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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
module Data.Syntax.Assignment.Spec where
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B (words, length)
import Data.Source
import Data.Syntax.Assignment
import Info
import Prologue
import Test.Hspec
import Text.Parser.TreeSitter.Language (Symbol(..), SymbolType(..))
spec :: Spec
spec = do
describe "Applicative" $
it "matches in sequence" $
runAssignment headF ((,) <$> red <*> red) (makeState "helloworld" [node Red 0 5 [], node Red 5 10 []])
Right ((Out "hello", Out "world"), AssignmentState 10 (Info.Pos 1 11) Nothing "helloworld" [])
describe "Alternative" $ do
it "attempts multiple alternatives" $
runAssignment headF (green <|> red) (makeState "hello" [node Red 0 5 []])
Right (Out "hello", AssignmentState 5 (Info.Pos 1 6) Nothing "hello" [])
it "matches repetitions" $
let s = "colourless green ideas sleep furiously"
w = words s
(_, nodes) = foldl (\ (i, prev) word -> (i + B.length word + 1, prev <> [node Red i (i + B.length word) []])) (0, []) w in
runAssignment headF (many red) (makeState (fromBytes s) nodes)
Right (Out <$> w, AssignmentState (B.length s)
(Info.Pos 1 (succ (B.length s)))
(Just (Error (Info.Pos 1 39) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Red])))
(fromBytes s)
it "matches one-or-more repetitions against one or more input nodes" $
runAssignment headF (some red) (makeState "hello" [node Red 0 5 []])
Right ([Out "hello"], AssignmentState 5
(Info.Pos 1 6)
(Just (Error (Info.Pos 1 6) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Red])))
describe "symbol" $ do
it "matches nodes with the same symbol" $
fst <$> runAssignment headF red (makeState "hello" [node Red 0 5 []]) `shouldBe` Right (Out "hello")
it "does not advance past the current node" $
let initialState = makeState "hi" [ node Red 0 2 [] ] in
snd <$> runAssignment headF (symbol Red) initialState `shouldBe` Right initialState
describe "without catchError" $ do
it "assignment returns UnexpectedSymbol" $
runAssignment headF
(makeState "A" [node Green 0 1 []])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedSymbol [Red] Green))
it "assignment returns UnexpectedEndOfInput" $
runAssignment headF
(symbol Green *> children (some red))
(makeState "A" [node Green 0 1 []])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Red]))
describe "catchError" $ do
it "handler that always matches" $
runAssignment headF
(red `catchError` (\ _ -> OutError <$ location <*> source))
(makeState "A" [node Green 0 1 []])
Right (OutError "A", AssignmentState 1 (Info.Pos 1 2) Nothing "A" [])
it "handler that matches" $
runAssignment headF
(red `catchError` const green)
(makeState "A" [node Green 0 1 []])
Right (Out "A", AssignmentState 1 (Info.Pos 1 2) Nothing "A" [])
it "handler that doesn't match produces error" $
runAssignment headF
(red `catchError` const blue)
(makeState "A" [node Green 0 1 []])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedSymbol [Blue] Green))
describe "in many" $ do
let err = Just (Error (Info.Pos 1 3) (UnexpectedEndOfInput []))
it "handler that always matches" $
runAssignment headF
(symbol Palatte *> children (
many (red `catchError` (\ _ -> OutError <$ location <*> source))
(makeState "PG" [node Palatte 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Right ([OutError "G"], AssignmentState 1 (Info.Pos 1 2) err "PG" [])
let err = Just (Error (Info.Pos 1 3) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Green]))
it "handler that matches" $
runAssignment headF
(symbol Palatte *> children ( many (red `catchError` const green) ))
(makeState "PG" [node Palatte 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Right ([Out "G"], AssignmentState 1 (Info.Pos 1 2) err "PG" [])
it "handler that doesn't match produces error" $
runAssignment headF
(symbol Palatte *> children ( many (red `catchError` const blue) ))
(makeState "PG" [node Palatte 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 2) (UnexpectedSymbol [Blue] Green))
it "handler that always matches with apply consumes and then errors" $
