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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
module Syntax where
import Prologue
import Data.Mergeable
import GHC.Generics
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Fixed)
import Data.Aeson
-- | A node in an abstract syntax tree.
-- 'a' is the type of leaves in the syntax tree, typically 'Text', but possibly some datatype representing different leaves more precisely.
-- 'f' is the type representing another level of the tree, e.g. the children of branches. Often 'Cofree', 'Free' or similar.
data Syntax a f
-- | A terminal syntax node, e.g. an identifier, or atomic literal.
= Leaf a
-- | An ordered branch of child nodes, expected to be variadic in the grammar, e.g. a list of statements or uncurried function parameters.
| Indexed [f]
-- | An ordered branch of child nodes, expected to be of fixed length in the grammar, e.g. a binary operator & its operands.
| Fixed [f]
-- | A function call has an identifier where f is a (Leaf a) and a list of arguments.
| FunctionCall f [f]
-- | A ternary has a condition, a true case and a false case
| Ternary { ternaryCondition :: f, ternaryCases :: [f] }
-- | An anonymous function has a list of expressions and params.
| AnonymousFunction { params :: [f], expressions :: [f] }
-- | A function has a list of expressions.
| Function { id :: f, params :: [f], expressions :: [f] }
-- | An assignment has an identifier where f can be a member access, and the value is another syntax element (function call, leaf, etc.)
| Assignment { assignmentId :: f, value :: f }
-- | An operator assignment represents expressions with operators like math (e.g x += 1) or conditional (e.g. x ||= 1) assignment.
| OperatorAssignment f f
-- | A member access contains a syntax, and another syntax that identifies a property or value in the first syntax.
-- | e.g. in Javascript x.y represents a member access syntax.
| MemberAccess { memberId :: f, property :: f }
-- | A method call consisting of its target, the method name, and the parameters passed to the method.
-- | e.g. in Javascript console.log('hello') represents a method call.
| MethodCall { targetId :: f, methodId :: f, methodParams :: [f] }
-- | An operator can be applied to a list of syntaxes.
| Operator [f]
-- | A variable declaration. e.g. var foo;
| VarDecl f (Maybe f)
-- | A variable assignment in a variable declaration. var foo = bar;
| VarAssignment { varId :: f, varValue :: f }
-- | A subscript access contains a syntax, and another syntax that indefies a property or value in the first syntax.
-- | e.g. in Javascript x["y"] represents a subscript access syntax.
| SubscriptAccess { subscriptId :: f, subscriptElement :: f }
| Switch { switchExpr :: (Maybe f), cases :: [f] }
| Case { caseExpr :: f, caseStatements :: [f] }
-- | A default case in a switch statement.
| Default [f]
| Select { cases :: [f] }
| Object { objectTy :: Maybe f, keyValues :: [f] }
-- | A pair in an Object. e.g. foo: bar or foo => bar
| Pair f f
-- | A comment.
| Comment a
-- | A term preceded or followed by any number of comments.
| Commented [f] (Maybe f)
| Error [f]
-- | A for statement has a list of expressions to setup the iteration and then a list of expressions in the body.
| For [f] [f]
| DoWhile { doWhileBody :: f, doWhileExpr :: f }
| While { whileExpr :: f, whileBody :: [f] }
| Return [f]
| Throw f
| Constructor f
-- | TODO: Is it a problem that in Ruby, this pattern can work for method def too?
| Try { tryBegin :: [f], catchRescue :: [f], beginElse :: Maybe f, finallyEnsure :: Maybe f }
-- | An array literal with list of children.
| Array (Maybe f) [f]
-- | A class with an identifier, superclass, and a list of definitions.
| Class f (Maybe f) [f]
-- | A method definition with an identifier, params, and a list of expressions.
| Method f [f] [f]
-- | An if statement with an expression and maybe more expression clauses.
| If f [f]
-- | A module with an identifier, and a list of syntaxes.
| Module { moduleId:: f, moduleBody :: [f] }
| Import f [f]
| Export (Maybe f) [f]
| Yield [f]
-- | A negation of a single expression.
| Negate f
-- | A rescue block has a list of arguments to rescue and a list of expressions.
| Rescue [f] [f]
| Go f
| Defer f
| TypeAssertion f f
| TypeConversion f f
-- | A struct with an optional type.
| Struct (Maybe f) [f]
| Break f
| Continue f
-- | A block statement has an ordered branch of child nodes, e.g. BEGIN {...} or END {...} in Ruby/Perl.
| BlockStatement [f]
-- | A parameter declaration with an optional type.
| ParameterDecl (Maybe f) f
-- | A type declaration has an identifier and a type.
| TypeDecl f f
-- | A field declaration with an optional type, and an optional tag.
| FieldDecl f (Maybe f) (Maybe f)
-- | A type.
| Ty f
-- | A send statement has a channel and an expression in Go.
| Send f f
deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, Generic, Generic1, Mergeable, Ord, Show, Traversable, ToJSON)
-- Instances
instance (Arbitrary leaf, Arbitrary f) => Arbitrary (Syntax leaf f) where
arbitrary = sized (syntaxOfSize (`resize` arbitrary) )
shrink = genericShrink
syntaxOfSize :: Arbitrary leaf => (Int -> Gen f) -> Int -> Gen (Syntax leaf f)
syntaxOfSize recur n | n <= 1 = oneof $ (Leaf <$> arbitrary) : branchGeneratorsOfSize n
| otherwise = oneof $ branchGeneratorsOfSize n
where branchGeneratorsOfSize n =
[ Indexed <$> childrenOfSize (pred n)
, Fixed <$> childrenOfSize (pred n)
childrenOfSize n | n <= 0 = pure []
childrenOfSize n = do
m <- choose (1, n)
first <- recur m
rest <- childrenOfSize (n - m)
pure $! first : rest