public struct Location: SequenceType { /// Construct a `Location` representing some position within a tree. public init(it: A, down: A -> Location?, up: A -> Location?, left: A -> Location?, right: A -> Location?) { = it _left = left _right = right _up = up _down = down } /// The node currently in focus. public let it: A private let _down: A -> Location? public var down: Location? { return _down(it) } private let _up: A -> Location? public var up: Location? { return _up(it) } private let _left: A -> Location? public var left: Location? { return _left(it) } private let _right: A -> Location? public var right: Location? { return _right(it) } /// The root `Location` in the current exploration. public var root: Location { return up?.root ?? self } /// Returns the logically next `Location` after the receiver in a pre-order depth-first traversal. public var next: Location? { return down ?? nextAfter } /// Returns the logically next `Location` after the receiver and its children in a pre-order depth-first traversal. private var nextAfter: Location? { return right ?? up?.nextAfter } /// Return a new `Location` by replacing the current value with a new one produced by `f`. public func modify(@noescape f: A -> A) -> Location { return Location(it: f(it), down: _down, up: _up, left: _left, right: _right) } public typealias Weave = A -> Unweave public typealias Unweave = (A -> Location?) -> Location? // MARK: - Constructors public static func nullary(up: A -> Location?) -> Location? { return nil } public static func unary(t1: A, _ weave: Weave, _ reconstruct: A -> A)(_ up: A -> Location?) -> Location? { return Location(flip(weave), reconstruct >>> up, t1) } public static func binary(t1: A, _ t2: A, _ weave: Weave, _ reconstruct: (A, A) -> A)(_ up: A -> Location?) -> Location? { return Location(flip(weave), reconstruct >>> up, t1, t2) } public static func ternary(t1: A, _ t2: A, _ t3: A, _ weave: Weave, _ reconstruct: (A, A, A) -> A)(_ up: A -> Location?) -> Location? { return Location(flip(weave), reconstruct >>> up, t1, t2, t3) } public static func explore(weave: Weave)(_ a : A) -> Location { return Location(it: a, down: flip(weave)(explore(weave) >>> Optional.Some), up: const(nil), left: const(nil), right: const(nil)) } // MARK: - Implementation details private init?(_ weave: (A -> Location?) -> A -> Location?, _ up: A -> Location?, _ a: A) { func into(t1: A) -> Location? { return Location(it: t1, down: weave(into), up: up, left: const(nil), right: const(nil)) } guard let location = into(a) else { return nil } self = location } private init?(_ weave: (A -> Location?) -> A -> Location?, _ up: (A, A) -> Location?, _ t1: A, _ t2: A) { func into1(t1: A, _ t2: A) -> Location? { let update: ((A, A) -> Location?) -> A -> Location? = { fl in { t1 in fl(t1, t2) } } return Location(it: t1, down: weave(update(into1)), up: update(up), left: const(nil), right: update(into2)) } func into2(t1: A, _ t2: A) -> Location? { let update: ((A, A) -> Location?) -> A -> Location? = { fl in { t2 in fl(t1, t2) } } return Location(it: t2, down: weave(update(into2)), up: update(up), left: update(into1), right: const(nil)) } guard let location = into1(t1, t2) else { return nil } self = location } private init?(_ weave: (A -> Location?) -> A -> Location?, _ up: (A, A, A) -> Location?, _ t1: A, _ t2: A, _ t3: A) { func into1(t1: A, _ t2: A, _ t3: A) -> Location? { let update: ((A, A, A) -> Location?) -> A -> Location? = { fl in { t1 in fl(t1, t2, t3) } } return Location(it: t1, down: weave(update(into1)), up: update(up), left: const(nil), right: update(into2)) } func into2(t1: A, _ t2: A, _ t3: A) -> Location? { let update: ((A, A, A) -> Location?) -> A -> Location? = { fl in { t2 in fl(t1, t2, t3) } } return Location(it: t1, down: weave(update(into2)), up: update(up), left: update(into1), right: update(into3)) } func into3(t1: A, _ t2: A, _ t3: A) -> Location? { let update: ((A, A, A) -> Location?) -> A -> Location? = { fl in { t3 in fl(t1, t2, t3) } } return Location(it: t1, down: weave(update(into3)), up: update(up), left: update(into2), right: const(nil)) } guard let location = into1(t1, t2, t3) else { return nil } self = location } // MARK: SequenceType public func generate() -> AnyGenerator { var current: Location? = self return anyGenerator { let next = current current = current?.next return next } } } // Flipping of curried functions. private func flip(f: A -> B -> C)(_ b: B)(_ a: A) -> C { return f(a)(b) } import Prelude