{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Data.Mergeable.Spec (spec) where import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..)) import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Functor.Listable import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import Data.Mergeable import Test.Hspec import Test.Hspec.LeanCheck import Test.LeanCheck spec :: Spec spec = parallel $ do describe "[]" $ do withAlternativeInstances sequenceAltLaws (tiers :: [Tier String]) withAlternativeInstances mergeLaws (tiers :: [Tier String]) describe "Maybe" $ do withAlternativeInstances sequenceAltLaws (tiers :: [Tier (Maybe Char)]) withAlternativeInstances mergeLaws (tiers :: [Tier (Maybe Char)]) describe "Identity" $ do withAlternativeInstances sequenceAltLaws (Identity `mapT` tiers :: [Tier (Identity Char)]) withAlternativeInstances mergeLaws (Identity `mapT` tiers :: [Tier (Identity Char)]) describe "ListableSyntax" $ do withAlternativeInstances sequenceAltLaws (tiers :: [Tier (ListableSyntax Char)]) withAlternativeInstances mergeLaws (tiers :: [Tier (ListableSyntax Char)]) prop "subsumes catMaybes/Just" $ \ a -> sequenceAlt a `shouldBe` pure (catMaybes (a :: [Maybe Char])) mergeLaws :: forall f g a. (Mergeable f, Alternative g, Eq (g (f a)), Show (f a), Show (g (f a))) => [Tier (f a)] -> [Tier (Blind (a -> g a))] -> Spec mergeLaws value function = describe "merge" $ do prop "identity" . forAll value $ \ a -> merge pure a `shouldNotBe` (empty :: g (f a)) prop "relationship with sequenceAlt" . forAll (value >< function) $ \ (a, f) -> merge (getBlind f) a `shouldBe` sequenceAlt (fmap (getBlind f) a) sequenceAltLaws :: forall f g a. (Mergeable f, Alternative g, Eq (g (f a)), Show (f a), Show (g (f a))) => [Tier (f a)] -> [Tier (Blind (a -> g a))] -> Spec sequenceAltLaws value function = describe "sequenceAlt" $ do prop "identity" . forAll value $ \ a -> sequenceAlt (pure <$> a) `shouldNotBe` (empty :: g (f a)) prop "relationship with merge" . forAll (productWith ((Blind .) . fmap . getBlind) function value :: [Tier (Blind (f (g a)))]) $ \ a -> sequenceAlt (getBlind a) `shouldBe` merge id (getBlind a) withAlternativeInstances :: forall f a. (Listable a, Eq (f a), Show (f a)) => (forall g. (Alternative g, Eq (g (f a)), Show (g (f a))) => [Tier (f a)] -> [Tier (Blind (a -> g a))] -> Spec) -> [Tier (f a)] -> Spec withAlternativeInstances laws gen = do describe "[]" $ laws gen (fmap const `mapT` tiers :: [Tier (Blind (a -> [a]))]) describe "Maybe" $ laws gen (fmap const `mapT` tiers :: [Tier (Blind (a -> Maybe a))]) newtype Blind a = Blind { getBlind :: a } deriving Functor instance Listable a => Listable (Blind a) where tiers = Blind `mapT` tiers instance Show (Blind a) where showsPrec _ _ = showString "*"