = case comparator of
Concrete f -> boolean (f l r)
Generalized -> integer (orderingToInt (compare l r))
-- Map from [LT, EQ, GT] to [-1, 0, 1]
orderingToInt :: Ordering -> Prelude.Integer
orderingToInt = toInteger . pred . fromEnum
pair = (left, right)
liftBitwise operator target
| Just (Integer (Number.Integer i)) <- prjValue target = integer $ operator i
| otherwise = fail ("Type error: invalid unary bitwise operation on " <> show target)
liftBitwise2 operator left right
| Just (Integer (Number.Integer i), Integer (Number.Integer j)) <- prjPair pair = integer $ operator i j
| otherwise = fail ("Type error: invalid binary bitwise operation on " <> show pair)
where pair = (left, right)
abstract names (Subterm body _) = do
l <- label body
injValue . Closure names l . Env.bind (foldr Set.delete (freeVariables body) names) <$> getEnv
apply op params = do
Closure names label env <- maybe (fail ("expected a closure, got: " <> show op)) pure (prjValue op)
bindings <- foldr (\ (name, param) rest -> do
v <- param
a <- alloc name
assign a v
Env.insert name a <$> rest) (pure env) (zip names params)
localEnv (mappend bindings) (goto label >>= evaluateTerm)
loop = fix
@ -2,11 +2,9 @@
module Language.Ruby.Syntax where
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Abstract.Value (MonadValue)
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Data.Abstract.ModuleTable
import Data.Abstract.Path
import Data.Abstract.Value (EnvironmentFor)
import Diffing.Algorithm
import Prelude hiding (fail)
import Prologue
Reference in New Issue
Block a user