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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RecordWildCards #-}
module Semantic.Stat.Spec (testTree) where
import Control.Exception
import Network.Socket hiding (recv)
import Network.Socket.ByteString
import Semantic.Telemetry.Stat
import Semantic.Config
import System.Environment
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
withSocketPair :: ((Socket, Socket) -> IO c) -> IO c
withSocketPair = bracket create release
where create = socketPair AF_UNIX Datagram defaultProtocol
release (client, server) = close client >> close server
withEnvironment :: String -> String -> IO () -> IO ()
withEnvironment key value = bracket (setEnv key value) (const (unsetEnv key)) . const
-- NOTE: These cannot easily run in parallel because we test things like
-- setting/unsetting the environment.
testTree :: TestTree
testTree = testCaseSteps "Semantic.Stat.Spec" $ \step -> do
step "Sets appropriate defaults"
step "Takes stats addr from environment"
step "Handles stats addr with just hostname"
step "takes dogstats host from environment"
step "rendering"
case_render_counters *> case_render_tags
step "stats deliver datagram"
case_sets_appropriate_defaults :: Assertion
case_sets_appropriate_defaults = do
StatsClient{..} <- defaultStatsClient
statsClientNamespace @?= "semantic"
statsClientUDPHost @?= ""
statsClientUDPPort @?= "28125"
case_takes_stats_addr_from_environment :: Assertion
case_takes_stats_addr_from_environment =
withEnvironment "STATS_ADDR" "localhost:8125" $ do
StatsClient{..} <- defaultStatsClient
statsClientUDPHost @?= "localhost"
statsClientUDPPort @?= "8125"
case_handles_stats_addr_with_just_hostname :: Assertion
case_handles_stats_addr_with_just_hostname =
withEnvironment "STATS_ADDR" "localhost" $ do
StatsClient{..} <- defaultStatsClient
statsClientUDPHost @?= "localhost"
statsClientUDPPort @?= "28125"
case_takes_dogstats_host_from_environment :: Assertion
case_takes_dogstats_host_from_environment =
withEnvironment "DOGSTATSD_HOST" "" $ do
StatsClient{..} <- defaultStatsClient
statsClientUDPHost @?= ""
statsClientUDPPort @?= "28125"
key :: String
key = "app.metric"
case_render_counters :: Assertion
case_render_counters = do
renderDatagram "" (increment key []) @?= "app.metric:1|c"
renderDatagram "" (decrement key []) @?= "app.metric:-1|c"
renderDatagram "" (count key 8 []) @?= "app.metric:8|c"
renderDatagram "pre" (increment key []) @?= "pre.app.metric:1|c"
case_render_tags :: Assertion
case_render_tags = do
let incTag = increment key [("key", "value")]
renderDatagram "" incTag @?= "app.metric:1|c|#key:value"
let tagWithoutValue = increment key [("a", "")]
renderDatagram "" tagWithoutValue @?= "app.metric:1|c|#a"
let tags = increment key [("key", "value"), ("a", "true")]
renderDatagram "" tags @?= "app.metric:1|c|#key:value,a:true"
let tagsWithoutValue = increment key [("key", "value"), ("a", "")]
renderDatagram "" tagsWithoutValue @?= "app.metric:1|c|#key:value,a"
case_sendstat_delivers_datagram :: Assertion
case_sendstat_delivers_datagram = do
client@StatsClient{..} <- defaultStatsClient
withSocketPair $ \(clientSoc, serverSoc) -> do
sendStat client { statsClientUDPSocket = clientSoc } (increment "app.metric" [])
info <- recv serverSoc 1024
info @?= "semantic.app.metric:1|c"
-- Defaults are all driven by defaultConfig.
defaultStatsClient :: IO StatsClient
defaultStatsClient = defaultConfig defaultOptions >>= \Config{..} -> statsClient configStatsHost configStatsPort configAppName