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{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, TypeFamilies #-}
module Test.Hspec.LeanCheck
( prop
, forAll
) where
import Control.Exception
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import Data.Typeable
import GHC.Show as Show (showsPrec)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Core.Spec as Hspec
import qualified Test.HUnit.Lang as HUnit
import Test.LeanCheck.Core
data Property where
Property :: IOTestable prop => prop -> Property
-- | Perform an enumerative test of a property using LeanCheck.
-- 'prop' will typically be a function of one or more 'Listable' arguments, returning either 'Bool' or 'IO ()' (in the latter case, typically via 'shouldBe' and friends). For example:
-- > describe "+" $ do
-- > prop "associativity" $
-- > \ a b c -> a + (b + c) `shouldBe` (a + b :: Int) + c
prop :: (HasCallStack, IOTestable prop) => String -> prop -> Spec
prop s = it s . Property
data ForAll a where
ForAll :: IOTestable prop => [[a]] -> (a -> prop) -> ForAll a
-- | Test a property given by an explicit list of tiers rather than a 'Listable' instance. This can be used to e.g. filter input values for which the property does not hold.
-- > describe "mean" $ do
-- > prop "≥ the minimum" . forAll (not . null `filterT` tiers) $
-- > \ list -> (mean list :: Int) `shouldSatisfy` (>= min list)
forAll :: IOTestable prop => [[a]] -> (a -> prop) -> ForAll a
forAll = ForAll
instance Example Property where
type Arg Property = ()
evaluateExample (Property prop) (Params _ bound) _ _ = do
result <- try (iocounterExample bound prop)
case result of
Left e
| Just (LeanCheckException messages e') <- fromException e -> throw (addMessages messages e')
| otherwise -> throw e
Right (Just messages) -> pure $ Result "" (Failure Nothing (Reason (concat messages)))
Right Nothing -> pure $ Result "" Success
where addMessages messages (HUnit.HUnitFailure loc r) = HUnit.HUnitFailure loc $ case r of
HUnit.Reason s -> HUnit.Reason (intercalate "\n" messages ++ "\n" ++ s)
HUnit.ExpectedButGot Nothing expected actual -> HUnit.ExpectedButGot (Just (concat messages)) expected actual
HUnit.ExpectedButGot (Just preface) expected actual -> HUnit.ExpectedButGot (Just (intercalate "\n" messages ++ preface)) expected actual
class IOTestable t where
-- 'resultiers', lifted into 'IO'.
ioResultTiers :: t -> [[IO ([String], Bool)]]
instance IOTestable (IO ()) where
ioResultTiers action = [[ (action >> pure ([], True)) `catch` (throw . LeanCheckException []) ]]
instance (IOTestable b, Show a, Listable a) => IOTestable (a -> b) where
ioResultTiers p = concatMapT (resultiersFor p) tiers
instance IOTestable Bool where
ioResultTiers p = [[ pure ([], p) ]]
instance Show a => IOTestable (ForAll a) where
ioResultTiers (ForAll tiers property) = concatMapT (resultiersFor property) tiers
resultiersFor :: (IOTestable b, Show a) => (a -> b) -> a -> [[IO ([String], Bool)]]
resultiersFor p x = fmap (eval x) <$> ioResultTiers (p x)
eval :: Show a => a -> IO ([String], Bool) -> IO ([String], Bool)
eval x action = first (prepend x) <$> action
`catch` \ (LeanCheckException messages failure) -> throw (LeanCheckException (prepend x messages) failure)
where prepend x = (showsPrec 11 x "":)
-- | 'counterExamples', lifted into 'IO'.
iocounterExamples :: IOTestable a => Int -> a -> IO [[String]]
iocounterExamples n = fmap (fmap fst . filter (not . snd)) . sequenceA . take n . concat . ioResultTiers
-- | 'counterExample', lifted into 'IO'.
iocounterExample :: IOTestable a => Int -> a -> IO (Maybe [String])
iocounterExample n = fmap listToMaybe . iocounterExamples n
data LeanCheckException = LeanCheckException [String] HUnit.HUnitFailure
deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception LeanCheckException