/// The type of terms. public protocol TermType { typealias Leaf var unwrap: Syntax { get } } extension TermType { public static func unwrap(term: Self) -> Syntax { return term.unwrap } /// Catamorphism over `TermType`s. /// /// Folds the tree encoded by the receiver into a single value by recurring top-down through the tree, applying `transform` to leaves, then to branches, and so forth. public func cata(transform: Syntax throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result { return try transform(unwrap.map { try $0.cata(transform) }) } /// Paramorphism over `TermType`s. /// /// Folds the tree encoded by the receiver into a single value by recurring top-down through the tree, applying `transform` to leaves, then to branches, and so forth. Each recursive instance is made available in the `Syntax` alongside the result value at that node. public func para(transform: Syntax<(Self, Result), Leaf> throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result { return try transform(unwrap.map { try ($0, $0.para(transform)) }) } /// The count of nodes in the receiver. /// /// This is used to compute the cost of patches, such that a patch inserting a very large tree will be charged approximately the same as a very large tree consisting of many small patches. public var size: Int { return cata { switch $0 { case .Leaf: return 1 case let .Indexed(i): return i.reduce(1, combine: +) case let .Fixed(i): return i.reduce(1, combine: +) case let .Keyed(k): return k.values.reduce(1, combine: +) } } } } // MARK: - Equality extension TermType { public static func equals(leaf: (Leaf, Leaf) -> Bool)(_ a: Self, _ b: Self) -> Bool { return Syntax.equals(leaf: leaf, recur: equals(leaf))(a.unwrap, b.unwrap) } } import Prelude