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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
module Control.Abstract.Evaluator.Spec
( spec
) where
import Control.Abstract as Abstract
import qualified Control.Abstract.Heap as Heap
import Control.Carrier.Error.Either
import Control.Carrier.Fresh.Strict
import Control.Carrier.Lift
import Control.Carrier.Resumable.Either
import Control.Carrier.State.Strict
import Control.Carrier.Trace.Ignoring
import Data.Abstract.Address.Precise as Precise
import Data.Abstract.BaseError
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable
import Data.Abstract.Module
import qualified Data.Abstract.Number as Number
import Data.Abstract.Package
import qualified Data.Abstract.ScopeGraph as ScopeGraph
import Data.Abstract.Value.Concrete as Value
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Sum
import SpecHelpers hiding (reassociate)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
spec :: Spec
spec = do
it "constructs integers" $ do
(_, (_, (_, expected))) <- evaluate (integer 123)
expected `shouldBe` Right (Value.Integer (Number.Integer 123))
it "calls functions" $ do
(_, (_, (_, expected))) <- evaluate . withLexicalScopeAndFrame $ do
currentScope' <- currentScope
let lexicalEdges = Map.singleton Lexical [ currentScope' ]
x = SpecHelpers.name "x"
associatedScope <- newScope lexicalEdges
declare (ScopeGraph.Declaration "identity") Default Public lowerBound ScopeGraph.Function (Just associatedScope)
withScope associatedScope $ do
declare (Declaration x) Default Public lowerBound ScopeGraph.RequiredParameter Nothing
identity <- function "identity" [ x ]
(SpecEff (Heap.lookupSlot (ScopeGraph.Declaration (SpecHelpers.name "x")) >>= deref)) associatedScope
val <- integer 123
call identity [val]
expected `shouldBe` Right (Value.Integer (Number.Integer 123))
= runM
. runTrace
. runState (lowerBound @(ScopeGraph Precise))
. runState (lowerBound @(Heap Precise Precise Val))
. fmap snd
. runFresh 0
. runReader (PackageInfo (SpecHelpers.name "test") mempty)
. runReader (ModuleInfo "test/Control/Abstract/Evaluator/Spec.hs" "Haskell" mempty)
. evalState (lowerBound @Span)
. runReader (lowerBound @Span)
. runEvaluator
. runAllocator
. evalModule
evalModule action = do
scopeAddress <- newScope mempty
frameAddress <- newFrame scopeAddress mempty
val <- raiseHandler (runReader (CurrentScope scopeAddress))
. raiseHandler (runReader (CurrentFrame frameAddress))
. fmap reassociate
. runScopeError
. runHeapError
. runValueError
. runAddressError
. runEvalError
. runDeref @SpecEff
. runAllocator
. runReturn
. runLoopControl
. runNumeric
. runBoolean
. runFunction runSpecEff
$ action
pure ((scopeAddress, frameAddress), val)
reassociate :: Either (SomeError exc1) (Either (SomeError exc2) (Either (SomeError exc3) (Either (SomeError exc4) (Either (SomeError exc5) result)))) -> Either (SomeError (Sum '[exc5, exc4, exc3, exc2, exc1])) result
reassociate = mergeErrors . mergeErrors . mergeErrors . mergeErrors . mergeErrors . Right
type Val = Value SpecEff Precise
newtype SpecEff = SpecEff
{ runSpecEff :: Evaluator SpecEff Precise Val (FunctionC SpecEff Precise Val
(BooleanC Val
(NumericC Val
(ErrorC (LoopControl Val)
(ErrorC (Return Val)
(AllocatorC Precise
(DerefC Precise Val
(ResumableC (BaseError (EvalError SpecEff Precise Val))
(ResumableC (BaseError (AddressError Precise Val))
(ResumableC (BaseError (ValueError SpecEff Precise))
(ResumableC (BaseError (HeapError Precise))
(ResumableC (BaseError (ScopeError Precise))
(ReaderC (CurrentFrame Precise)
(ReaderC (CurrentScope Precise)
(AllocatorC Precise
(ReaderC Span
(StateC Span
(ReaderC ModuleInfo
(ReaderC PackageInfo
(StateC (Heap Precise Precise Val)
(StateC (ScopeGraph Precise)
(LiftC IO))))))))))))))))))))))))
instance Eq SpecEff where _ == _ = True
instance Show SpecEff where show _ = "_"
instance FreeVariables SpecEff where freeVariables _ = lowerBound
instance Declarations SpecEff where
declaredName eff =
case unsafePerformIO (evaluate (runSpecEff eff)) of
(_, (_, (_, Right (Value.String text)))) -> Just (SpecHelpers.name text)
_ -> error "declaredName for SpecEff should return an RVal"