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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Renderer.TOC (toc, diffTOC, JSONSummary(..), Summarizable(..), isErrorSummary) where
import Category as C
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Functor.Both hiding (fst, snd)
import qualified Data.Functor.Both as Both
import Data.Text (toLower)
import Data.Record
import Diff
import Info
import Prologue
import Range
import Renderer.Summary (Summaries(..))
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map as Map hiding (null)
import Source hiding (null)
import Syntax as S
import Term
import Patch
data JSONSummary = JSONSummary { info :: Summarizable }
| ErrorSummary { error :: Text, errorSpan :: SourceSpan }
deriving (Generic, Eq, Show)
instance ToJSON JSONSummary where
toJSON JSONSummary{..} = object $ case info of
InSummarizable{..} -> [ "changeType" .= ("modified" :: Text), "category" .= toCategoryName parentCategory, "term" .= parentTermName, "span" .= parentSourceSpan ]
Summarizable{..} -> [ "changeType" .= summarizableChangeType, "category" .= toCategoryName summarizableCategory, "term" .= summarizableTermName, "span" .= summarizableSourceSpan ]
NotSummarizable -> panic "NotSummarizable should have been pruned"
toJSON ErrorSummary{..} = object [ "error" .= error, "span" .= errorSpan ]
isErrorSummary :: JSONSummary -> Bool
isErrorSummary ErrorSummary{} = True
isErrorSummary _ = False
data DiffInfo = LeafInfo { leafCategory :: Category, termName :: Text, leafSourceSpan :: SourceSpan }
| BranchInfo { branches :: [ DiffInfo ], branchCategory :: Category }
| ErrorInfo { infoSpan :: SourceSpan, termName :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Show)
data TOCSummary a = TOCSummary {
summaryPatch :: Patch a,
parentInfo :: Summarizable
} deriving (Eq, Functor, Show, Generic)
data Summarizable = Summarizable { summarizableCategory :: Category, summarizableTermName :: Text, summarizableSourceSpan :: SourceSpan, summarizableChangeType :: Text }
| InSummarizable { parentCategory :: Category, parentTermName :: Text, parentSourceSpan :: SourceSpan }
| NotSummarizable
deriving (Eq, Show)
data SummarizableTerm a = SummarizableTerm a | NotSummarizableTerm a
toc :: HasDefaultFields fields => Both SourceBlob -> Diff (Syntax Text) (Record fields) -> Summaries
toc blobs diff = Summaries changes errors
changes = if null changes' then mempty else Map.singleton summaryKey (toJSON <$> changes')
errors = if null errors' then mempty else Map.singleton summaryKey (toJSON <$> errors')
(errors', changes') = List.partition isErrorSummary summaries
summaryKey = toSummaryKey (path <$> blobs)
summaries = diffTOC blobs diff
-- Returns a key representing the filename. If the filenames are different,
-- return 'before -> after'.
toSummaryKey :: Both FilePath -> Text
toSummaryKey = runBothWith $ \before after ->
toS $ case (before, after) of
("", after) -> after
(before, "") -> before
(before, after) | before == after -> after
(before, after) | not (null before) && not (null after) -> before <> " -> " <> after
(_, _) -> mempty
diffTOC :: (StringConv leaf Text, HasDefaultFields fields) => Both SourceBlob -> SyntaxDiff leaf fields -> [JSONSummary]
diffTOC blobs diff = removeDupes (diffToTOCSummaries (source <$> blobs) diff) >>= toJSONSummaries
removeDupes :: [TOCSummary DiffInfo] -> [TOCSummary DiffInfo]
removeDupes = foldl' go []
go xs x | (_, _ : _) <- find exactMatch x xs = xs
| (front, existingItem : back) <- find similarMatch x xs =
(Summarizable category name sourceSpan _) = parentInfo existingItem
replacement = x { parentInfo = Summarizable category name sourceSpan "modified" }
front <> (replacement : back)
| otherwise = xs <> [x]
find p x = List.break (p x)
exactMatch a b = parentInfo a == parentInfo b
similarMatch a b = case (parentInfo a, parentInfo b) of
(Summarizable catA nameA _ _, Summarizable catB nameB _ _) -> catA == catB && toLower nameA == toLower nameB
(_, _) -> False
diffToTOCSummaries :: (StringConv leaf Text, HasDefaultFields fields) => Both Source -> SyntaxDiff leaf fields -> [TOCSummary DiffInfo]
diffToTOCSummaries sources = para $ \diff ->
diff' = free (Prologue.fst <$> diff)
patch' = mapPatch (termToDiffInfo beforeSource) (termToDiffInfo afterSource)
(beforeSource, afterSource) = runJoin sources
in case diff of
(Free (_ :< syntax)) -> mapToInSummarizable sources diff' (toList syntax >>= snd)
(Pure patch) -> toTOCSummaries (patch' patch)
-- Mark which leaves are summarizable.
