[{ "testCaseDescription": "go-function-declarations-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-declarations.go": [ { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 1, 13 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'f1' function" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 6 ], "end": [ 2, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 9 ], "end": [ 2, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'a' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 11 ], "end": [ 2, 14 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 16 ], "end": [ 2, 17 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'b' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 19 ], "end": [ 2, 20 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'c' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 22 ], "end": [ 2, 23 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'd' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 24 ], "end": [ 2, 30 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'string' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 32 ], "end": [ 2, 35 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 36 ], "end": [ 2, 38 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 6 ], "end": [ 3, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 8 ], "end": [ 3, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 12 ], "end": [ 3, 15 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 17 ], "end": [ 3, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 24 ], "end": [ 3, 26 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 6 ], "end": [ 4, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 8 ], "end": [ 4, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 12 ], "end": [ 4, 18 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'result' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 19 ], "end": [ 4, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 24 ], "end": [ 4, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'err' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 28 ], "end": [ 4, 33 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 35 ], "end": [ 4, 37 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '{}' block" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-declarations.go" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/function-declarations.go b/function-declarations.go", "index e69de29..21da2ea 100644", "--- a/function-declarations.go", "+++ b/function-declarations.go", "@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@", "+func f1() {}", "+func f2(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", "+func f2() (int, error) {}", "+func f2() (result int, err error) {}" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/go", "shas": "8dd40bb91580306459251df1f1029fc05d9268f8..3c3cfbd318f66bda6c2ff6f4dd83c5f07b5d3392" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "go-function-declarations-replacement-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-declarations.go": [ { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 1, 13 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'fa' function" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 6 ], "end": [ 2, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'fb' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 9 ], "end": [ 2, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'a' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 11 ], "end": [ 2, 14 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 16 ], "end": [ 2, 17 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'b' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 19 ], "end": [ 2, 20 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'c' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 22 ], "end": [ 2, 23 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'd' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 24 ], "end": [ 2, 30 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'string' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 32 ], "end": [ 2, 35 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 36 ], "end": [ 2, 38 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 6 ], "end": [ 3, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'fc' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 8 ], "end": [ 3, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 12 ], "end": [ 3, 15 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 17 ], "end": [ 3, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 24 ], "end": [ 3, 26 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 6 ], "end": [ 4, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'fd' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 8 ], "end": [ 4, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 12 ], "end": [ 4, 18 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'result' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 19 ], "end": [ 4, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 24 ], "end": [ 4, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'err' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 28 ], "end": [ 4, 33 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 35 ], "end": [ 4, 37 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 5, 1 ], "end": [ 5, 13 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'f1' function" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 6 ], "end": [ 6, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 9 ], "end": [ 6, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'a' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 11 ], "end": [ 6, 14 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 16 ], "end": [ 6, 17 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'b' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 19 ], "end": [ 6, 20 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'c' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 22 ], "end": [ 6, 23 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'd' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 24 ], "end": [ 6, 30 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'string' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 32 ], "end": [ 6, 35 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 36 ], "end": [ 6, 38 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 7, 6 ], "end": [ 7, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 7, 8 ], "end": [ 7, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 7, 12 ], "end": [ 7, 15 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 7, 17 ], "end": [ 7, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 7, 24 ], "end": [ 7, 26 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 6 ], "end": [ 8, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 8 ], "end": [ 8, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 12 ], "end": [ 8, 18 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'result' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 19 ], "end": [ 8, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 24 ], "end": [ 8, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'err' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 28 ], "end": [ 8, 33 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 35 ], "end": [ 8, 37 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '{}' block" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-declarations.go" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/function-declarations.go b/function-declarations.go", "index 21da2ea..768679a 100644", "--- a/function-declarations.go", "+++ b/function-declarations.go", "@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@", "+func fa() {}", "+func fb(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", "+func fc() (int, error) {}", "+func fd() (result int, err error) {}", "+func f1() {}", "+func f2(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", "+func f2() (int, error) {}", "+func f2() (result int, err error) {}", " func f1() {}", " func f2(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", " func f2() (int, error) {}" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/go", "shas": "3c3cfbd318f66bda6c2ff6f4dd83c5f07b5d3392..30a422712b0c49e2ea12eb277e47a9845df28e83" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "go-function-declarations-delete-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-declarations.go": [ { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 6 ], "end": [ 1, 8 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 6 ], "end": [ 1, 8 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'fa' identifier with the 'f1' identifier in the f1 function" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 2, 6 ], "end": [ 2, 8 ] }, { "start": [ 