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synced 2024-12-29 18:06:14 +03:00
163 lines
3.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer
163 lines
3.0 KiB
Protocol Buffer
// This file was generated by proto-gen. Do not edit by hand.
syntax = "proto3";
package github.semantic;
option java_package = "com.github.semantic.analysis";
option go_package = "github.com/semantic/analysis/;analysis";
// Semantic's CodeAnalysis service provides endpoints for parsing, analyzing, and comparing source code.
service CodeAnalysis {
// Check health & status of the service.
rpc Ping (PingRequest) returns (PingResponse);
// Calculate c-tags like symbols for blobs.
rpc ParseTreeSymbols (ParseTreeRequest) returns (ParseTreeSymbolResponse);
// Calculate table of contents style diff summaries.
rpc DiffTreeTOC (DiffTreeRequest) returns (DiffTreeTOCResponse);
// Tree diffs in adjacency graph representation.
rpc DiffTreeGraph (DiffTreeRequest) returns (DiffTreeGraphResponse);
message PingRequest {
string service = 1;
message PingResponse {
string status = 1;
string hostname = 2;
string timestamp = 3;
string sha = 4;
message ParseTreeRequest {
repeated Blob blobs = 1;
message ParseTreeSymbolResponse {
repeated File files = 1;
message DiffTreeRequest {
repeated BlobPair blobs = 1;
message DiffTreeTOCResponse {
repeated TOCSummaryFile files = 1;
message TOCSummaryFile {
string filePath = 1;
string fileLanguage = 2;
repeated TOCSummaryChange fileChanges = 3;
repeated TOCSummaryError fileErrors = 4;
message TOCSummaryChange {
string category = 1;
string term = 2;
Span span = 3;
string changeType = 4;
message TOCSummaryError {
string error = 1;
Span span = 2;
message DiffTreeGraphResponse {
repeated DiffTreeVertex vertices = 1;
repeated DiffTreeEdge edges = 2;
message DiffTreeEdge {
int64 source = 1;
int64 target = 2;
message DiffTreeVertex {
int64 diffVertexId = 1;
DiffTreeTerm term = 2;
message DiffTreeTerm {
oneof sum {
DeletedTerm deletedTerm = 1;
InsertedTerm insertedTerm = 2;
ReplacedTerm replacedTerm = 3;
MergedTerm mergedTerm = 4;
message DeletedTerm {
string deletedTermName = 1;
Span beforeSpan = 2;
message InsertedTerm {
string insertedTermName = 1;
Span afterSpan = 2;
message ReplacedTerm {
string beforeTermName = 1;
Span beforeSpan = 2;
string afterTermName = 3;
Span afterSpan = 4;
message MergedTerm {
string mergedTermName = 1;
Span beforeSpan = 2;
Span afterSpan = 3;
enum Language {
GO = 1;
JAVA = 3;
JSON = 5;
JSX = 6;
RUBY = 9;
PHP = 11;
message Blob {
bytes blobSource = 1;
string blobPath = 2;
Language blobLanguage = 3;
message BlobPair {
Blob before = 1;
Blob after = 2;
message File {
string filePath = 1;
string fileLanguage = 2;
repeated Symbol fileSymbols = 3;
message Symbol {
string symbolName = 1;
string symbolKind = 2;
string symbolLine = 3;
Span symbolSpan = 4;
message Position {
int64 line = 1;
int64 column = 2;
message Span {
Position start = 1;
Position end = 2;