module DiffOutput where import Source import Term import Control.Comonad.Cofree import qualified Data.Text as T import Diff import Syntax import Range import Renderer import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B1 import qualified Data.Text.ICU.Detect as Detect import qualified Data.Text.ICU.Convert as Convert import Split import Unified import System.Directory import System.FilePath import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TextIO import qualified PatchOutput import qualified Parsers as P import Rainbow -- | The available types of diff rendering. data Format = Unified | Split | Patch data DiffArguments = DiffArguments { format :: Format, output :: Maybe FilePath, outputPath :: FilePath } parserForFilepath :: FilePath -> P.Parser parserForFilepath = P.parserForType . T.pack . takeExtension -- | Replace every string leaf with leaves of the words in the string. breakDownLeavesByWord :: Source Char -> Term T.Text Info -> Term T.Text Info breakDownLeavesByWord source = cata replaceIn where replaceIn info@(Info range categories) (Leaf _) | ranges <- rangesAndWordsInSource range, length ranges > 1 = info :< (Indexed $ makeLeaf categories <$> ranges) replaceIn info syntax = info :< syntax rangesAndWordsInSource range = rangesAndWordsFrom (start range) (Source.toList $ slice range source) makeLeaf categories (range, substring) = Info range categories :< Leaf (T.pack substring) -- | Transcode a file to a unicode source. transcode :: B1.ByteString -> IO (Source Char) transcode text = fromText <$> do match <- Detect.detectCharset text converter <- match Nothing return $ Convert.toUnicode converter text -- | Read the file and convert it to Unicode. readAndTranscodeFile :: FilePath -> IO (Source Char) readAndTranscodeFile path = do text <- B1.readFile path transcode text -- | Return a renderer from the command-line arguments that will print the diff. printDiff :: DiffArguments -> Renderer T.Text (IO ()) printDiff arguments diff sources = case format arguments of Unified -> put $ unified diff sources where put chunks = do renderer <- byteStringMakerFromEnvironment B1.putStr $ mconcat $ chunksToByteStrings renderer chunks Split -> put (output arguments) =<< split diff sources where put Nothing rendered = TextIO.putStr rendered put (Just path) rendered = do isDir <- doesDirectoryExist path let outputPath = if isDir then path (takeFileName outputPath -<.> ".html") else path IO.withFile outputPath IO.WriteMode (flip TextIO.hPutStr rendered) Patch -> putStr $ PatchOutput.patch diff sources