{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module SpecHelpers ( module X , runBuilder , diffFilePaths , parseFilePath , parseTestFile , readFilePathPair , runTaskOrDie , TaskSession(..) , testEvaluating , toList , Config , LogQueue , StatQueue , lookupDeclaration , lookupMembers , EdgeLabel(..) ) where import Control.Abstract import Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph (EdgeLabel(..)) import qualified Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph import qualified Data.Abstract.Heap as Heap import Control.Effect.Trace as X (runTraceByIgnoring, runTraceByReturning) import Control.Monad ((>=>)) import Data.Traversable as X (for) import Data.Abstract.Address.Precise as X import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable import Data.Abstract.FreeVariables as X import Data.Abstract.Module as X import Data.Abstract.ModuleTable as X hiding (lookup) import Data.Abstract.Name as X import Data.Abstract.Value.Concrete (Value(..), ValueError, runValueError) import Data.Blob as X import Data.Blob.IO as X import Data.ByteString.Builder (Builder, toLazyByteString) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (toStrict) import Data.Project as X import Data.Proxy as X import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Functor.Listable as X import Data.Language as X import Data.List.NonEmpty as X (NonEmpty(..)) import Data.Range as X import Data.Semilattice.Lower as X import Data.Source as X import Data.Span as X hiding (HasSpan(..)) import Data.String import Data.Sum import Data.Term as X import Parsing.Parser as X import Semantic.Task as X import Semantic.Util as X import Semantic.Graph (runHeap, runScopeGraph) import System.FilePath as X import Debug.Trace as X (traceShowM, traceM) import Data.ByteString as X (ByteString) import Data.Functor.Both as X (Both (Both), runBothWith) import Data.Maybe as X import Data.Monoid as X (Monoid(..), First(..), Last(..)) import Data.Semigroup as X (Semigroup(..)) import Control.Monad as X import Test.Hspec as X (Spec, SpecWith, context, describe, it, xit, parallel, pendingWith, around, runIO) import Test.Hspec.Expectations as X import Test.Hspec.LeanCheck as X import Test.LeanCheck as X import Semantic.Config (Config(..), optionsLogLevel) import Semantic.Telemetry (LogQueue, StatQueue) import Semantic.Api hiding (File, Blob, BlobPair) import System.Exit (die) import Control.Exception (displayException) runBuilder :: Builder -> ByteString runBuilder = toStrict . toLazyByteString -- | This orphan instance is so we don't have to insert @name@ calls -- in dozens and dozens of environment specs. instance IsString Name where fromString = X.name . fromString -- | Returns an s-expression formatted diff for the specified FilePath pair. diffFilePaths :: TaskSession -> Both FilePath -> IO ByteString diffFilePaths session paths = readFilePathPair paths >>= runTask session . parseDiffBuilder @[] DiffSExpression . pure >>= either (die . displayException) (pure . runBuilder) -- | Returns an s-expression parse tree for the specified FilePath. parseFilePath :: TaskSession -> FilePath -> IO (Either SomeException ByteString) parseFilePath session path = do blob <- readBlobFromFile (fileForPath path) res <- runTask session $ parseTermBuilder TermSExpression (toList blob) pure (runBuilder <$> res) -- | Read two files to a BlobPair. readFilePathPair :: Both FilePath -> IO BlobPair readFilePathPair paths = let paths' = fmap fileForPath paths in runBothWith readFilePair paths' parseTestFile :: Parser term -> FilePath -> IO (Blob, term) parseTestFile parser path = runTaskOrDie $ do blob <- readBlob (fileForPath path) term <- parse parser blob pure (blob, term) -- Run a Task and call `die` if it returns an Exception. runTaskOrDie :: TaskEff a -> IO a runTaskOrDie task = runTaskWithOptions defaultOptions { optionsLogLevel = Nothing } task >>= either (die . displayException) pure type TestEvaluatingC term = ResumableC (BaseError (AddressError Precise (Val term))) ( ResumableC (BaseError (ValueError term Precise)) ( ResumableC (BaseError ResolutionError) ( ResumableC (BaseError (EvalError term Precise (Val term))) ( ResumableC (BaseError (HeapError Precise)) ( ResumableC (BaseError (ScopeError Precise)) ( ResumableC (BaseError (UnspecializedError Precise (Val term))) ( ResumableC (BaseError (LoadError Precise (Val term))) ( StateC (Heap Precise Precise (Val term)) ( StateC (ScopeGraph Precise) ( FreshC ( TraceByIgnoringC ( LiftC IO)))))))))))) type TestEvaluatingErrors term = '[ BaseError (AddressError Precise (Val term)) , BaseError (ValueError term Precise) , BaseError ResolutionError , BaseError (EvalError term Precise (Val term)) , BaseError (HeapError Precise) , BaseError (ScopeError Precise) , BaseError (UnspecializedError Precise (Val term)) , BaseError (LoadError Precise (Val term)) ] testEvaluating :: Evaluator term Precise (Val term) (TestEvaluatingC term) a -> IO (ScopeGraph Precise, (Heap Precise Precise (Value term Precise), Either (SomeError (Data.Sum.Sum (TestEvaluatingErrors term))) a)) testEvaluating = runM . runTraceByIgnoring . runFresh . runEvaluator . runScopeGraph . runHeap . fmap reassociate . runLoadError . runUnspecialized . runScopeError . runHeapError . runEvalError . runResolutionError . runValueError . runAddressError type Val term = Value term Precise members :: EdgeLabel -> Heap Precise Precise (Value term Precise) -> ScopeGraph Precise -> Value term Precise -> Maybe [Name] members edgeLabel heap scopeGraph (Data.Abstract.Value.Concrete.Object frame) = frameNames [ edgeLabel ] heap scopeGraph frame members edgeLabel heap scopeGraph (Class _ _ frame) = frameNames [ edgeLabel ] heap scopeGraph frame members _ _ _ _ = Nothing frameNames :: [ EdgeLabel ] -> Heap Precise Precise (Value term Precise) -> ScopeGraph Precise -> Precise -> Maybe [ Name ] frameNames edge heap scopeGraph frame = do scopeAddress <- Heap.scopeLookup frame heap scope <- ScopeGraph.lookupScope scopeAddress scopeGraph pure (unDeclaration <$> toList (ScopeGraph.declarationNames edge scope scopeGraph)) lookupMembers :: Name -> EdgeLabel -> (Precise, Precise) -> Heap Precise Precise (Value term Precise) -> ScopeGraph Precise -> Maybe [ Name ] lookupMembers name edgeLabel scopeAndFrame heap scopeGraph = (lookupDeclaration name scopeAndFrame heap scopeGraph >>= members edgeLabel heap scopeGraph . Prelude.head) lookupDeclaration :: Name -> (Precise, Precise) -> Heap Precise Precise (Value term Precise) -> ScopeGraph Precise -> Maybe [ Value term Precise ] lookupDeclaration name (currentScope, currentFrame) heap scopeGraph = do path <- ScopeGraph.lookupScopePath name currentScope scopeGraph frameAddress <- Heap.lookupFrameAddress path currentFrame heap toList <$> Heap.getSlotValue (Slot frameAddress (Heap.pathPosition path)) heap