mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-12-01 00:33:59 +03:00

Address hlint suggestions in semantic.

This commit is contained in:
Patrick Thomson 2019-10-21 14:05:44 -04:00
parent f822bb15c6
commit fd06ccf462
12 changed files with 21 additions and 36 deletions

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@ -292,15 +292,9 @@ liftNumeric2 :: (Member (Numeric value) sig, Carrier sig m)
-> m value
liftNumeric2 t v1 v2 = send (LiftNumeric2 (Numeric2Function t) v1 v2 pure)
data NumericFunction = NumericFunction (forall a . Num a => a -> a)
newtype NumericFunction = NumericFunction { runNumericFunction :: forall a . Num a => a -> a }
runNumericFunction :: Num a => NumericFunction -> a -> a
runNumericFunction (NumericFunction f) a = f a
data Numeric2Function = Numeric2Function (forall a b. Number a -> Number b -> SomeNumber)
runNumeric2Function :: Numeric2Function -> Number a -> Number b -> SomeNumber
runNumeric2Function (Numeric2Function f) a b = f a b
newtype Numeric2Function = Numeric2Function { runNumeric2Function :: forall a b. Number a -> Number b -> SomeNumber }
data Numeric value (m :: * -> *) k
= Integer Integer (value -> m k)
@ -347,15 +341,9 @@ unsignedRShift :: (Member (Bitwise value) sig, Carrier sig m)
-> m value
unsignedRShift v1 v2 = send (UnsignedRShift v1 v2 pure)
data BitwiseFunction = BitwiseFunction (forall a . Bits a => a -> a)
newtype BitwiseFunction = BitwiseFunction { runBitwiseFunction :: forall a . Bits a => a -> a }
runBitwiseFunction :: Bits a => BitwiseFunction -> a -> a
runBitwiseFunction (BitwiseFunction f) a = f a
data Bitwise2Function = Bitwise2Function (forall a . (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> a -> a)
runBitwise2Function :: (Integral a, Bits a) => Bitwise2Function -> a -> a -> a
runBitwise2Function (Bitwise2Function f) a b = f a b
newtype Bitwise2Function = Bitwise2Function { runBitwise2Function :: forall a . (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> a -> a }
data Bitwise value (m :: * -> *) k
= CastToInteger value (value -> m k)

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@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ runParser timeout blob@Blob{..} parser = case parser of
let term = cmarkParser blobSource
in length term `seq` pure term
data ParseFailure = ParseFailure String
newtype ParseFailure = ParseFailure String
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception ParseFailure

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, LambdaCase, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Diff
( Diff(..)
, DiffF(..)
@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ merging = cata (\ (In ann syntax) -> mergeF (In (ann, ann) syntax))
diffPatches :: (Foldable syntax, Functor syntax) => Diff syntax ann1 ann2 -> [Patch (TermF syntax ann1 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2)) (TermF syntax ann2 (Diff syntax ann1 ann2))]
diffPatches = para $ \ diff -> case diff of
diffPatches = para $ \case
Patch patch -> bimap (fmap fst) (fmap fst) patch : bifoldMap (foldMap snd) (foldMap snd) patch
Merge merge -> foldMap snd merge

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ data ImportPath = ImportPath { unPath :: FilePath, pathIsRelative :: IsRelative
importPath :: Text -> ImportPath
importPath str = let path = stripQuotes str in ImportPath (T.unpack path) (pathType path)
pathType xs | not (T.null xs), T.head xs == '.' = Relative -- head call here is safe
pathType xs | not (T.null xs), fmap fst (T.uncons xs) == Just '.' = Relative -- head call here is safe
| otherwise = NonRelative
defaultAlias :: ImportPath -> Name

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@ -216,9 +216,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Class where
currentScope' <- currentScope
superScopes <- for classSuperclasses $ \superclass -> do
name <- case declaredName superclass of
Just name -> pure name
Nothing -> gensym
name <- maybeM gensym (declaredName superclass)
scope <- associatedScope (Declaration name)
slot <- lookupSlot (Declaration name)
superclassFrame <- scopedEnvironment =<< deref slot

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@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ tableOfContentsBy :: (Foldable f, Functor f)
=> (forall b. TermF f ann b -> Maybe a) -- ^ A function mapping relevant nodes onto values in Maybe.
-> Diff f ann ann -- ^ The diff to compute the table of contents for.
-> [(Change, a)] -- ^ A list of entries for relevant changed nodes in the diff.
tableOfContentsBy selector = fromMaybe [] . cata (\ r -> case r of
tableOfContentsBy selector = fromMaybe [] . cata (\case
Patch patch -> (pure . patchEntry <$> bicrosswalk selector selector patch) <> bifoldMap fold fold patch <> Just []
Merge (In (_, ann2) r) -> case (selector (In ann2 r), fold r) of
(Just a, Just entries) -> Just ((Changed, a) : entries)

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@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ type DomainC term address value m
-- | Evaluate a list of modules with the prelude for the passed language available, and applying the passed function to every module.
evaluate :: ( Carrier outerSig outer
, derefSig ~ (Deref value :+: allocatorSig)
, derefC ~ (DerefC address value allocatorC)
, derefC ~ DerefC address value allocatorC
, Carrier derefSig derefC
, allocatorSig ~ (Allocator address :+: Reader ModuleInfo :+: outerSig)
, allocatorC ~ (AllocatorC address (ReaderC ModuleInfo outer))
, allocatorC ~ AllocatorC address (ReaderC ModuleInfo outer)
, Carrier allocatorSig allocatorC
, Effect outerSig
, Member Fresh outerSig

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
module Semantic.Api.Bridge
( APIBridge (..)
, APIConvert (..)

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, ExistentialQuantification, GADTs, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, KindSignatures,
ScopedTypeVariables, StandaloneDeriving, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
ScopedTypeVariables, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Semantic.Task
( TaskC
, Level(..)

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, KindSignatures, MultiParamTypeClasses, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications, TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Serializing.SExpression.Precise
( serializeSExpression
, ToSExpression(..)

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ identify a new syntax as Taggable, you need to:
constructor name of this syntax.
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, ConstraintKinds, KindSignatures, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes, ConstraintKinds, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Tags.Taggable
( Tagger
, Token(..)

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@ -57,12 +57,11 @@ contextualizing :: ( Member (State [ContextToken]) sig
contextualizing source toKind = Streaming.mapMaybeM $ \case
Enter x r -> Nothing <$ enterScope (x, r)
Exit x r -> Nothing <$ exitScope (x, r)
Iden iden loc docsLiteralRange -> get @[ContextToken] >>= pure . \case
((x, r):("Context", cr):_) | Just kind <- toKind x
-> Just $ Tag iden kind loc (firstLine (slice r)) (Just (slice cr))
((x, r):_) | Just kind <- toKind x
-> Just $ Tag iden kind loc (firstLine (slice r)) (slice <$> docsLiteralRange)
_ -> Nothing
Iden iden loc docsLiteralRange -> fmap go (get @[ContextToken]) where
go = \case
((x, r):("Context", cr):_) | Just kind <- toKind x -> Just $ Tag iden kind loc (firstLine (slice r)) (Just (slice cr))
((x, r):_) | Just kind <- toKind x -> Just $ Tag iden kind loc (firstLine (slice r)) (slice <$> docsLiteralRange)
_ -> Nothing
slice = stripEnd . Source.toText . Source.slice source
firstLine = T.take 180 . fst . breakOn "\n"