2, 6 ], "end": [ 2, 8 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'fb' identifier with the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 3, 6 ], "end": [ 3, 8 ] }, { "start": [ 3, 6 ], "end": [ 3, 8 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'fc' identifier with the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 4, 6 ], "end": [ 4, 8 ] }, { "start": [ 4, 6 ], "end": [ 4, 8 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'fd' identifier with the 'f2' identifier" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-declarations.go" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/function-declarations.go b/function-declarations.go", "index 768679a..da899b5 100644", "--- a/function-declarations.go", "+++ b/function-declarations.go", "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@", "-func fa() {}", "-func fb(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", "-func fc() (int, error) {}", "-func fd() (result int, err error) {}", "+func f1() {}", "+func f2(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", "+func f2() (int, error) {}", "+func f2() (result int, err error) {}", " func f1() {}", " func f2(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", " func f2() (int, error) {}" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/go", "shas": "30a422712b0c49e2ea12eb277e47a9845df28e83..673287894ebdcf184351f0511ecd3212091e1ca9" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "go-function-declarations-replacement-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-declarations.go": [ { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 6 ], "end": [ 1, 8 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 6 ], "end": [ 1, 8 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'f1' identifier with the 'fa' identifier in the fa function" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 2, 6 ], "end": [ 2, 8 ] }, { "start": [ 2, 6 ], "end": [ 2, 8 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'f2' identifier with the 'fb' identifier" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 3, 6 ], "end": [ 3, 8 ] }, { "start": [ 3, 6 ], "end": [ 3, 8 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'f2' identifier with the 'fc' identifier" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 4, 6 ], "end": [ 4, 8 ] }, { "start": [ 4, 6 ], "end": [ 4, 8 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'f2' identifier with the 'fd' identifier" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-declarations.go" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/function-declarations.go b/function-declarations.go", "index da899b5..768679a 100644", "--- a/function-declarations.go", "+++ b/function-declarations.go", "@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@", "-func f1() {}", "-func f2(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", "-func f2() (int, error) {}", "-func f2() (result int, err error) {}", "+func fa() {}", "+func fb(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", "+func fc() (int, error) {}", "+func fd() (result int, err error) {}", " func f1() {}", " func f2(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", " func f2() (int, error) {}" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/go", "shas": "673287894ebdcf184351f0511ecd3212091e1ca9..5f59e09781b11fd553ec06bd339bd351a255df93" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "go-function-declarations-delete-replacement-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-declarations.go": [ { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 1, 13 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'fa' function" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 6 ], "end": [ 2, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'fb' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 9 ], "end": [ 2, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'a' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 11 ], "end": [ 2, 14 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 16 ], "end": [ 2, 17 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'b' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 19 ], "end": [ 2, 20 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'c' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 22 ], "end": [ 2, 23 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'd' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 24 ], "end": [ 2, 30 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'string' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 32 ], "end": [ 2, 35 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 36 ], "end": [ 2, 38 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 6 ], "end": [ 3, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'fc' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 8 ], "end": [ 3, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 12 ], "end": [ 3, 15 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 17 ], "end": [ 3, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 24 ], "end": [ 3, 26 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 6 ], "end": [ 4, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'fd' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 8 ], "end": [ 4, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 12 ], "end": [ 4, 18 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'result' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 19 ], "end": [ 4, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 24 ], "end": [ 4, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'err' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 28 ], "end": [ 4, 33 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 35 ], "end": [ 4, 37 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 5, 1 ], "end": [ 5, 13 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'f1' function" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 6, 6 ], "end": [ 6, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 6, 9 ], "end": [ 6, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'a' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 6, 11 ], "end": [ 6, 14 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 6, 16 ], "end": [ 6, 17 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'b' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 6, 19 ], "end": [ 6, 20 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'c' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 6, 22 ], "end": [ 6, 23 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'd' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 6, 24 ], "end": [ 6, 30 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'string' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 6, 32 ], "end": [ 6, 35 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 6, 36 ], "end": [ 6, 38 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 7, 6 ], "end": [ 7, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 7, 8 ], "end": [ 7, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 7, 12 ], "end": [ 7, 15 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 7, 17 ], "end": [ 7, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 7, 24 ], "end": [ 7, 26 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 8, 6 ], "end": [ 8, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 8, 8 ], "end": [ 8, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 8, 12 ], "end": [ 8, 18 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'result' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 8, 19 ], "end": [ 8, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 8, 24 ], "end": [ 8, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'err' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 8, 28 ], "end": [ 8, 33 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 8, 35 ], "end": [ 8, 37 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 5, 1 ], "end": [ 5, 13 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'fa' function" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 6 ], "end": [ 6, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'fb' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 9 ], "end": [ 6, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'a' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 11 ], "end": [ 6, 14 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 16 ], "end": [ 6, 17 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'b' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 19 ], "end": [ 6, 20 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'c' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 22 ], "end": [ 6, 23 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'd' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 24 ], "end": [ 6, 30 