mirror of https://github.com/github/semantic.git synced 2024-11-25 21:43:07 +03:00

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module Semantic.Spec (spec) where
import Data.Diff
import Data.Patch
import Semantic.Api hiding (Blob)
import Semantic.Git
import System.Exit
import SpecHelpers
-- we need some lenses here, oof
setBlobLanguage :: Language -> Blob -> Blob
setBlobLanguage lang b = b { blobFile = (blobFile b) { fileLanguage = lang }}
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
describe "parseBlob" $ do
it "returns error if given an unknown language (json)" $ do
output <- fmap runBuilder . runTaskOrDie $ parseTermBuilder TermJSONTree [ setBlobLanguage Unknown methodsBlob ]
output `shouldBe` "{\"trees\":[{\"path\":\"methods.rb\",\"error\":\"NoLanguageForBlob \\\"methods.rb\\\"\",\"language\":\"Unknown\"}]}\n"
it "throws if given an unknown language for sexpression output" $ do
runTaskOrDie (parseTermBuilder TermSExpression [setBlobLanguage Unknown methodsBlob]) `shouldThrow` (== ExitFailure 1)
it "renders with the specified renderer" $ do
output <- fmap runBuilder . runTaskOrDie $ parseTermBuilder TermSExpression [methodsBlob]
output `shouldBe` "(Statements\n (Method\n (Empty)\n (Identifier)\n (Statements)))\n"
describe "gitParsing" $ do
it "parses a git output string" $ do
let input = "100644 tree ThisIsTheOid\t/this/is/the/path"
let expected = TreeEntry NormalMode TreeObject (OID "ThisIsTheOid") "/this/is/the/path"
parseEntry input `shouldBe` expected
it "parses nonsense into a default value" $ do
let input = "iel jgh\nf2 8i4p\r8f2y4fpoxin u3y2 unz"
let expected = TreeEntry OtherMode OtherObjectType (OID mempty) mempty
parseEntry input `shouldBe` expected
it "parses many outputs separated by \\NUL" $ do
let input = "100644 tree ThisIsTheOid\t/this/is/the/path\NULiel jgh\nf2 8i4p\r8f2y4fpoxin u3y2 unz\NUL120000 blob 17776\t/dev/urandom"
let expected = [ TreeEntry NormalMode TreeObject (OID "ThisIsTheOid") "/this/is/the/path", TreeEntry OtherMode OtherObjectType (OID mempty) mempty, TreeEntry SymlinkMode BlobObject (OID "17776") "/dev/urandom"]
parseEntries input `shouldBe` expected
methodsBlob = makeBlob "def foo\nend\n" "methods.rb" Ruby mempty