[{ "testCaseDescription": "ruby-if-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if.rb": [ { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 7, 4 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'foo' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if.rb" ], "sha1": "0522110452860c1fbab3a97d2b7ca5ce760401a9", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/ruby", "sha2": "0fb0e81f1e9292c6e85251f0cf51499d0b69c708" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "ruby-if-replacement-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if.rb": [ { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 2, 4 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'x' if statement" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 1 ], "end": [ 4, 4 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'y' if statement" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 5, 1 ], "end": [ 11, 4 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'foo' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if.rb" ], "sha1": "0fb0e81f1e9292c6e85251f0cf51499d0b69c708", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/ruby", "sha2": "760ae580e161b5292da34af5a088be27e30d5c32" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "ruby-if-delete-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if.rb": [ { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 4 ], "end": [ 1, 5 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 4 ], "end": [ 1, 7 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'x' identifier with the 'foo' identifier" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 5 ], "end": [ 2, 1 ] }, { "start": [ 2, 3 ], "end": [ 2, 6 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the '\n' then_block with the 'bar' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 7 ], "end": [ 3, 11 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'quux' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 4, 3 ], "end": [ 4, 6 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'baz' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 6, 3 ], "end": [ 6, 6 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'bat' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 1 ], "end": [ 4, 4 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'y' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if.rb" ], "sha1": "760ae580e161b5292da34af5a088be27e30d5c32", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/ruby", "sha2": "85f66931ee4acba71f5679144581d10b72942ec3" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "ruby-if-replacement-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if.rb": [ { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 1, 4 ], "end": [ 1, 7 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 4 ], "end": [ 1, 5 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'foo' identifier with the 'x' identifier" }, { "span": { "replace": [ { "start": [ 2, 3 ], "end": [ 2, 6 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 5 ], "end": [ 2, 1 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the 'bar' identifier with the '\n' then_block" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 7 ], "end": [ 3, 11 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'quux' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 4, 3 ], "end": [ 4, 6 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'baz' identifier" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 6, 3 ], "end": [ 6, 6 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'bat' identifier" }, { "span": { "insert": { "start": [ 3, 1 ], "end": [ 4, 4 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'y' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if.rb" ], "sha1": "85f66931ee4acba71f5679144581d10b72942ec3", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/ruby", "sha2": "2c73c57a4e1a4e50085577fd43253d11b382e079" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "ruby-if-delete-replacement-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if.rb": [ { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 12, 1 ], "end": [ 18, 4 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'foo' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if.rb" ], "sha1": "2c73c57a4e1a4e50085577fd43253d11b382e079", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/ruby", "sha2": "f80685b32db055d2d6bf76a7113115be0e62fed2" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "ruby-if-delete-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if.rb": [ { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 7, 4 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'foo' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if.rb" ], "sha1": "f80685b32db055d2d6bf76a7113115be0e62fed2", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/ruby", "sha2": "10f2c0bbc49ae600c7f1d8961fbc9d28c44e69f7" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "ruby-if-delete-rest-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "if.rb": [ { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "end": [ 2, 4 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'x' if statement" }, { "span": { "delete": { "start": [ 3, 1 ], "end": [ 4, 4 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'y' if statement" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "if.rb" ], "sha1": "10f2c0bbc49ae600c7f1d8961fbc9d28c44e69f7", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/ruby", "sha2": "564ba2bc7dba46165688e9c7328b276e5a4b8b98" }]