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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, RecordWildCards, TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O1 #-}
module Main (main) where
import Control.Carrier.Parse.Measured
import Control.Effect
import Control.Effect.Reader
import Control.Exception (displayException)
import qualified Control.Foldl as Foldl
import Data.Function ((&))
import Control.Concurrent.Async (forConcurrently)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (ResIO, runResourceT)
import Data.Blob
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BLC
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming.Char8 as ByteStream
import Data.Either
import Data.Language (defaultLanguageModes)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Typeable
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Stream
import System.FilePath.Glob
import System.Path ((</>))
import qualified System.Path as Path
import qualified System.Process as Process
import Data.Flag
import Semantic.Api (TermOutputFormat (..), parseTermBuilder)
import Semantic.Config as Config
import Semantic.Task
import Semantic.Task.Files
import qualified Test.Tasty as Tasty
import qualified Test.Tasty.HUnit as HUnit
data LanguageExample
= LanguageExample
{ languageName :: String
, languageExtension :: String
, languageExampleDir :: Path.RelDir
, languageKnownFailuresTxt :: Maybe Path.RelFile
} deriving (Eq, Show)
le :: String -> String -> Path.RelDir -> Maybe Path.RelFile -> LanguageExample
le = LanguageExample
examples :: [LanguageExample]
examples =
[ le "python" ".py" examples (Just $ Path.relFile "script/known_failures.txt")
, le "ruby" ".rb" examples (Just $ Path.relFile "script/known_failures.txt")
, le "typescript" ".ts" examples (Just $ Path.relFile "typescript/script/known_failures.txt")
, le "typescript" ".tsx" examples (Just $ Path.relFile "typescript/script/known_failures.txt")
, le "typescript" ".js" examples Nothing -- parse JavaScript with TypeScript parser.
, le "go" ".go" examples (Just $ Path.relFile "script/known-failures.txt")
-- TODO: Java assignment errors need to be investigated
-- , le "java" ".java" "examples/guava" (Just "script/known_failures_guava.txt")
-- , le "java" ".java" "examples/elasticsearch" (Just "script/known_failures_elasticsearch.txt")
-- , le "java" ".java" "examples/RxJava" (Just "script/known_failures_RxJava.txt")
-- TODO: Haskell assignment errors need to be investigated
-- , le "haskell" ".hs" "examples/effects" (Just "script/known-failures-effects.txt")
-- , le "haskell" ".hs" "examples/postgrest" (Just "script/known-failures-postgrest.txt")
-- , le "haskell" ".hs" "examples/ivory" (Just "script/known-failures-ivory.txt")
-- , ("php", ".php") -- TODO: No parse-examples in tree-sitter yet
] where examples = Path.relDir "examples"
buildExamples :: TaskSession -> LanguageExample -> Path.RelDir -> IO Tasty.TestTree
buildExamples session lang tsDir = do
knownFailures <- knownFailuresForPath tsDir (languageKnownFailuresTxt lang)
files <- globDir1 (compile ("**/*" <> languageExtension lang)) (Path.toString (tsDir </> languageExampleDir lang))
let paths = Path.relFile <$> files
trees <- forConcurrently paths $ \file -> pure $ HUnit.testCase (Path.toString file) $ do
res <- runTask session (runParse (parseFilePath file))
case res of
Left (SomeException e) -> case cast e of
-- We have a number of known assignment timeouts, consider these pending specs instead of failing the build.
Just AssignmentTimedOut -> pure ()
Just ParserTimedOut -> pure ()
-- Other exceptions are true failures
_ -> HUnit.assertFailure (show (displayException e))
_ -> if file `elem` knownFailures
then pure ()
else (isRight res) HUnit.@? ("Error: " <> either show show res)
pure (Tasty.testGroup (languageName lang) trees)
testOptions :: Config.Options
testOptions = defaultOptions
{ optionsFailOnWarning = flag FailOnWarning True
, optionsLogLevel = Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = withOptions testOptions $ \ config logger statter -> do
void $ Process.system "script/clone-example-repos"
let session = TaskSession config "-" False logger statter
allTests <- forConcurrently examples $ \lang@LanguageExample{..} -> do
let tsLang = Path.relDir ("tree-sitter-" <> languageName)
let tsDir = Path.relDir "tmp/haskell-tree-sitter" </> tsLang </> Path.relDir "vendor" </> tsLang
buildExamples session lang tsDir
Tasty.defaultMain $ Tasty.testGroup "parse-examples" allTests
knownFailuresForPath :: Path.RelDir -> Maybe Path.RelFile -> IO (Set Path.RelFile)
knownFailuresForPath _ Nothing = pure mempty
knownFailuresForPath tsDir (Just path)
= runResourceT
( ByteStream.readFile @ResIO (Path.toString (tsDir </> path))
& ByteStream.lines
& ByteStream.denull
& Stream.mapped ByteStream.toLazy
& Stream.filter ((/= '#') . BLC.head)
& Stream.map (Path.relFile . BLC.unpack)
& Foldl.purely Stream.fold_ Foldl.set
parseFilePath :: (Member (Error SomeException) sig, Member Distribute sig, Member Parse sig, Member Files sig, Member (Reader Config) sig, Carrier sig m, MonadIO m) => Path.RelFile -> m Bool
parseFilePath path = readBlob (fileForTypedPath path) >>= runReader defaultLanguageModes . parseTermBuilder @[] TermShow . pure >>= const (pure True)