mirror of
synced 2024-12-20 21:31:48 +03:00
Remove python aliases and add declaredAlias to Declarations
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ class Declarations syntax where
declaredName :: syntax -> Maybe Name
declaredName = const Nothing
declaredAlias :: syntax -> Maybe Name
declaredAlias = const Nothing
class Declarations1 syntax where
-- | Lift a function mapping each element to its declared name (if any) through a containing structure. This can be used to define the declared name for a composite piece of syntax in terms of the declared name of one of its components.
@ -19,12 +22,17 @@ class Declarations1 syntax where
liftDeclaredName :: (a -> Maybe Name) -> syntax a -> Maybe Name
liftDeclaredName _ _ = Nothing
liftDeclaredAlias :: (a -> Maybe Name) -> syntax a -> Maybe Name
liftDeclaredAlias _ _ = Nothing
deriving instance Declarations1 syntax => Declarations (Term syntax ann)
instance (Declarations recur, Declarations1 syntax) => Declarations (TermF syntax ann recur) where
declaredName = liftDeclaredName declaredName . termFOut
declaredAlias = liftDeclaredAlias declaredAlias . termFOut
instance Apply Declarations1 fs => Declarations1 (Sum fs) where
liftDeclaredName f = apply @Declarations1 (liftDeclaredName f)
liftDeclaredAlias f = apply @Declarations1 (liftDeclaredAlias f)
instance Declarations1 []
@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ instance FreeVariables1 Identifier where
instance Declarations1 Identifier where
liftDeclaredName _ (Identifier x) = pure x
liftDeclaredAlias _ (Identifier x) = pure x
-- | An accessibility modifier, e.g. private, public, protected, etc.
newtype AccessibilityModifier a = AccessibilityModifier { contents :: Text }
@ -419,9 +419,9 @@ import' = makeTerm'' <$> symbol ImportStatement <*> children (manyTerm (aliase
-- `import a`
plainImport = makeTerm <$> symbol DottedName <*> children (Python.Syntax.QualifiedImport . NonEmpty.map T.unpack <$> NonEmpty.some1 identifierSource)
-- `from a import foo `
importSymbol = makeNameAliasPair <$> aliasIdentifier <*> pure Nothing
importSymbol = makeNameAliasPair <$> identifier
-- `from a import foo as bar`
aliasImportSymbol = symbol AliasedImport *> children (makeNameAliasPair <$> aliasIdentifier <*> (Just <$> aliasIdentifier))
aliasImportSymbol = makeTerm <$> symbol AliasedImport <*> children (Python.Syntax.Alias <$> identifier <*> identifier)
-- `from a import *`
wildcard = symbol WildcardImport *> (name <$> source) $> []
@ -431,9 +431,7 @@ import' = makeTerm'' <$> symbol ImportStatement <*> children (manyTerm (aliase
importPrefix = symbol ImportPrefix *> source
identifierSource = (symbol Identifier <|> symbol Identifier') *> source
aliasIdentifier = (symbol Identifier <|> symbol Identifier') *> (name <$> source) <|> symbol DottedName *> (name <$> source)
makeNameAliasPair from (Just alias) = Python.Syntax.Alias from alias
makeNameAliasPair from Nothing = Python.Syntax.Alias from from
makeNameAliasPair alias = Python.Syntax.Alias alias alias
assertStatement :: Assignment Term
assertStatement = makeTerm <$> symbol AssertStatement <*> children (Expression.Call [] <$> (makeTerm <$> symbol AnonAssert <*> (Syntax.Identifier . name <$> source)) <*> manyTerm expression <*> emptyTerm)
@ -115,34 +115,40 @@ resolvePythonModules q = do
modulePath <- resolve searchPaths
maybeM (throwResolutionError $ NotFoundError path searchPaths Language.Python) modulePath
data Alias a = Alias { aliasValue :: a, aliasName :: a}
deriving (Generic1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Hashable1, Message1, Named1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Alias
instance Declarations1 Alias where
liftDeclaredName declaredName = declaredName . aliasValue
liftDeclaredAlias declaredAlias = declaredAlias . aliasName
toTuple :: Alias a -> (a, a)
toTuple Alias{..} = (aliasValue, aliasName)
-- | Import declarations (symbols are added directly to the calling environment).
