{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Main (main) where import System.Environment import TreeSitter.Unmarshal import TreeSitter.Python.AST import TreeSitter.Python import Source.Range import Source.Span import Data.ByteString.Char8 import Data.ByteString (pack, readFile, ByteString) import System.IO (FilePath) import Options.Applicative hiding (style) import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import Text.Pretty.Simple (pPrint, pPrintNoColor) import Data.Traversable (for) data SemanticAST = SemanticAST { format :: Format , color :: Bool , source :: Either [FilePath] Prelude.String } -- Usage: semantic-ast --format ARG [--no-color] [--sourceString STRING] [FILEPATHS…] parseAST :: Parser SemanticAST parseAST = SemanticAST <$> option auto ( long "format" <> help "Specify desired output: show, json, sexpression" ) <*> switch ( long "no-color" <> help "Print with color: --color" ) <*> (Left <$> some (Options.Applicative.argument str (metavar "FILEPATH(S)")) <|> Right <$> strOption ( long "sourceString" <> metavar "STRING" <> help "Specify source input to parse" )) main :: IO () main = generateAST =<< execParser opts generateAST :: SemanticAST -> IO () generateAST (SemanticAST format color source) = do bytestrings <- case source of Left filePaths -> do traverse Data.ByteString.readFile filePaths Right source -> do pure [Data.ByteString.Char8.pack source] ast <- for bytestrings $ \bytestring -> do parseByteString @TreeSitter.Python.AST.Module @(Range, Span) tree_sitter_python bytestring case format of Show -> print ast Pretty -> pPrint ast case color of Prelude.True -> pPrintNoColor ast Prelude.False -> pPrint ast opts :: ParserInfo SemanticAST opts = info (parseAST <**> helper) ( fullDesc <> progDesc "Parse source code and produce an AST" <> header "semantic-ast is a package used to parse source code" ) -- TODO: Define formats for json, sexpression, etc. data Format = Show | Pretty deriving (Read)