mirror of
synced 2025-01-07 07:58:12 +03:00
189 lines
6.5 KiB
189 lines
6.5 KiB
import Cocoa
import Doubt
import Prelude
import Madness
func benchmark<T>(label: String? = nil, _ f: () throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
let start = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate()
let result = try f()
let end = NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate()
print((label.map { "\($0): " } ?? "") + "\(end - start)s")
return result
extension String: ErrorType {}
typealias Term = Cofree<String, Info>
typealias Diff = Free<Term.Leaf, (Term.Annotation, Term.Annotation), Patch<Term>>
typealias Parser = String throws -> Term
struct Source {
init(_ argument: String) throws {
let supportedSchemes = [ "http", "https", "file" ]
if let URL = NSURL(string: argument) where supportedSchemes.contains(URL.scheme) {
self.URL = URL
} else {
self.URL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: argument)
contents = try NSString(contentsOfURL: URL, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) as String
var type: String {
if let pathExtension = URL.pathExtension where pathExtension != "" { return pathExtension }
return URL.fragment ?? ""
let contents: String
private static let languagesByType: [String:TSLanguage] = [
"js": ts_language_javascript(),
"c": ts_language_c(),
"h": ts_language_c(),
extension String.UTF16View {
subscript (range: Range<Int>) -> String.UTF16View {
return self[Index(_offset: range.startIndex)..<Index(_offset: range.endIndex)]
/// Allow predicates to occur in pattern matching.
func ~= <A> (left: A -> Bool, right: A) -> Bool {
return left(right)
func termWithInput(language: TSLanguage)(_ string: String) throws -> Term {
let keyedProductions: Set<String> = [ "object" ]
let fixedProductions: Set<String> = [ "pair", "rel_op", "math_op", "bool_op", "bitwise_op", "type_op", "math_assignment", "assignment", "subscript_access", "member_access", "new_expression", "function_call", "function", "ternary" ]
let document = ts_document_make()
defer { ts_document_free(document) }
return try string.withCString {
ts_document_set_language(document, language)
ts_document_set_input_string(document, $0)
let root = ts_document_root_node(document)
return try Cofree
.ana { node, category in
let count = node.namedChildren.count
guard count > 0 else { return try Syntax.Leaf(node.substring(string)) }
switch category {
case fixedProductions.contains:
return try .Fixed(node.namedChildren.map {
($0, try $0.category(document))
case keyedProductions.contains:
return try .Keyed(Dictionary(elements: node.namedChildren.map {
switch try $0.category(document) {
case "pair":
return try ($0.namedChildren[0].substring(string), ($0, "pair"))
// We might have a comment inside an object literal. It should still be assigned a key, however.
return try (try node.substring(string), ($0, $0.category(document)))
return try .Indexed(node.namedChildren.map {
($0, try $0.category(document))
} (root, "program")
.map { node, category in
// TODO: Calculate line and column from TSNodes
Info(range: node.range, lines: 0..<1, columns: 0..<1, categories: [ category ])
func toTerm(term: CofreeJSON) -> Term {
let lines = term.extract.0
let columns = term.extract.1
let range = term.extract.2
let annotation = Info(range: range, lines: lines, columns: columns, categories: [])
switch term.unwrap {
case let .Leaf(a):
return Term(Info(range: range, lines: lines, columns: columns, categories: a.categories), Syntax<Term, String>.Leaf(String(a)))
case let .Indexed(i):
return Term(annotation, .Indexed(i.map(toTerm)))
case let .Fixed(f):
return Term(annotation, .Fixed(f.map(toTerm)))
case let .Keyed(k):
return Term(annotation, .Keyed(Dictionary(elements: k.map { ($0, toTerm($1)) })))
func lines(input: String) -> Term {
var lines: [Term] = []
var previous = 0
var lineNumber = 0
input.enumerateSubstringsInRange(input.characters.indices, options: .ByLines) { (line, _, enclosingRange, _) in
let range: Range<Int> = previous..<(previous + enclosingRange.count)
previous = range.endIndex
if let line = line {
lineNumber += 1
lines.append(Term(Info(range: range, lines: 0..<lineNumber, columns: 0..<1, categories: []), Syntax.Leaf(line)))
return Term(Info(range: 0..<input.utf16.count, lines: 0..<lineNumber, columns: 0..<1, categories: []), .Indexed(lines))
func parserForType(type: String) -> String throws -> Term {
switch type {
case "json":
return { (input: String) throws -> Term in
switch parse(json, input: input.characters) {
case let .Right(term):
return toTerm(term)
case let .Left(error):
throw error.description
if let parser = Source.languagesByType[type].map(termWithInput) {
return parser
return lines
let parsed = benchmark("parsing arguments & loading sources") { parse(argumentsParser, input: Process.arguments) }
let arguments: Argument = try parsed.either(ifLeft: { throw "\($0)" }, ifRight: { $0 })
let (aSource, bSource) = arguments.sources
let jsonURL = NSURL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory(), isDirectory: true).URLByAppendingPathComponent("diff.json")
guard let uiPath = NSBundle.mainBundle().infoDictionary?["PathToUISource"] as? String else { throw "need ui path" }
guard aSource.type == bSource.type else { throw "can’t compare files of different types" }
let parser = parserForType(aSource.type)
let a = try benchmark("parsing source a") { try parser(aSource.contents) }
let b = try benchmark("parsing source b") { try parser(bSource.contents) }
let diff = benchmark("diffing") { Interpreter<Term>(equal: Term.equals(annotation: const(true), leaf: ==), comparable: Interpreter<Term>.comparable { $0.extract.categories }, cost: Free.sum(Patch.sum)).run(a, b) }
switch arguments.output {
case .Split:
let JSON: Doubt.JSON = [
"before": .String(aSource.contents),
"after": .String(bSource.contents),
"diff": diff.JSON(pure: { $0.JSON { $0.JSON(annotation: { $0.JSON }, leaf: Doubt.JSON.String) } }, leaf: Doubt.JSON.String, annotation: {
"before": $0.JSON,
"after": $1.JSON,
let data = JSON.serialize()
try data.writeToURL(jsonURL, options: .DataWritingAtomic)
let components = NSURLComponents()
components.scheme = "file"
components.path = uiPath
components.query = jsonURL.absoluteString
if let URL = components.URL {
case .Unified:
print(benchmark("formatting unified diff") { unified(diff, before: aSource.contents, after: bSource.contents) })