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module Renderer (Renderer, Output(..), concatOutputs, toSummaryKey, Format(..)) where
import Data.Aeson (Value, encode)
import Data.Functor.Both
import Data.Map as Map hiding (null)
import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Functor.Listable
import Prologue
import Source (SourceBlob)
import Syntax
import Diff
-- | A function that will render a diff, given the two source blobs.
type Renderer annotation = Both SourceBlob -> Diff (Syntax Text) annotation -> Output
-- | The available types of diff rendering.
data Format = Split | Patch | JSON | Summary | SExpression | TOC
deriving (Show)
data Output = SplitOutput Text | PatchOutput Text | JSONOutput (Map Text Value) | SummaryOutput (Map Text (Map Text [Value])) | SExpressionOutput ByteString | TOCOutput (Map Text (Map Text [Value]))
deriving (Show)
-- Returns a key representing the filename. If the filenames are different,
-- return 'before -> after'.
toSummaryKey :: Both FilePath -> Text
toSummaryKey = runBothWith $ \before after ->
toS $ case (before, after) of
("", after) -> after
(before, "") -> before
(before, after) | before == after -> after
(before, after) | not (null before) && not (null after) -> before <> " -> " <> after
(_, _) -> mempty
-- Concatenates a list of 'Output' depending on the output type.
-- For JSON, each file output is merged since they're uniquely keyed by filename.
-- For Summaries, each file output is merged into one 'Object' consisting of lists of
-- changes and errors.
-- Split and Patch output is appended together with newlines.
concatOutputs :: [Output] -> ByteString
concatOutputs list | isJSON list = toS . encode $ concatJSON list
concatJSON :: [Output] -> Map Text Value
concatJSON (JSONOutput hash : rest) = Map.union hash (concatJSON rest)
concatJSON _ = mempty
concatOutputs list | isSummary list = toS . encode $ concatSummaries list
concatSummaries :: [Output] -> Map Text (Map Text [Value])
concatSummaries (SummaryOutput hash : rest) = Map.unionWith (Map.unionWith (<>)) hash (concatSummaries rest)
concatSummaries (TOCOutput hash : rest) = Map.unionWith (Map.unionWith (<>)) hash (concatSummaries rest)
concatSummaries _ = mempty
concatOutputs list | isByteString list = B.intercalate "\n" (toByteString <$> list)
concatOutputs list | isText list = B.intercalate "\n" (encodeUtf8 . toText <$> list)
concatOutputs _ = mempty
isJSON :: [Output] -> Bool
isJSON (JSONOutput _ : _) = True
isJSON _ = False
isSummary :: [Output] -> Bool
isSummary (SummaryOutput _ : _) = True
isSummary (TOCOutput _ : _) = True
isSummary _ = False
isText :: [Output] -> Bool
isText (SplitOutput _ : _) = True
isText (PatchOutput _ : _) = True
isText _ = False
toText :: Output -> Text
toText (SplitOutput text) = text
toText (PatchOutput text) = text
toText _ = mempty
isByteString :: [Output] -> Bool
isByteString (SExpressionOutput _ : _) = True
isByteString _ = False
toByteString :: Output -> ByteString
toByteString (SExpressionOutput text) = text
toByteString _ = B.empty
instance Listable Format where
tiers = cons0 Split
\/ cons0 Patch
\/ cons0 JSON
\/ cons0 Summary
\/ cons0 SExpression
\/ cons0 TOC