-- If the list of symbols is empty copy everything to the calling environment.
data Import a = Import { importFrom :: QualifiedName, importSymbols :: ![Alias] }
data Import a = Import { importFrom :: QualifiedName, importSymbols :: ![a] }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Message1, Named1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically Import
newtype FutureImport a = FutureImport { futureImportSymbols :: [Alias] }
newtype FutureImport a = FutureImport { futureImportSymbols :: [a] }
deriving (Declarations1, Diffable, Eq, Foldable, FreeVariables1, Functor, Generic1, Hashable1, Message1, Named1, Ord, Show, ToJSONFields1, Traversable, NFData1)
deriving (Eq1, Show1, Ord1) via Generically FutureImport
instance Evaluatable FutureImport where
data Alias = Alias { aliasValue :: Name, aliasName :: Name }
deriving (Eq, Generic, Hashable, Ord, Show, Message, Named, ToJSON, NFData)
toTuple :: Alias -> (Name, Name)
toTuple Alias{..} = (aliasValue, aliasName)
-- from a import b
instance Evaluatable Import where
-- from . import moduleY -- aliasValue = moduleY, aliasName = moduleY
-- from . import moduleY as moduleZ -- aliasValue = moduleY, aliasName = moduleZ
-- This is a bit of a special case in the syntax as this actually behaves like a qualified relative import.
eval _ _ (Import (RelativeQualifiedName n Nothing) [Alias{..}]) = do
path <- NonEmpty.last <$> resolvePythonModules (RelativeQualifiedName n (Just (qualifiedName (formatName aliasValue :| []))))
eval _ _ (Import (RelativeQualifiedName n Nothing) [aliasTerm]) = do
aliasValue' <- maybeM (throwNoNameError aliasTerm) (declaredName aliasTerm)
path <- NonEmpty.last <$> resolvePythonModules (RelativeQualifiedName n (Just (qualifiedName (formatName aliasValue' :| []))))
((moduleScope, moduleFrame), _) <- require path
span <- ask @Span
@ -154,6 +160,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Import where
aliasFrame <- newFrame importScope (Map.singleton ScopeGraph.Import scopeMap)
-- Add declaration of the alias name to the current scope (within our current module).
aliasName <- maybeM (throwNoNameError aliasTerm) (declaredAlias aliasTerm)
declare (Declaration aliasName) Default span ScopeGraph.UnqualifiedImport (Just importScope)
-- Retrieve the frame slot for the new declaration.
aliasSlot <- lookupDeclaration (Declaration aliasName)
@ -165,7 +172,7 @@ instance Evaluatable Import where
-- from a import b as c
-- from a import *
-- from .moduleY import b
eval _ _ (Import name xs) = do
eval eval _ (Import name xs) = do
modulePaths <- resolvePythonModules name
-- Eval parent modules first
@ -181,8 +188,12 @@ instance Evaluatable Import where
let scopeEdges = Map.singleton ScopeGraph.Import [ moduleScope ]
scopeAddress <- newScope scopeEdges
withScope moduleScope .
for_ xs $ \Alias{..} ->
insertImportReference (Reference aliasName) emptySpan ScopeGraph.Identifier (Declaration aliasValue) scopeAddress
for_ xs $ \aliasTerm -> do
aliasValue <- maybeM (throwNoNameError aliasTerm) (declaredName aliasTerm)
aliasName <- maybeM (throwNoNameError aliasTerm) (declaredAlias aliasTerm)
_ <- eval aliasTerm
aliasSpan <- get @Span
insertImportReference (Reference aliasName) aliasSpan ScopeGraph.Identifier (Declaration aliasValue) scopeAddress
let frameLinks = Map.singleton moduleScope moduleFrame
frameAddress <- newFrame scopeAddress (Map.singleton ScopeGraph.Import frameLinks)
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ newtype TypeIdentifier a = TypeIdentifier { contents :: T.Text }
instance Declarations1 TypeIdentifier where
liftDeclaredName _ (TypeIdentifier identifier) = Just (Evaluatable.name identifier)
liftDeclaredAlias _ (TypeIdentifier identifier) = Just (Evaluatable.name identifier)
-- TODO: TypeIdentifier shouldn't evaluate to an address in the heap?
instance Evaluatable TypeIdentifier where
Reference in New Issue
Block a user