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public enum JSON: ArrayLiteralConvertible, BooleanLiteralConvertible, DictionaryLiteralConvertible, Equatable, FloatLiteralConvertible, IntegerLiteralConvertible, JSONConvertible, NilLiteralConvertible, StringLiteralConvertible {
public typealias ArrayType = [Doubt.JSON]
public typealias DictionaryType = [Swift.String:Doubt.JSON]
case Number(Double)
case Boolean(Bool)
case String(Swift.String)
case Array(ArrayType)
case Dictionary(DictionaryType)
case Null
public init(_ convertible: CustomJSONConvertible) {
self = convertible.JSON
public var number: Double? {
if case let .Number(d) = self { return d }
return nil
public var boolean: Bool? {
if case let .Boolean(b) = self { return b }
return nil
public var string: Swift.String? {
if case let .String(s) = self { return s }
return nil
public var array: ArrayType? {
if case let .Array(a) = self { return a }
return nil
public var dictionary: DictionaryType? {
if case let .Dictionary(d) = self { return d }
return nil
public var isNull: Bool {
if case .Null = self { return true }
return false
public init?(object: AnyObject) {
struct E: ErrorType {}
func die<T>() throws -> T {
throw E()
do {
switch object {
case let n as Double:
self = .Number(n)
case let b as Bool:
self = .Boolean(b)
case let s as Swift.String:
self = .String(s)
case let a as [AnyObject]:
self = .Array(try a.map { try Doubt.JSON(object: $0) ?? die() })
case let d as [Swift.String:AnyObject]:
self = .Dictionary(Swift.Dictionary(elements: try d.map { ($0, try Doubt.JSON(object: $1) ?? die()) }))
case is NSNull:
self = .Null
return nil
} catch { return nil }
public var object: AnyObject {
switch self {
case let .Number(n):
return n
case let .Boolean(b):
return b
case let .String(s):
return s
case let .Array(a):
return a.map { $0.object }
case let .Dictionary(d):
return Swift.Dictionary(elements: d.map { ($0, $1.object) })
case .Null:
return NSNull()
public func serialize() -> NSData {
return try! NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(object, options: [])
// MARK: ArrayLiteralConvertible
public init(arrayLiteral: Doubt.JSON...) {
self = .Array(arrayLiteral)
// MARK: BooleanLiteralConvertible
public init(booleanLiteral: Bool) {
self = .Boolean(booleanLiteral)
// MARK: DictionaryLiteralConvertible
public init(dictionaryLiteral: (Swift.String, Doubt.JSON)...) {
self = .Dictionary(Swift.Dictionary(elements: dictionaryLiteral))
// MARK: FloatLiteralConvertible
public init(floatLiteral: Double) {
self = .Number(floatLiteral)
// MARK: IntegerLiteralConvertible
public init(integerLiteral: Int) {
self = .Number(Double(integerLiteral))
// MARK: JSONConvertible
public init?(JSON: Doubt.JSON) {
self = JSON
public var JSON: Doubt.JSON {
return self
// MARK: NilLiteralConvertible
public init(nilLiteral: ()) {
self = .Null
// MARK: StringLiteralConvertible
public init(stringLiteral: Swift.String) {
self = .String(stringLiteral)
public func == (left: JSON, right: JSON) -> Bool {
switch (left, right) {
case let (.Number(a), .Number(b)):
return a == b
case let (.Boolean(a), .Boolean(b)):
return a == b
case let (.String(a), .String(b)):
return a == b
case let (.Array(a), .Array(b)):
return a == b
case let (.Dictionary(a), .Dictionary(b)):
return a == b
case (.Null, .Null):
return true
return false
/// A type which can be converted to JSON.
public protocol CustomJSONConvertible {
var JSON: Doubt.JSON { get }
extension String: CustomJSONConvertible {
public var JSON: Doubt.JSON {
return .String(self)
extension Int: CustomJSONConvertible {
public var JSON: Doubt.JSON {
return .Number(Double(self))
extension Array where Element: CustomJSONConvertible {
public var JSON: Doubt.JSON {
return .Array(map { Doubt.JSON($0) })
extension Range where Element: CustomJSONConvertible, Element.Distance: CustomJSONConvertible {
public var JSON: Doubt.JSON {
return [
/// A type which can be converted to and from JSON.
public protocol JSONConvertible: CustomJSONConvertible {
init?(JSON: Doubt.JSON)
import Foundation