{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass, DerivingStrategies, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, LambdaCase, StandaloneDeriving, FlexibleInstances, NamedFieldPuns, OverloadedStrings, QuantifiedConstraints, TypeOperators, UndecidableInstances, TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} module Instances () where -- Testing code depends on certain instances that we don't want to -- expose in semantic-core proper, yet are important enough that -- we should keep track of them in a dedicated file. import Analysis.ScopeGraph import Control.Effect.Sum import Data.Aeson import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Loc import Data.Core (Core, Ann (..)) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.File import Data.Term import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Scope (Scope, Incr) import qualified Data.Scope as Scope import Data.Name instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Named a) where toJSON _ = object [] instance ToJSON1 Named where liftToJSON f _ (Named i a) = object [ "name" .= i , "value" .= f a ] -- Loses information compared to the toJSON instance -- due to an infelicity in how Aeson's toJSON1 is implemented. -- The correct thing to do here is to manually munge the bytestring -- together as a builder, but we don't even hit this code path, -- so it will do for now. liftToEncoding f _ (Named name a) = f a instance ToJSON2 Incr where liftToJSON2 f _ g _ = \case Scope.Z a -> f a Scope.S b -> g b liftToEncoding2 f _ g _ = \case Scope.Z a -> f a Scope.S b -> g b deriving newtype instance (ToJSON a) => ToJSON (Ignored a) instance (Functor f, ToJSON1 f, ToJSON a) => ToJSON1 (Scope a f) where liftToJSON f g (Scope.Scope a) = toJSON1 (fmap (toJSON2 . fmap (liftToJSON f g)) a) liftToEncoding f g (Scope.Scope a) = liftToEncoding inner outer a where inner = liftToEncoding2 toEncoding toEncodingList hoist loist outer = liftToEncodingList2 toEncoding toEncodingList hoist loist hoist = liftToEncoding f g loist = liftToEncodingList f g deriving anyclass instance (Functor f, ToJSON1 f) => ToJSON1 (Core f) instance (ToJSON1 (sig (Term sig))) => ToJSON1 (Term sig) where liftToJSON f _ (Var a) = f a liftToJSON f g (Term s) = liftToJSON f g s liftToEncoding f _ (Var a) = f a liftToEncoding f g (Term s) = liftToEncoding f g s instance (ToJSON1 (f k), ToJSON1 (g k)) => ToJSON1 ((:+:) f g k) where liftToJSON f g (L h) = liftToJSON f g h liftToJSON f g (R h) = liftToJSON f g h instance (ToJSON1 f) => ToJSON1 (Ann f) where liftToJSON f g (Ann loc term) = let rest = case liftToJSON f g term of Object os -> HashMap.toList os other -> ["value" .= other] in object (["location" .= loc] <> rest) -- We default to deriving the default toEncoding definition (that piggybacks -- off of toJSON) so that we never hit the problematic code paths associated -- with toEncoding above. instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (File a) where toJSON File{fileLoc, fileBody} = object [ "location" .= fileLoc , "body" .= fileBody ] instance ToJSON Span where toJSON Span{spanStart, spanEnd} = object [ "kind" .= ("span" :: Text) , "start" .= spanStart , "end" .= spanEnd ] instance ToJSON Pos where toJSON Pos{posLine, posCol} = object [ "kind" .= ("pos" :: Text) , "line" .= posLine , "column" .= posCol ] instance ToJSON Loc where toJSON Loc{locPath, locSpan} = object [ "kind" .= ("loc" :: Text) , "path" .= locPath , "span" .= locSpan ] instance ToJSON Ref where toJSON (Ref loc) = object [ "kind" .= ("ref" :: Text) , "location" .= loc] instance ToJSON Decl where toJSON Decl{declSymbol, declLoc} = object [ "kind" .= ("decl" :: Text) , "symbol" .= declSymbol , "location" .= declLoc ] instance ToJSON ScopeGraph where toJSON (ScopeGraph sc) = toJSON . Map.mapKeys declSymbol $ sc