toTOCSummaries :: Patch DiffInfo -> [TOCSummary DiffInfo]
toTOCSummaries patch = case afterOrBefore patch of
ErrorInfo{..} -> pure $ TOCSummary patch NotSummarizable
BranchInfo{..} -> flattenPatch patch >>= toTOCSummaries
LeafInfo{..} -> pure . TOCSummary patch $ case leafCategory of
C.Function -> Summarizable leafCategory termName leafSourceSpan (patchType patch)
C.Method -> Summarizable leafCategory termName leafSourceSpan (patchType patch)
C.SingletonMethod -> Summarizable leafCategory termName leafSourceSpan (patchType patch)
_ -> NotSummarizable
flattenPatch :: Patch DiffInfo -> [Patch DiffInfo]
flattenPatch patch = case patch of
Replace i1 i2 -> zipWith Replace (toLeafInfos' i1) (toLeafInfos' i2)
Insert info -> Insert <$> toLeafInfos' info
Delete info -> Delete <$> toLeafInfos' info
toLeafInfos' :: DiffInfo -> [DiffInfo]
toLeafInfos' BranchInfo{..} = branches >>= toLeafInfos'
toLeafInfos' leaf = [leaf]
mapToInSummarizable :: forall leaf fields. HasDefaultFields fields => Both Source -> SyntaxDiff leaf fields -> [TOCSummary DiffInfo] -> [TOCSummary DiffInfo]
mapToInSummarizable sources diff children = case (beforeTerm diff, afterTerm diff) of
(_, Just diff') -> mapToInSummarizable' (Both.snd sources) diff' <$> children
(Just diff', _) -> mapToInSummarizable' (Both.fst sources) diff' <$> children
(Nothing, Nothing) -> []
mapToInSummarizable' :: Source -> SyntaxTerm leaf fields -> TOCSummary DiffInfo -> TOCSummary DiffInfo
mapToInSummarizable' source term summary =
case (parentInfo summary, summarizable term) of
(NotSummarizable, SummarizableTerm _) ->
summary { parentInfo = InSummarizable (category (extract term)) (toTermName 0 source term) (Info.sourceSpan (extract term)) }
(_, _) -> summary
summarizable :: ComonadCofree (Syntax t) w => w a -> SummarizableTerm (w a)
summarizable term = go (unwrap term) term
where go syntax = case syntax of
S.Method{} -> SummarizableTerm
S.Function{} -> SummarizableTerm
_ -> NotSummarizableTerm
toJSONSummaries :: TOCSummary DiffInfo -> [JSONSummary]
toJSONSummaries TOCSummary{..} = toJSONSummaries' (afterOrBefore summaryPatch)
toJSONSummaries' diffInfo = case diffInfo of
ErrorInfo{..} -> pure $ ErrorSummary termName infoSpan
BranchInfo{..} -> branches >>= toJSONSummaries'
LeafInfo{..} -> case parentInfo of
NotSummarizable -> []
_ -> pure $ JSONSummary parentInfo
termToDiffInfo :: forall leaf fields. (StringConv leaf Text, HasDefaultFields fields) => Source -> SyntaxTerm leaf fields -> DiffInfo
termToDiffInfo source term = case unwrap term of
S.Indexed children -> BranchInfo (termToDiffInfo' <$> children) (category $ extract term)
S.Fixed children -> BranchInfo (termToDiffInfo' <$> children) (category $ extract term)
S.AnonymousFunction _ _ -> LeafInfo C.AnonymousFunction (toTermName' term) (getField $ extract term)
S.Commented cs leaf -> BranchInfo (termToDiffInfo' <$> cs <> maybeToList leaf) (category $ extract term)
S.ParseError _ -> ErrorInfo (getField $ extract term) (toTermName' term)
_ -> toLeafInfo term
toTermName' = toTermName 0 source
termToDiffInfo' = termToDiffInfo source
toLeafInfo term = LeafInfo (category $ extract term) (toTermName' term) (getField $ extract term)
toTermName :: forall leaf fields. HasDefaultFields fields => Int -> Source -> SyntaxTerm leaf fields -> Text
toTermName parentOffset parentSource term = case unwrap term of
S.Function identifier _ _ -> toTermName' identifier
S.Method _ identifier Nothing _ _ -> toTermName' identifier
S.Method _ identifier (Just receiver) _ _ -> case unwrap receiver of
S.Indexed [receiverParams] -> case unwrap receiverParams of
S.ParameterDecl (Just ty) _ -> "(" <> toTermName' ty <> ") " <> toTermName' identifier
_ -> toMethodNameWithReceiver receiver identifier
_ -> toMethodNameWithReceiver receiver identifier
_ -> toText source
source = Source.slice (offsetRange (range term) (negate parentOffset)) parentSource
toMethodNameWithReceiver receiver name = toTermName' receiver <> "." <> toTermName' name
offset = start (range term)
toTermName' :: SyntaxTerm leaf fields -> Text
toTermName' = toTermName offset source
range = byteRange . extract
-- The user-facing category name
toCategoryName :: Category -> Text
toCategoryName category = case category of
C.SingletonMethod -> "Method"
c -> show c