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module SourceSpec where
import Data.Char (chr)
import Data.Range
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Source
import Data.Span
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.LeanCheck
import Test.LeanCheck
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
describe "sourceLineRanges" $ do
prop "produces 1 more range than there are newlines" $
\ source -> length (sourceLineRanges source) `shouldBe` succ (Text.count "\n" (toText source))
prop "produces exhaustive ranges" $
\ source -> foldMap (`slice` source) (sourceLineRanges source) `shouldBe` source
describe "spanToRange" $ do
prop "computes single-line ranges" . forAll (unListableByteString `mapT` tiers) $
\ s -> let source = fromBytes s
spans = zipWith (\ i Range {..} -> Span (Pos i 1) (Pos i (succ (end - start)))) [1..] ranges
ranges = sourceLineRanges source in
spanToRange source <$> spans `shouldBe` ranges
prop "computes multi-line ranges" $
\ source ->
spanToRange source (totalSpan source) `shouldBe` totalRange source
prop "computes sub-line ranges" $
\ s -> let source = "*" <> s <> "*" in
spanToRange source (insetSpan (totalSpan source)) `shouldBe` insetRange (totalRange source)
prop "inverse of rangeToSpan" $
\ a b -> let s = a <> "\n" <> b in spanToRange s (totalSpan s) `shouldBe` totalRange s
describe "rangeToSpan" $ do
prop "inverse of spanToRange" $
\ a b -> let s = a <> "\n" <> b in rangeToSpan s (totalRange s) `shouldBe` totalSpan s
describe "totalSpan" $ do
prop "covers single lines" $
\ n -> totalSpan (fromText (Text.replicate n "*")) `shouldBe` Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 (max 1 (succ n)))
prop "covers multiple lines" $
\ n -> totalSpan (fromText (Text.intersperse '\n' (Text.replicate n "*"))) `shouldBe` Span (Pos 1 1) (Pos (max 1 n) (if n > 0 then 2 else 1))
prop "preserves characters" . forAll (toTiers (list +| [chr 0xa0..chr 0x24f])) $
\ c -> Text.unpack (toText (fromText (Text.singleton c))) `shouldBe` [c]
prop "preserves strings" $
\ s -> fromText (toText s) `shouldBe` s
insetSpan :: Span -> Span
insetSpan sourceSpan = sourceSpan { spanStart = (spanStart sourceSpan) { posColumn = succ (posColumn (spanStart sourceSpan)) }
, spanEnd = (spanEnd sourceSpan) { posColumn = pred (posColumn (spanEnd sourceSpan)) } }
insetRange :: Range -> Range
insetRange Range {..} = Range (succ start) (pred end)