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/// A `Location` is a structure similar to a `Lens` which allows introspection of & update to subtrees of some tree.
/// In the former case, a `Location` is essentially an implementation of a [Zipper][], allowing exploration into and out of nodes, as well as to adjacent nodes.
/// [Hinze & Jeuring][] then extended this to support replacing the focused node. `Location` implements their approach (see §5, “A Read-write Web”).
/// This is also closely related to [McBride][]’s observations about the derivative of regular types.
/// [Zipper]: https://www.st.cs.uni-saarland.de/edu/seminare/2005/advanced-fp/docs/huet-zipper.pdf
/// [Hinze & Jeuring]: https://github.com/github/semantic-diff/files/27297/Weaving.a.Web.pdf
/// [McBride]: http://strictlypositive.org/diff.pdf
public struct Location<A>: SequenceType {
/// Construct a `Location` representing some position within a tree.
public init(it: A, into: A -> Location?, outOf: A -> Location?, left: A -> Location?, right: A -> Location?) {
self.it = it
_left = left
_right = right
_outOf = outOf
_into = into
/// The node currently in focus.
public let it: A
/// Returns the `Location` representing the contents of `it`, or `nil` if `it` is a leaf.
public var into: Location? { return _into(it) }
/// Returns the `Location` representing the parent of `it` in the current exploration, or `nil` if the receiver is the `root`.
public var outOf: Location? { return _outOf(it) }
/// Returns the `Location` which immediately precedes the receiver within its parent in the current exploration, or `nil` if the receiver is the `root` or the first child of its parent.
public var left: Location? { return _left(it) }
/// Returns the `Location` which immediately follows the receiver within its parent in the current exploration, or `nil` if the receiver is the `root` or the last child of its parent.
public var right: Location? { return _right(it) }
/// The root `Location` in the current exploration.
public var root: Location {
return outOf?.root ?? self
/// Returns the logically next `Location` after the receiver in a pre-order depth-first traversal.
public var next: Location? {
return into ?? nextAfter
/// Returns the logically next `Location` after the receiver and its children in a pre-order depth-first traversal.
private var nextAfter: Location? {
return right ?? outOf?.nextAfter
/// Return a new `Location` by replacing the current value with a new one produced by `f`.
public func modify(@noescape f: A -> A) -> Location {
return Location(it: f(it), into: _into, outOf: _outOf, left: _left, right: _right)
public typealias Weave = A -> Unweave
public typealias Unweave = (A -> Location?) -> Location?
// MARK: - Constructors
public static func nullary(outOf: A -> Location?) -> Location? {
return nil
public static func unary(t1: A, _ weave: Weave, _ reconstruct: A -> A)(_ outOf: A -> Location?) -> Location? {
return Location(flip(weave), { $0[0] } >>> reconstruct >>> outOf, [t1])
public static func binary(t1: A, _ t2: A, _ weave: Weave, _ reconstruct: (A, A) -> A)(_ outOf: A -> Location?) -> Location? {
return Location(flip(weave), { ($0[0], $0[1]) } >>> reconstruct >>> outOf, [t1, t2])
public static func ternary(t1: A, _ t2: A, _ t3: A, _ weave: Weave, _ reconstruct: (A, A, A) -> A)(_ outOf: A -> Location?) -> Location? {
return Location(flip(weave), { ($0[0], $0[1], $0[2]) } >>> reconstruct >>> outOf, [t1, t2, t3])
public static func variadic<C: MutableCollectionType where C.Generator.Element == A, C.Index: BidirectionalIndexType>(ts: C, _ weave: Weave, _ reconstruct: C -> A)(_ outOf: A -> Location?) -> Location? {
return Location(flip(weave), reconstruct >>> outOf, ts)
public static func variadic<Key>(ts: [Key:A], _ weave: Weave, _ reconstruct: [Key:A] -> A)(_ outOf: A -> Location?) -> Location? {
return Location(flip(weave), Dictionary.init >>> reconstruct >>> outOf, Array(ts))
public static func explore(weave: Weave)(_ a : A) -> Location {
return Location(it: a, into: flip(weave)(explore(weave) >>> Optional.Some), outOf: const(nil), left: const(nil), right: const(nil))
// MARK: - Implementation details
private init?<C: MutableCollectionType where C.Generator.Element == A, C.Index: BidirectionalIndexType>(_ weave: (A -> Location?) -> A -> Location?, _ outOf: C -> Location?, _ ts: C) {
func update(index: C.Index, _ ts: C)(_ f: C -> Location?)(_ a: A) -> Location? {
guard ts.indices.contains(index) else { return nil }
var copy = ts
copy[index] = a
return f(copy)
func into(index: C.Index)(_ ts: C) -> Location? {
guard ts.indices.contains(index) else { return nil }
return Location(it: ts[index], into: weave(update(index, ts)(into(index))), outOf: update(index, ts)(outOf), left: update(index, ts)(into(index.predecessor())), right: update(index, ts)(into(index.successor())))
guard let location = into(ts.startIndex)(ts) else { return nil }
self = location
private init?<C: MutableCollectionType, Key where C.Generator.Element == (Key, A), C.Index: BidirectionalIndexType>(_ weave: (A -> Location?) -> A -> Location?, _ outOf: C -> Location?, _ ts: C) {
func update(index: C.Index, _ ts: C)(_ f: C -> Location?)(_ key: Key)(_ a: A) -> Location? {
guard ts.indices.contains(index) else { return nil }
var copy = ts
copy[index] = (key, a)
return f(copy)
func into(index: C.Index)(_ ts: C) -> Location? {
guard ts.indices.contains(index) else { return nil }
let (key, value) = ts[index]
return Location(it: value, into: weave(update(index, ts)(into(index))(key)), outOf: update(index, ts)(outOf)(key), left: update(index, ts)(into(index.predecessor()))(key), right: update(index, ts)(into(index.successor()))(key))
guard let location = into(ts.startIndex)(ts) else { return nil }
self = location
private let _into: A -> Location?
private let _outOf: A -> Location?
private let _left: A -> Location?
private let _right: A -> Location?
// MARK: SequenceType
public func generate() -> AnyGenerator<Location> {
var current: Location? = self
return anyGenerator {
let next = current
current = current?.next
return next
// Flipping of curried functions.
private func flip<A, B, C>(f: A -> B -> C)(_ b: B)(_ a: A) -> C {
return f(a)(b)
import Prelude