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module TreeSitter where
import Diff
import Range
import Syntax
import Term
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import qualified OrderedMap as Map
import Data.Set
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Foreign.C.Types
data TSLanguage = TsLanguage deriving (Show, Eq)
foreign import ccall "prototype/doubt-difftool/doubt-difftool-Bridging-Header.h ts_language_c" ts_language_c :: Ptr TSLanguage
foreign import ccall "prototype/doubt-difftool/doubt-difftool-Bridging-Header.h ts_language_javascript" ts_language_javascript :: Ptr TSLanguage
data TSDocument = TsDocument deriving (Show, Eq)
foreign import ccall "prototype/External/tree-sitter/include/tree_sitter/runtime.h ts_document_make" ts_document_make :: IO (Ptr TSDocument)
foreign import ccall "prototype/External/tree-sitter/include/tree_sitter/runtime.h ts_document_set_language" ts_document_set_language :: Ptr TSDocument -> Ptr TSLanguage -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "prototype/External/tree-sitter/include/tree_sitter/runtime.h ts_document_set_input_string" ts_document_set_input_string :: Ptr TSDocument -> CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "prototype/External/tree-sitter/include/tree_sitter/runtime.h ts_document_parse" ts_document_parse :: Ptr TSDocument -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "prototype/External/tree-sitter/include/tree_sitter/runtime.h ts_document_free" ts_document_free :: Ptr TSDocument -> IO ()
data TSLength = TsLength { bytes :: CSize, chars :: CSize }
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TSNode = TsNode { _data :: Ptr (), offset :: TSLength }
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Storable TSNode where
alignment _ = 24
sizeOf _ = 24
peek _ = error "Haskell code should never read TSNode values directly."
poke _ _ = error "Haskell code should never write TSNode values directly."
foreign import ccall "app/bridge.h ts_document_root_node_p" ts_document_root_node_p :: Ptr TSDocument -> Ptr TSNode -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "app/bridge.h ts_node_p_name" ts_node_p_name :: Ptr TSNode -> Ptr TSDocument -> IO CString
foreign import ccall "app/bridge.h ts_node_p_named_child_count" ts_node_p_named_child_count :: Ptr TSNode -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall "app/bridge.h ts_node_p_named_child" ts_node_p_named_child :: Ptr TSNode -> CSize -> Ptr TSNode -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall "app/bridge.h ts_node_p_pos_chars" ts_node_p_pos_chars :: Ptr TSNode -> IO CSize
foreign import ccall "app/bridge.h ts_node_p_size_chars" ts_node_p_size_chars :: Ptr TSNode -> IO CSize
keyedProductions :: Set String
keyedProductions = fromList [ "object" ]
fixedProductions :: Set String
fixedProductions = fromList [ "pair", "rel_op", "math_op", "bool_op", "bitwise_op", "type_op", "math_assignment", "assignment", "subscript_access", "member_access", "new_expression", "function_call", "function", "ternary" ]
languageForType :: String -> Maybe (Ptr TSLanguage)
languageForType mediaType = case mediaType of
".h" -> Just ts_language_c
".c" -> Just ts_language_c
".js" -> Just ts_language_javascript
_ -> Nothing
parseTreeSitterFile :: Ptr TSLanguage -> String -> IO (Term String Info)
parseTreeSitterFile language contents = do
document <- ts_document_make
ts_document_set_language document language
withCString contents (\source -> do
ts_document_set_input_string document source
ts_document_parse document
term <- documentToTerm document contents
ts_document_free document
return term)
documentToTerm :: Ptr TSDocument -> String -> IO (Term String Info)
documentToTerm document contents = alloca $ \root -> do
ts_document_root_node_p document root
snd <$> toTerm root where
toTerm :: Ptr TSNode -> IO (String, Term String Info)
toTerm node = do
name <- ts_node_p_name node document
name <- peekCString name
children <- withNamedChildren node toTerm
range <- range node
annotation <- return . Info range $ singleton name
return (name, annotation :< case children of
[] -> Leaf $ substring range contents
_ | member name keyedProductions -> Keyed . Map.fromList $ assignKey <$> children
_ | member name fixedProductions -> Fixed $ fmap snd children
_ | otherwise -> Indexed $ fmap snd children)
where assignKey ("pair", node@(_ :< Fixed (key : _))) = (getSubstring key, node)
assignKey (_, node) = (getSubstring node, node)
getSubstring (Info range _ :< _) = substring range contents
withNamedChildren :: Ptr TSNode -> (Ptr TSNode -> IO (String, a)) -> IO [(String, a)]
withNamedChildren node transformNode = do
count <- ts_node_p_named_child_count node
if count == 0
then return []
else mapM (alloca . getChild) [0..pred count] where
getChild n out = do
_ <- ts_node_p_named_child node n out
transformNode out
range :: Ptr TSNode -> IO Range
range node = do
pos <- ts_node_p_pos_chars node
size <- ts_node_p_size_chars node
let start = fromIntegral pos
end = start + fromIntegral size
return Range { start = start, end = end }