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190 lines
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import Cocoa
import Doubt
import Either
import Prelude
import Madness
typealias Term = Cofree<JSONLeaf, Int>
typealias Diff = Free<JSONLeaf, Patch<Term>>
enum JSONLeaf: CustomJSONConvertible, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable {
case Number(Double)
case Boolean(Bool)
case String(Swift.String)
case Null
// MARK: CustomJSONConvertible
var JSON: Doubt.JSON {
switch self {
case let .Number(n):
return .Number(n)
case let .Boolean(b):
return .Boolean(b)
case let .String(s):
return .String(s)
case .Null:
return .Null
// MARK: CustomStringConvertible
var description: Swift.String {
switch self {
case let .Number(n):
return Swift.String(n)
case let .Boolean(b):
return Swift.String(b)
case let .String(s):
return Swift.String(reflecting: s)
case .Null:
return "null"
func == (left: JSONLeaf, right: JSONLeaf) -> Bool {
switch (left, right) {
case let (.Number(a), .Number(b)):
return a == b
case let (.Boolean(a), .Boolean(b)):
return a == b
case let (.String(a), .String(b)):
return a == b
case (.Null, .Null):
return true
return false
extension JSON {
init?(path: Swift.String) {
guard let data = try? NSData(contentsOfFile: path, options: []) else { return nil }
guard let object = try? NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(data, options: .AllowFragments) else { return nil }
self.init(object: object)
var term: Term {
func annotate(json: Syntax<Term, JSONLeaf>) -> Term {
return Cofree(size(json), json)
func size(syntax: Syntax<Term, JSONLeaf>) -> Int {
switch syntax {
case .Leaf:
return 1
case let .Indexed(i):
return 1 + i.map { size($0.unwrap) }.reduce(0, combine: +)
case let .Keyed(i):
return 1 + i.values.map { size($0.unwrap) }.reduce(0, combine: +)
switch self {
case let .Array(a):
return annotate(.Indexed(a.map { $0.term }))
case let .Dictionary(d):
return annotate(.Keyed(Swift.Dictionary(elements: d.map { ($0, $1.term) })))
case let .Number(n):
return annotate(.Leaf(.Number(n)))
case let .Boolean(b):
return annotate(.Leaf(.Boolean(b)))
case let .String(s):
return annotate(.Leaf(.String(s)))
case .Null:
return annotate(.Leaf(.Null))
let arguments = BoundsCheckedArray(array: Process.arguments)
typealias CofreeJSON = Cofree<JSONLeaf, Range<String.CharacterView.Index>>
typealias JSONParser = Parser<String, CofreeJSON>.Function
extension String: CollectionType {
public var count: Index.Distance {
return characters.count
public static func lift<A>(parser: Parser<String.CharacterView, A>.Function) -> Parser<String, A>.Function {
return {
parser($0.characters, $1)
func not<C: CollectionType, T>(parser: Parser<C, T>.Function)(_ input: C, _ index: C.Index) -> Either<Error<C.Index>, (C.Generator.Element, C.Index)> {
if index.distanceTo(input.endIndex) <= 0 || parser(input, index).right != nil {
return .Left(Error(reason: "", index: index, children: []))
} else {
return .Right(input[index], index.successor())
public func satisfy<C: CollectionType> (pred: C.Generator.Element -> Bool) -> Parser<C, C.Generator.Element>.Function {
return { input, index in
if input.count > 0 {
let parsed = input[index]
let next = index.successor()
return pred(parsed)
? .Right((parsed, next))
: .Left(Error.leaf("Failed to match predicate at index", index))
} else {
return .Left(Error.leaf("", index))
typealias StringParser = Parser<String, String>.Function
typealias CharacterParser = Parser<String, [Character]>.Function
let stringBody: StringParser = { $0.map({ String($0) }).joinWithSeparator("") } <^>
not(%"\\" <|> %"\"")*
let quoted = %"\"" *> stringBody <* %"\""
let json: JSONParser = fix { json in
// TODO: Parse backslashed escape characters
let string: JSONParser = quoted --> { Cofree($1, .Leaf(.String($2))) }
let whitespace: CharacterParser = satisfy({ (c: Character) in c == " " })*
let array: JSONParser = %"["
*> whitespace
*> json* <* %"]" --> { Cofree($1, .Indexed($2)) }
let dict: JSONParser =
*> whitespace
*> (curry(pair) <^> quoted
<* whitespace
<* String.lift(%":")
<* whitespace
<*> json)*
<* whitespace
<* %"}"
--> { (_, range, values) in
Cofree(range, .Keyed(Dictionary(elements: values)))
// TODO: Parse Numbers correctly
let number: JSONParser = %"0" --> { Cofree($1, .Leaf(.String($2))) }
return dict <|> array <|> string
let dict = "{\"hello\":\"world\"}"
print(parse(json, input: dict))
let dictWithSpaces = "{ \"hello\" : \"world\" }"
print(parse(json, input: dictWithSpaces))
//if let a = arguments[1].flatMap(JSON.init), b = arguments[2].flatMap(JSON.init) {
// let diff = Algorithm<Term, Diff>(a.term, b.term).evaluate(Cofree.equals(annotation: const(true), leaf: ==))
// if let JSON = NSString(data: diff.JSON(ifPure: { $0.JSON { $0.JSON } }, ifLeaf: { $0.JSON }).serialize(), encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) {
// print(JSON)
// }