[{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-if-else-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if-else.js": [ { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 2, 1 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'x' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if-else.js" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/if-else.js b/if-else.js", "index e69de29..d81ebad 100644", "--- a/if-else.js", "+++ b/if-else.js", "@@ -0,0 +1 @@", "+if (x) y; else if (a) b; else if (c) d; else if (e) f; else g" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "shas": "ee538d5b471190fe27f80e1defc319f36f5f9c38..d5f532daeb84c4dd664519d388575b8891e7e25a" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-if-else-replacement-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if-else.js": [ { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 2, 1 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'g' if statement" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 1 ], "end": [ 3, 1 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'x' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if-else.js" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/if-else.js b/if-else.js", "index d81ebad..6bb0eaa 100644", "--- a/if-else.js", "+++ b/if-else.js", "@@ -1 +1,3 @@", "+if (g) h; else if (i) { j; } else if (k) l; else if (m) { n; } else o", "+if (x) y; else if (a) b; else if (c) d; else if (e) f; else g", " if (x) y; else if (a) b; else if (c) d; else if (e) f; else g" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "shas": "d5f532daeb84c4dd664519d388575b8891e7e25a..539d5f1eb9ec34131ed8d31c596c38285f83e6bf" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-if-else-delete-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if-else.js": [ { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 5 ], "end": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 5 ], "end": [ 1, 6 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'g' identifier with the 'x' identifier in the 'x' if statement" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 8 ], "end": [ 1, 9 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 8 ], "end": [ 1, 9 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'h' identifier with the 'y' identifier in the 'x' if statement" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 20 ], "end": [ 1, 21 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 20 ], "end": [ 1, 21 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'i' identifier with the 'a' identifier in the 'a' if statement" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 1, 23 ], "end": [ 1, 24 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'b' identifier in the 'a' if statement" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 1, 25 ], "end": [ 1, 26 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'j' identifier in the 'a' if statement" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 39 ], "end": [ 1, 40 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 35 ], "end": [ 1, 36 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'k' identifier with the 'c' identifier in the 'c' if statement" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 42 ], "end": [ 1, 43 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 38 ], "end": [ 1, 39 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'l' identifier with the 'd' identifier in the 'c' if statement" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 54 ], "end": [ 1, 55 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 50 ], "end": [ 1, 51 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'm' identifier with the 'e' identifier in the 'e' if statement" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 1, 53 ], "end": [ 1, 54 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'f' identifier in the 'e' if statement" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 1, 59 ], "end": [ 1, 60 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'n' identifier in the 'e' if statement" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 69 ], "end": [ 1, 70 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 61 ], "end": [ 1, 62 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'o' identifier with the 'g' identifier in the 'e' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if-else.js" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/if-else.js b/if-else.js", "index 6bb0eaa..2034be1 100644", "--- a/if-else.js", "+++ b/if-else.js", "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@", "-if (g) h; else if (i) { j; } else if (k) l; else if (m) { n; } else o", "+if (x) y; else if (a) b; else if (c) d; else if (e) f; else g", " if (x) y; else if (a) b; else if (c) d; else if (e) f; else g", " if (x) y; else if (a) b; else if (c) d; else if (e) f; else g" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "shas": "539d5f1eb9ec34131ed8d31c596c38285f83e6bf..f525e3671aa6d43caf17c2582f3c746f07570b7a" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-if-else-replacement-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if-else.js": [ { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 5 ], "end": [ 1, 6 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 5 ], "end": [ 1, 6 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'x' identifier with the 'g' identifier in the 'g' if statement" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 8 ], "end": [ 1, 9 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 8 ], "end": [ 1, 9 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'y' identifier with the 'h' identifier in the 'g' if statement" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 20 ], "end": [ 1, 21 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 20 ], "end": [ 1, 21 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'a' identifier with the 'i' identifier in the 'i' if statement" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 1, 25 ], "end": [ 1, 26 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'j' identifier in the 'i' if statement" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 1, 23 ], "end": [ 1, 24 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'b' identifier in the 'i' if statement" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 35 ], "end": [ 1, 36 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 39 ], "end": [ 1, 40 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'c' identifier with the 'k' identifier in the 'k' if statement" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 38 ], "end": [ 1, 39 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 42 ], "end": [ 1, 43 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'd' identifier with the 'l' identifier in the 'k' if statement" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 50 ], "end": [ 1, 51 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 54 ], "end": [ 1, 55 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'e' identifier with the 'm' identifier in the 'm' if statement" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 1, 59 ], "end": [ 1, 60 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'n' identifier in the 'm' if statement" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 1, 53 ], "end": [ 1, 54 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'f' identifier in the 'm' if statement" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 61 ], "end": [ 1, 62 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 69 ], "end": [ 1, 70 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'g' identifier with the 'o' identifier in the 'm' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if-else.js" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/if-else.js b/if-else.js", "index 2034be1..6bb0eaa 100644", "--- a/if-else.js", "+++ b/if-else.js", "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@", "-if (x) y; else if (a) b; else if (c) d; else if (e) f; else g", "+if (g) h; else if (i) { j; } else if (k) l; else if (m) { n; } else o", " if (x) y; else if (a) b; else if (c) d; else if (e) f; else g", " if (x) y; else if (a) b; else if (c) d; else if (e) f; else g" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "shas": "f525e3671aa6d43caf17c2582f3c746f07570b7a..9fce9df9688253990d3fcfa4eb8f2280aa1c0c7c" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-if-else-delete-replacement-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if-else.js": [ { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 2, 1 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'g' if statement" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 2, 1 ], "end": [ 3, 1 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'x' if statement" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 2, 1 ], "end": [ 3, 1 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'g' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if-else.js" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/if-else.js b/if-else.js", "index 6bb0eaa..e26d6c4 100644", "--- a/if-else.js", "+++ b/if-else.js", "@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@", "-if (g) h; else if (i) { j; } else if (k) l; else if (m) { n; } else o", "-if (x) y; else if (a) b; else if (c) d; else if (e) f; else g", " if (x) y; else if (a) b; else if (c) d; else if (e) f; else g", "+if (g) h; else if (i) { j; } else if (k) l; else if (m) { n; } else o" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "shas": "9fce9df9688253990d3fcfa4eb8f2280aa1c0c7c..f5b900cb596f7084a32ca9441f01e9be4b1e27dd" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-if-else-delete-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if-else.js": [ { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 2, 1 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'x' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if-else.js" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/if-else.js b/if-else.js", "index e26d6c4..1a55d0b 100644", "--- a/if-else.js", "+++ b/if-else.js", "@@ -1,2 +1 @@", "-if (x) y; else if (a) b; else if (c) d; else if (e) f; else g", " if (g) h; else if (i) { j; } else if (k) l; else if (m) { n; } else o" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "shas": "f5b900cb596f7084a32ca9441f01e9be4b1e27dd..c3bb4c6e35fc4755d18a5e0fb53d5410a476c039" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-if-else-delete-rest-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if-else.js": [ { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 2, 1 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'g' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if-else.js" ], "patch": [ "diff --git a/if-else.js b/if-else.js", "index 1a55d0b..e69de29 100644", "--- a/if-else.js", "+++ b/if-else.js", "@@ -1 +0,0 @@", "-if (g) h; else if (i) { j; } else if (k) l; else if (m) { n; } else o" ], "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "shas": "c3bb4c6e35fc4755d18a5e0fb53d5410a476c039..dffe792710a5ad52de12ed62e48340a71e5c9227" }]