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2015-09-30 15:03:37 -04:00

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public enum Term<A>: CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomDocConvertible, CustomStringConvertible {
public init(_ out: Syntax<Term, A>) {
self = .Roll(out)
indirect case Roll(Syntax<Term, A>)
public var syntax: Syntax<Term, A> {
switch self {
case let .Roll(syntax):
return syntax
public var debugDescription: String {
switch self {
case let .Roll(s):
return s.debugDescription
public var doc: Doc {
switch self {
case let .Roll(s):
return s.doc
public static var Empty: Term {
return Term(.Empty)
public static func Leaf(a: A) -> Term {
return Term(.Leaf(a))
public static func Branch(terms: [Term]) -> Term {
return Term(.Branch(terms))
public protocol StringConvertible {
init(string: String)
extension String: StringConvertible {
public init(string: String) {
self = string
extension Term where A: StringConvertible {
/// Constructs a Term representing `JSON`.
public init?(JSON: Doubt.JSON) {
func die<B>() throws -> B {
throw E()
do {
switch JSON {
case let .Dictionary(d) where d["key.name"] != nil:
let name = d["key.name"]?.string ?? ""
let substructure = d["key.substructure"]?.array ?? []
let kind = d["key.kind"]?.string
switch kind {
self = .Branch([ .Leaf(A(string: name)), .Branch(try substructure.map { try Term(JSON: $0) ?? die() }) ])
case .Some("source.lang.swift.decl.enumelement"):
self = .Branch([ .Leaf(A(string: name)), .Branch(try substructure.map { try Term(JSON: $0) ?? die() }) ])
self = .Leaf(A(string: name))
return nil
case let .Dictionary(d) where d["key.kind"]?.string == "source.lang.swift.decl.enumcase" && d["key.substructure"]?.array?.count == 1:
let substructure = d["key.substructure"]?.array ?? []
self = try Term(JSON: substructure[0]) ?? die()
case let .Dictionary(d) where d["key.kind"]?.string == "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.comment.mark":
self = .Empty
case .Null:
self = .Empty
return nil
} catch _ {
return nil
/// Constructs a Term representing the `JSON` in a file at `path`.
public init?(path: String, JSON: Doubt.JSON) {
func die<B>() throws -> B {
throw E()
do {
switch JSON.dictionary?["key.substructure"] {
case let .Some(.Array(a)):
self = .Roll(.Branch(try a.map { try Term(JSON: $0) ?? die() }))
return nil
} catch _ {
return nil
public enum Syntax<Recur, A>: CustomDebugStringConvertible, CustomDocConvertible {
case Empty
case Leaf(A)
case Branch([Recur])
public func map<T>(@noescape transform: Recur -> T) -> Syntax<T, A> {
switch self {
case .Empty:
return .Empty
case let .Leaf(n):
return .Leaf(n)
case let .Branch(vs):
return .Branch(vs.map(transform))
public func reduce<T>(initial: T, @noescape combine: (T, Recur) throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
switch self {
case let .Branch(xs):
return try xs.reduce(initial, combine: combine)
return initial
public var debugDescription: String {
switch self {
case .Empty:
return ".Empty"
case let .Leaf(n):
return ".Leaf(\(n))"
case let .Branch(vs):
let s = vs.map { String(reflecting: $0) }.joinWithSeparator(", ")
return ".Branch([ \(s) ])"
public var doc: Doc {
switch self {
case .Empty:
return .Empty
case let .Leaf(n):
return Doc(n)
case let .Branch(vs):
return vs.map(Doc.init).stack().bracket("{", "}")
extension Syntax where Recur: Hashable, A: Hashable {
public var hash: Hash {
switch self {
case .Empty:
return Hash("Empty")
case let .Leaf(n):
return Hash("Leaf", Hash(n))
case let .Branch(vs):
return Hash("Branch", .Sequence(vs.map(Hash.init)))
private struct E: ErrorType {}