[{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-bitwise-operator-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "bitwise-operator.js": [ { "span": { "that": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "bitwise-operator.js", "end": [ 1, 7 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'i >> j' bitwise operator", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "bitwise-operator.js" ], "sha1": "c9eeca7b41f404d72d81ffd3df9410d8c31ca047", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "4fc400a4eb7b1cfc1a100d9846e3710ff7c786bf" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-bitwise-operator-replacement-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "bitwise-operator.js": [ { "span": { "that": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "bitwise-operator.js", "end": [ 1, 7 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'i >> k' bitwise operator", "tag": "JSONSummary" }, { "span": { "that": { "start": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "bitwise-operator.js", "end": [ 2, 7 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'i >> j' bitwise operator", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "bitwise-operator.js" ], "sha1": "4fc400a4eb7b1cfc1a100d9846e3710ff7c786bf", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "35c56ac13d2b06f705d85436d59990ea5ca702cd" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-bitwise-operator-delete-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "bitwise-operator.js": [ { "span": { "these": [ { "start": [ 1, 6 ], "name": "bitwise-operator.js", "end": [ 1, 7 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 6 ], "name": "bitwise-operator.js", "end": [ 1, 7 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'k' identifier with the 'j' identifier", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "bitwise-operator.js" ], "sha1": "35c56ac13d2b06f705d85436d59990ea5ca702cd", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "b6f9a8be0234a7634f488eee6a9fc74963f2c4cf" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-bitwise-operator-replacement-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "bitwise-operator.js": [ { "span": { "these": [ { "start": [ 1, 6 ], "name": "bitwise-operator.js", "end": [ 1, 7 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 6 ], "name": "bitwise-operator.js", "end": [ 1, 7 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'j' identifier with the 'k' identifier", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "bitwise-operator.js" ], "sha1": "b6f9a8be0234a7634f488eee6a9fc74963f2c4cf", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "21b29fd95f13d556e369f0eb1bdf250be26d228b" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-bitwise-operator-delete-replacement-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "bitwise-operator.js": [ { "span": { "this": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "bitwise-operator.js", "end": [ 1, 7 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'i >> k' bitwise operator", "tag": "JSONSummary" }, { "span": { "this": { "start": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "bitwise-operator.js", "end": [ 2, 7 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'i >> j' bitwise operator", "tag": "JSONSummary" }, { "span": { "that": { "start": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "bitwise-operator.js", "end": [ 2, 7 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'i >> k' bitwise operator", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "bitwise-operator.js" ], "sha1": "21b29fd95f13d556e369f0eb1bdf250be26d228b", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "8b40de098783b76e489b51b0635681e66c689563" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-bitwise-operator-delete-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "bitwise-operator.js": [ { "span": { "this": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "bitwise-operator.js", "end": [ 1, 7 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'i >> j' bitwise operator", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "bitwise-operator.js" ], "sha1": "8b40de098783b76e489b51b0635681e66c689563", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "69d13307ee856916150b04403772e70780df3f68" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-bitwise-operator-delete-rest-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "bitwise-operator.js": [ { "span": { "this": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "bitwise-operator.js", "end": [ 1, 7 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'i >> k' bitwise operator", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "bitwise-operator.js" ], "sha1": "69d13307ee856916150b04403772e70780df3f68", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "0d4682971dbf0345afd2593f1068dc25c4cd0e84" }]