runAssignment headF
(symbol Palatte *> children (
(,) <$> many (red `catchError` (\ _ -> OutError <$ location <*> source)) <*> green
(makeState "PG" [node Palatte 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 3) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Green]))
let err = Just (Error (Info.Pos 1 2) (UnexpectedSymbol [Blue] Green))
it "handler that doesn't match with apply" $
runAssignment headF
(symbol Palatte *> children (
(,) <$> many (red `catchError` (\ _ -> blue)) <*> green
(makeState "PG" [node Palatte 0 1 [node Green 1 2 []]])
Right (([], Out "G"), AssignmentState 1 (Info.Pos 1 2) err "PG" [])
describe "source" $ do
it "produces the node’s source" $
assignBy headF source "hi" (node Red 0 2 []) `shouldBe` Right "hi"
it "advances past the current node" $
snd <$> runAssignment headF source (makeState "hi" [ node Red 0 2 [] ]) `shouldBe` Right (AssignmentState 2 (Info.Pos 1 3) Nothing "hi" [])
describe "children" $ do
it "advances past the current node" $
snd <$> runAssignment headF (children (pure (Out ""))) (makeState "a" [node Red 0 1 []]) `shouldBe` Right (AssignmentState 1 (Info.Pos 1 2) Nothing "a" [])
it "matches if its subrule matches" $
() <$ runAssignment headF (children red) (makeState "a" [node Blue 0 1 [node Red 0 1 []]]) `shouldBe` Right ()
it "does not match if its subrule does not match" $
runAssignment headF (children red) (makeState "a" [node Blue 0 1 [node Green 0 1 []]]) `shouldBe` Left (Error (Info.Pos 1 1) (UnexpectedSymbol [Red] Green))
it "matches nested children" $
runAssignment headF
(symbol Red *> children (symbol Green *> children (symbol Blue *> source)))
(makeState "1" [ node Red 0 1 [ node Green 0 1 [ node Blue 0 1 [] ] ] ])
Right ("1", AssignmentState 1 (Info.Pos 1 2) Nothing "1" [])
it "continues after children" $
runAssignment headF
(many (symbol Red *> children (symbol Green *> source)
<|> symbol Blue *> source))
(makeState "BC" [ node Red 0 1 [ node Green 0 1 [] ]
, node Blue 1 2 [] ])
Right (["B", "C"], AssignmentState 2 (Info.Pos 1 3) (Just (Error (Info.Pos 1 3) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Red, Blue]))) "BC" [])
it "matches multiple nested children" $
runAssignment headF
(symbol Red *> children (many (symbol Green *> children (symbol Blue *> source))))
(makeState "12" [ node Red 0 2 [ node Green 0 1 [ node Blue 0 1 [] ]
, node Green 1 2 [ node Blue 1 2 [] ] ] ])
Right (["1", "2"], AssignmentState 2 (Info.Pos 1 3) (Just (Error (Info.Pos 1 3) (UnexpectedEndOfInput [Green]))) "12" [])
describe "runAssignment" $ do
it "drops anonymous nodes before matching symbols" $
runAssignment headF red (makeState "magenta red" [node Magenta 0 7 [], node Red 8 11 []]) `shouldBe` Right (Out "red", AssignmentState 11 (Info.Pos 1 12) Nothing "magenta red" [])
it "does not drop anonymous nodes after matching" $
runAssignment headF red (makeState "red magenta" [node Red 0 3 [], node Magenta 4 11 []]) `shouldBe` Right (Out "red", AssignmentState 3 (Info.Pos 1 4) Nothing "red magenta" [node Magenta 4 11 []])
it "does not drop anonymous nodes when requested" $
runAssignment headF ((,) <$> magenta <*> red) (makeState "magenta red" [node Magenta 0 7 [], node Red 8 11 []]) `shouldBe` Right ((Out "magenta", Out "red"), AssignmentState 11 (Info.Pos 1 12) Nothing "magenta red" [])
node :: symbol -> Int -> Int -> [AST symbol] -> AST symbol
node symbol start end children = cofree $ Node symbol (Range start end) (Info.Span (Info.Pos 1 (succ start)) (Info.Pos 1 (succ end))) :< children
data Grammar = Palatte | Red | Green | Blue | Magenta
deriving (Enum, Eq, Show)
instance Symbol Grammar where
symbolType Magenta = Anonymous
symbolType _ = Regular
data Out = Out ByteString | OutError ByteString
deriving (Eq, Show)
red :: Assignment (AST Grammar) Grammar Out
red = Out <$ symbol Red <*> source
green :: Assignment (AST Grammar) Grammar Out
green = Out <$ symbol Green <*> source
blue :: Assignment (AST Grammar) Grammar Out
blue = Out <$ symbol Blue <*> source
magenta :: Assignment (AST Grammar) Grammar Out
magenta = Out <$ symbol Magenta <*> source