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159 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Semantic.IO.Spec (spec) where
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.List
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import System.Directory
import System.IO.Temp
import Data.Blob
import Data.Handle
import qualified Semantic.Git as Git
import Shelly (cd, run_, shelly, silently, touchfile, writefile)
import qualified Source.Source as Source
import SpecHelpers
import System.Path ((</>))
import qualified System.Path as Path
makeGitRepo :: FilePath -> IO ()
makeGitRepo dir = shelly . silently $ do
cd (fromString dir)
let git = run_ "git"
git ["init"]
touchfile "bar.py"
writefile "日本語.rb" "# coding: utf-8\n日本語 = 'hello'"
git ["add", "日本語.rb", "bar.py"]
git ["config", "user.name", "'Test'"]
git ["config", "user.email", "'test@test.test'"]
git ["commit", "-am", "'test commit'"]
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "catFile" $ do
hasGit <- runIO $ isJust <$> findExecutable "git"
when hasGit . it "should not corrupt the output of files with UTF-8 identifiers" $ do
result <- liftIO . withSystemTempDirectory "semantic-temp-git-repo" $ \dir -> do
makeGitRepo dir
trees <- Git.lsTree (dir <> "/.git") (Git.OID "HEAD")
Just it <- pure $ find (\p -> "日本語" `isInfixOf` Git.treeEntryPath p) trees
Git.catFile (dir <> "/.git") (Git.treeEntryOid it)
Source.toText result `shouldSatisfy` ("日本語" `Text.isInfixOf`)
describe "lsTree" $ do
hasGit <- runIO $ isJust <$> findExecutable "git"
when hasGit . it "should read all tree entries from a repo" $ do
items <- liftIO . withSystemTempDirectory "semantic-temp-git-repo" $ \dir -> do
makeGitRepo dir
Git.lsTree dir (Git.OID "HEAD")
length items `shouldBe` 2
describe "readBlobsFromGitRepo" $ do
hasGit <- runIO $ isJust <$> findExecutable "git"
when hasGit . it "should read from a git directory" $ do
-- This temporary directory will be cleaned after use.
blobs <- liftIO . withSystemTempDirectory "semantic-temp-git-repo" $ \dir -> do
makeGitRepo dir
readBlobsFromGitRepoPath (Path.absDir dir </> Path.relDir ".git") (Git.OID "HEAD") [] []
let files = sortOn fileLanguage (blobFile <$> blobs)
files `shouldBe` [ File "bar.py" Python
, File "日本語.rb" Ruby
when hasGit . it "should read from a git directory with --only" $ do
-- This temporary directory will be cleaned after use.
blobs <- liftIO . withSystemTempDirectory "semantic-temp-git-repo" $ \dir -> do
let pdir = Path.absDir dir
makeGitRepo dir
readBlobsFromGitRepoPath (pdir </> Path.relDir ".git") (Git.OID "HEAD") [] [Path.relFile "日本語.rb"]
let files = sortOn fileLanguage (blobFile <$> blobs)
files `shouldBe` [ File "日本語.rb" Ruby ]
when hasGit . it "should read from a git directory with --exclude" $ do
-- This temporary directory will be cleaned after use.
blobs <- liftIO . withSystemTempDirectory "semantic-temp-git-repo" $ \dir -> do
makeGitRepo dir
readBlobsFromGitRepoPath (Path.absDir dir </> Path.relDir ".git") (Git.OID "HEAD") [Path.relFile "日本語.rb"] []
let files = sortOn fileLanguage (blobFile <$> blobs)
files `shouldBe` [ File "bar.py" Python ]
describe "readFile" $ do
it "returns a blob for extant files" $ do
Just blob <- readBlobFromFile (File "semantic.cabal" Unknown)
blobPath blob `shouldBe` "semantic.cabal"
it "throws for absent files" $ do
readBlobFromFile (File "this file should not exist" Unknown) `shouldThrow` anyIOException
describe "readBlobPairsFromHandle" $ do
let a = sourceBlob "method.rb" Ruby "def foo; end"
let b = sourceBlob "method.rb" Ruby "def bar(x); end"
it "returns blobs for valid JSON encoded diff input" $ do
blobs <- blobsFromFilePath "test/fixtures/cli/diff.json"
blobs `shouldBe` [Diffing a b]
it "returns blobs when there's no before" $ do
blobs <- blobsFromFilePath "test/fixtures/cli/diff-no-before.json"
blobs `shouldBe` [Inserting b]
it "returns blobs when there's null before" $ do
blobs <- blobsFromFilePath "test/fixtures/cli/diff-null-before.json"
blobs `shouldBe` [Inserting b]
it "returns blobs when there's no after" $ do
blobs <- blobsFromFilePath "test/fixtures/cli/diff-no-after.json"
blobs `shouldBe` [Deleting a]
it "returns blobs when there's null after" $ do
blobs <- blobsFromFilePath "test/fixtures/cli/diff-null-after.json"
blobs `shouldBe` [Deleting a]
it "returns blobs for unsupported language" $ do
h <- openFileForReading "test/fixtures/cli/diff-unsupported-language.json"
blobs <- readBlobPairsFromHandle h
let b' = sourceBlob "test.kt" Unknown "fun main(args: Array<String>) {\nprintln(\"hi\")\n}\n"
blobs `shouldBe` [Inserting b']
it "detects language based on filepath for empty language" $ do
blobs <- blobsFromFilePath "test/fixtures/cli/diff-empty-language.json"
blobs `shouldBe` [Diffing a b]
it "throws on blank input" $ do
h <- openFileForReading "test/fixtures/cli/blank.json"
readBlobPairsFromHandle h `shouldThrow` jsonException
it "throws if language field not given" $ do
h <- openFileForReading "test/fixtures/cli/diff-no-language.json"
readBlobsFromHandle h `shouldThrow` jsonException
it "throws if null on before and after" $ do
h <- openFileForReading "test/fixtures/cli/diff-null-both-sides.json"
readBlobPairsFromHandle h `shouldThrow` jsonException
describe "readBlobsFromHandle" $ do
it "returns blobs for valid JSON encoded parse input" $ do
h <- openFileForReading "test/fixtures/cli/parse.json"
blobs <- readBlobsFromHandle h
let a = sourceBlob "method.rb" Ruby "def foo; end"
blobs `shouldBe` [a]
it "throws on blank input" $ do
h <- openFileForReading "test/fixtures/cli/blank.json"
readBlobsFromHandle h `shouldThrow` jsonException
where blobsFromFilePath path = do
h <- openFileForReading path
blobs <- readBlobPairsFromHandle h
pure blobs
jsonException :: Selector InvalidJSONException
jsonException = const True