[{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-function-call-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-call.js": [ { "span": { "that": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "function-call.js", "end": [ 1, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'someFunction(arg1, \"arg2\")' function call", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-call.js" ], "sha1": "cf31ddf834d011d1d55eee3da85c70f15eea67f1", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "67d53107901a801fcd3027e5e0e5aae18fb2ca36" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-function-call-replacement-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-call.js": [ { "span": { "that": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "function-call.js", "end": [ 1, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'someFunction(arg1, \"arg3\")' function call", "tag": "JSONSummary" }, { "span": { "that": { "start": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "function-call.js", "end": [ 2, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'someFunction(arg1, \"arg2\")' function call", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-call.js" ], "sha1": "67d53107901a801fcd3027e5e0e5aae18fb2ca36", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "211596a53308346f468fe8ed76ace3ce30ddf4da" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-function-call-delete-insert-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-call.js": [ { "span": { "these": [ { "start": [ 1, 20 ], "name": "function-call.js", "end": [ 1, 26 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 20 ], "name": "function-call.js", "end": [ 1, 26 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the \"arg3\" string with the \"arg2\" string in the someFunction(arg1, \"arg2\") function call", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-call.js" ], "sha1": "211596a53308346f468fe8ed76ace3ce30ddf4da", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "fd80aa4f89fad9074132808237e195a8d9545b86" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-function-call-replacement-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-call.js": [ { "span": { "these": [ { "start": [ 1, 20 ], "name": "function-call.js", "end": [ 1, 26 ] }, { "start": [ 1, 20 ], "name": "function-call.js", "end": [ 1, 26 ] } ] }, "summary": "Replaced the \"arg2\" string with the \"arg3\" string in the someFunction(arg1, \"arg3\") function call", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-call.js" ], "sha1": "fd80aa4f89fad9074132808237e195a8d9545b86", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "9f9c596f918e7d7c6a538e6213855683eccd9dd7" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-function-call-delete-replacement-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-call.js": [ { "span": { "this": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "function-call.js", "end": [ 1, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'someFunction(arg1, \"arg3\")' function call", "tag": "JSONSummary" }, { "span": { "this": { "start": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "function-call.js", "end": [ 2, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'someFunction(arg1, \"arg2\")' function call", "tag": "JSONSummary" }, { "span": { "that": { "start": [ 2, 1 ], "name": "function-call.js", "end": [ 2, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Added the 'someFunction(arg1, \"arg3\")' function call", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-call.js" ], "sha1": "9f9c596f918e7d7c6a538e6213855683eccd9dd7", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "044ad612c7ddae2a92516fa81c38fe337f45f44b" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-function-call-delete-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-call.js": [ { "span": { "this": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "function-call.js", "end": [ 1, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'someFunction(arg1, \"arg2\")' function call", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-call.js" ], "sha1": "044ad612c7ddae2a92516fa81c38fe337f45f44b", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "245fd4ed85aa4fbcecaca43247ca77efa8382c34" } ,{ "testCaseDescription": "javascript-function-call-delete-rest-test", "expectedResult": { "changes": { "function-call.js": [ { "span": { "this": { "start": [ 1, 1 ], "name": "function-call.js", "end": [ 1, 27 ] } }, "summary": "Deleted the 'someFunction(arg1, \"arg3\")' function call", "tag": "JSONSummary" } ] }, "errors": {} }, "filePaths": [ "function-call.js" ], "sha1": "245fd4ed85aa4fbcecaca43247ca77efa8382c34", "gitDir": "test/corpus/repos/javascript", "sha2": "1057513972364b1ca48ee19f74fb73ca06119e8c" }]