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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.Graph
( Graph(..)
, Class.overlay
, Class.connect
, Class.vertex
, Lower(..)
, simplify
, topologicalSort
) where
import qualified Algebra.Graph as G
import qualified Algebra.Graph.Class as Class
import Data.Aeson
import Data.List (groupBy, nub, sortBy)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty (fromList)
import qualified Data.Map.Monoidal as Monoidal
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Prologue
-- | An algebraic graph with 'Ord', 'Semigroup', and 'Monoid' instances.
newtype Graph vertex = Graph (G.Graph vertex)
deriving (Eq, Foldable, Functor, Class.Graph, Show, Class.ToGraph, Traversable)
simplify :: Ord vertex => Graph vertex -> Graph vertex
simplify (Graph graph) = Graph (G.simplify graph)
topologicalSort :: Ord v => Graph v -> [NonEmpty v]
= groupByInEdgeCount
. allVertices
. labelWithInEdgeCounts
labelWithInEdgeCounts :: Ord v => Graph v -> Graph (Monoid.Sum Int, v)
= uncurry mapGraph
. Class.foldg
(lowerBound, lowerBound)
((,) . flip Monoidal.singleton 0 <*> Class.vertex)
(\ (outM, outG) (inM, inG) ->
( outM <> inM <> foldMap (flip Monoidal.singleton (Monoid.Sum (length outG))) (allVertices inG)
, outG `Class.connect` inG
where mapGraph edgeCountsByVertex g = pairWithCountIn edgeCountsByVertex <$> g
pairWithCountIn edgeCountsByVertex vertex = (fromMaybe 0 (Monoidal.lookup vertex edgeCountsByVertex), vertex)
allVertices :: Eq v => Graph v -> [v]
allVertices = nub . toList
groupByInEdgeCount :: Ord sum => [(sum, v)] -> [NonEmpty v]
groupByInEdgeCount = map (NonEmpty.fromList . map snd) . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . sortBy (comparing fst)
instance Lower (Graph vertex) where
lowerBound = Class.empty
instance Semigroup (Graph vertex) where
(<>) = Class.overlay
instance Monoid (Graph vertex) where
mempty = Class.empty
mappend = (<>)
instance Ord vertex => Ord (Graph vertex) where
compare (Graph G.Empty) (Graph G.Empty) = EQ
compare (Graph G.Empty) _ = LT
compare _ (Graph G.Empty) = GT
compare (Graph (G.Vertex a)) (Graph (G.Vertex b)) = compare a b
compare (Graph (G.Vertex _)) _ = LT
compare _ (Graph (G.Vertex _)) = GT
compare (Graph (G.Overlay a1 a2)) (Graph (G.Overlay b1 b2)) = (compare `on` Graph) a1 b1 <> (compare `on` Graph) a2 b2
compare (Graph (G.Overlay _ _)) _ = LT
compare _ (Graph (G.Overlay _ _)) = GT
compare (Graph (G.Connect a1 a2)) (Graph (G.Connect b1 b2)) = (compare `on` Graph) a1 b1 <> (compare `on` Graph) a2 b2
instance (Ord vertex, ToJSON vertex) => ToJSON (Graph vertex) where
toJSON (Graph graph) = object ["vertices" .= G.vertexList graph, "edges" .= (JSONEdge <$> G.edgeList graph)]
toEncoding (Graph graph) = pairs ("vertices" .= G.vertexList graph <> "edges" .= (JSONEdge <$> G.edgeList graph))
newtype JSONEdge vertex = JSONEdge (vertex, vertex)
instance ToJSON vertex => ToJSON (JSONEdge vertex) where
toJSON (JSONEdge (a, b)) = object ["source" .= a, "target" .= b]
toEncoding (JSONEdge (a, b)) = pairs ("source" .= a <> "target" .= b)