/// A node in a syntax tree. Expressed algebraically to enable representation of both normal syntax trees and their diffs. public enum Syntax: CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomDocConvertible { case Leaf(A) case Indexed([Recur]) case Keyed([String:Recur]) // MARK: Functor public func map(@noescape transform: Recur -> T) -> Syntax { switch self { case let .Leaf(n): return .Leaf(n) case let .Indexed(x): return .Indexed(x.map(transform)) case let .Keyed(d): return .Keyed(Dictionary(elements: d.map { ($0, transform($1)) })) } } public var debugDescription: String { switch self { case let .Leaf(n): return ".Leaf(\(n))" case let .Indexed(x): return ".Indexed(\(String(reflecting: x)))" case let .Keyed(d): return ".Keyed(\(String(reflecting: d)))" } } public var doc: Doc { switch self { case let .Leaf(n): return Doc(n) case let .Indexed(x): return x.map(Doc.init).joinWithSeparator(",").bracket("[", "]") case let .Keyed(d): return d.lazy.map { Doc($0) <> Doc(":") <+> Doc($1) }.joinWithSeparator(",").bracket("[", "]") } } } // MARK: - ArrayLiteralConvertible extension Syntax: ArrayLiteralConvertible { public init(arrayLiteral: Recur...) { self = .Indexed(arrayLiteral) } } // MARK: - DictionaryLiteralConvertible extension Syntax: DictionaryLiteralConvertible { public init(dictionaryLiteral elements: (String, Recur)...) { self = .Keyed(Dictionary(elements: elements)) } } // MARK: - Equality extension Syntax { public static func equals(ifLeaf ifLeaf: (A, A) -> Bool, ifRecur: (Recur, Recur) -> Bool)(_ left: Syntax, _ right: Syntax) -> Bool { switch (left, right) { case let (.Leaf(l1), .Leaf(l2)): return ifLeaf(l1, l2) case let (.Indexed(v1), .Indexed(v2)): return v1.count == v2.count && zip(v1, v2).lazy.map(ifRecur).reduce(true) { $0 && $1 } case let (.Keyed(d1), .Keyed(d2)): return Array(d1.keys) == Array(d2.keys) && d1.keys.lazy.map { ifRecur(d1[$0]!, d2[$0]!) }.reduce(true) { $0 && $1 } default: return false } } } public func == (left: Syntax, right: Syntax) -> Bool { return Syntax.equals(ifLeaf: ==, ifRecur: ==)(left, right) } // MARK: - Hashing extension Syntax { public func hash(ifLeaf ifLeaf: A -> Hash, ifRecur: Recur -> Hash) -> Hash { switch self { case let .Leaf(n): return Hash("Leaf", ifLeaf(n)) case let .Indexed(x): return Hash("Indexed", .Ordered(x.map(ifRecur))) case let .Keyed(d): return Hash("Keyed", .Ordered(d.keys.sort().map { Hash($0, ifRecur(d[$0]!)) })) } } } extension Syntax where Recur: Hashable, A: Hashable { public var hash: Hash { return hash(ifLeaf: Hash.init, ifRecur: Hash.init) } } // MARK: - JSON extension Syntax { public func JSON(ifLeaf ifLeaf: A -> Doubt.JSON, ifRecur: Recur -> Doubt.JSON) -> Doubt.JSON { switch self { case let .Leaf(a): return ifLeaf(a) case let .Indexed(a): return .Array(a.map(ifRecur)) case let .Keyed(d): return .Dictionary(Dictionary(elements: d.map { ($0, ifRecur($1)) })) } } } // MARK: - Construction /// SyntaxConvertible types can be constructed with the same constructors available on Syntax itself, as a convenience. public protocol SyntaxConvertible { typealias RecurType typealias LeafType init(syntax: Syntax) } extension SyntaxConvertible { public static func Leaf(value: LeafType) -> Self { return Self(syntax: .Leaf(value)) } public static func Indexed(children: [RecurType]) -> Self { return Self(syntax: .Indexed(children)) } public static func Keyed(children: [String:RecurType]) -> Self { return Self(syntax: .Keyed(children)) } }