# HLint configuration file # https://github.com/ndmitchell/hlint - arguments: [--color=auto, -XDataKinds, -XDeriveFoldable, -XDeriveFunctor, -XDeriveGeneric, -XDeriveTraversable, -XFlexibleContexts, -XFlexibleInstances, -XMultiParamTypeClasses, -XOverloadedStrings, -XRecordWildCards, -XStandaloneDeriving, -XStrictData, -XTypeApplications, -XDerivingVia] # Blacklist some functions by default. - functions: - {name: unsafePerformIO, within: [Data.Scientific.Exts.attemptUnsafeArithmetic]} - {name: unsafeCoerce, within: []} - {name: head, within: []} - {name: tail, within: []} - {name: init, within: []} - {name: last, within: []} - {name: fromJust, within: []} # Replace a $ b $ c with a . b $ c - group: {name: dollar, enabled: true} # Generalise map to fmap, ++ to <> - group: {name: generalise, enabled: true} # Change the severity of the default group to warning - warn: {group: {name: default}} # Ignore the highly noisy module export list hint - ignore: {name: Use module export list} # Ignore some builtin hints - ignore: {name: Use mappend} - ignore: {name: Redundant do} - ignore: {name: Use lambda-case} # TODO: investigate whether cost-center analysis is better with lambda-case than it was - ignore: {name: Use fmap} # Ignored because map has better type inference. # Change the severity of hints we don’t want to fail CI for - suggest: {name: Eta reduce} # Ignore eta reduce in the assignment modules - ignore: name: Eta reduce within: - Language.Go.Assignment - Language.MiniPython.Assignment - Language.MiniRuby.Assignment - Language.PHP.Assignment - Language.Python.Assignment - Language.Ruby.Assignment - ignore: {name: Use ., within: [Analysis.Abstract.Graph.graphingModules]} - ignore: {name: Reduce duplication, within: [Semantic.Util]} - ignore: {name: Use newtype instead of data, within: [Semantic.Api.V1.CodeAnalysisPB]} # Our customized warnings # AMP fallout - warning: {lhs: mapM, rhs: traverse, name: Generalize mapM} - warning: {lhs: mapM_, rhs: traverse_, name: Generalize mapM_} - warning: {lhs: forM, rhs: for, name: Generalize forM} - warning: {lhs: forM_, rhs: for_, name: Generalize forM_} - warning: {lhs: sequence, rhs: sequenceA, name: Generalize sequence} - warning: {lhs: sequence_, rhs: sequenceA_, name: Generalize sequence_} - warning: {lhs: return, rhs: pure, name: Avoid return} # Terms - warning: {lhs: termFAnnotation . unTerm, rhs: termAnnotation, name: Use termAnnotation} - warning: {lhs: termFOut . unTerm, rhs: termOut, name: Use termOut} - warning: {lhs: project . termOut, rhs: projectTerm, name: Use projectTerm} # Conveniences - warning: {lhs: maybe a pure, rhs: maybeM a, name: Use maybeM} - warning: {lhs: either (const a) id, rhs: fromRight a, name: use fromRight} - warning: {lhs: either id (const a), rhs: fromLeft a, name: use fromRight} # Applicative style - warning: {lhs: f <$> pure a <*> b, rhs: f a <$> b, name: Avoid redundant pure} - warning: {lhs: f <$> pure a <* b, rhs: f a <$ b, name: Avoid redundant pure}