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'string' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 32 ], "end": [ 6, 35 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 36 ], "end": [ 6, 38 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 7, 6 ], "end": [ 7, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'fc' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 7, 8 ], "end": [ 7, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 7, 12 ], "end": [ 7, 15 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 7, 17 ], "end": [ 7, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 7, 24 ], "end": [ 7, 26 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 6 ], "end": [ 8, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'fd' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 8 ], "end": [ 8, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 12 ], "end": [ 8, 18 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'result' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 19 ], "end": [ 8, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 24 ], "end": [ 8, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'err' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 28 ], "end": [ 8, 33 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 8, 35 ], "end": [ 8, 37 ] } }, "summary": "Added the '{}' block" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-declarations.go" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/function-declarations.go b/function-declarations.go", "index 768679a..306f918 100644", "--- a/function-declarations.go", "+++ b/function-declarations.go", "@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@", "-func fa() {}", "-func fb(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", "-func fc() (int, error) {}", "-func fd() (result int, err error) {}", "-func f1() {}", "-func f2(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", "-func f2() (int, error) {}", "-func f2() (result int, err error) {}", " func f1() {}", " func f2(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", " func f2() (int, error) {}", " func f2() (result int, err error) {}", "+func fa() {}", "+func fb(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", "+func fc() (int, error) {}", "+func fd() (result int, err error) {}" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/go", "shas": "5f59e09781b11fd553ec06bd339bd351a255df93..dc9ae6ff616858e0bce27734c7740fd0fd1fb74c" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "go-function-declarations-delete-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-declarations.go": [ { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 1, 13 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'f1' function" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 6 ], "end": [ 2, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 9 ], "end": [ 2, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'a' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 11 ], "end": [ 2, 14 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 16 ], "end": [ 2, 17 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'b' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 19 ], "end": [ 2, 20 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'c' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 22 ], "end": [ 2, 23 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'd' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 24 ], "end": [ 2, 30 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'string' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 32 ], "end": [ 2, 35 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 36 ], "end": [ 2, 38 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 6 ], "end": [ 3, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 8 ], "end": [ 3, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 12 ], "end": [ 3, 15 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 17 ], "end": [ 3, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 24 ], "end": [ 3, 26 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 6 ], "end": [ 4, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'f2' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 8 ], "end": [ 4, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 12 ], "end": [ 4, 18 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'result' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 19 ], "end": [ 4, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 24 ], "end": [ 4, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'err' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 28 ], "end": [ 4, 33 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 35 ], "end": [ 4, 37 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '{}' block" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-declarations.go" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/function-declarations.go b/function-declarations.go", "index 306f918..cc84bb3 100644", "--- a/function-declarations.go", "+++ b/function-declarations.go", "@@ -1,7 +1,3 @@", "-func f1() {}", "-func f2(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", "-func f2() (int, error) {}", "-func f2() (result int, err error) {}", " func fa() {}", " func fb(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", " func fc() (int, error) {}" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/go", "shas": "dc9ae6ff616858e0bce27734c7740fd0fd1fb74c..23379b519c471e14ee16c665dd5485618a6df571" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "go-function-declarations-delete-rest-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-declarations.go": [ { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 1, 13 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'fa' function" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 6 ], "end": [ 2, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'fb' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 9 ], "end": [ 2, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'a' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 11 ], "end": [ 2, 14 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 16 ], "end": [ 2, 17 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'b' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 19 ], "end": [ 2, 20 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'c' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 22 ], "end": [ 2, 23 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'd' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 24 ], "end": [ 2, 30 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'string' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 32 ], "end": [ 2, 35 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 36 ], "end": [ 2, 38 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 6 ], "end": [ 3, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'fc' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 8 ], "end": [ 3, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 12 ], "end": [ 3, 15 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 17 ], "end": [ 3, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 24 ], "end": [ 3, 26 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '{}' block" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 6 ], "end": [ 4, 8 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'fd' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 8 ], "end": [ 4, 10 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '()' arguments" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 12 ], "end": [ 4, 18 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'result' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 19 ], "end": [ 4, 22 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'int' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 24 ], "end": [ 4, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'err' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 28 ], "end": [ 4, 33 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'error' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 35 ], "end": [ 4, 37 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the '{}' block" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-declarations.go" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/function-declarations.go b/function-declarations.go", "index cc84bb3..e69de29 100644", "--- a/function-declarations.go", "+++ b/function-declarations.go", "@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@", "-func fa() {}", "-func fb(a int, b, c, d string) int {}", "-func fc() (int, error) {}", "-func fd() (result int, err error) {}" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/go", "shas": "23379b519c471e14ee16c665dd5485618a6df571..bd6863ea897df8ffa4a3b1d5e6bce6d32cc332a3" }]