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module Split (split) where
import Diff
import Patch
import Syntax
import Term
import Unified
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Control.Monad.Free
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Rainbow
type ClassName = String
type Element a = Cofree (Syntax a) (Maybe ClassName, String)
data HTML =
Text String
| Span (Maybe ClassName) String
| Ul (Maybe ClassName) [HTML]
| Dl (Maybe ClassName) [HTML]
| Dt String
deriving (Eq, Show)
split :: Diff a Info -> String -> String -> IO ByteString
split _ _ _ = return mempty
splitDiff :: Diff a Info -> String -> String -> Patch (HTML, Range)
splitDiff diff before after = iter toElements $ splitPatch before after <$> diff
toElements (Annotated (left, right) (Leaf _)) = Replace (leafToElement before left) (leafToElement after right)
leafToElement source (Info range _ categories) = (Span (classify categories) $ substring range source, range)
splitPatch :: String -> String -> Patch (Term a Info) -> Patch (HTML, Range)
splitPatch before after (Replace a b) = Replace (splitTerm before a) (splitTerm after b)
splitPatch _ after (Insert b) = Insert $ splitTerm after b
splitPatch before _ (Delete a) = Delete $ splitTerm before a
splitTerm :: String -> Term a Info -> (HTML, Range)
splitTerm source = cata toElement where
toElement (Info range lineRange categories) (Leaf _) = (Span (classify categories) $ substring range source, range)
toElement (Info range lineRange categories) (Indexed i) = makeList i range categories
toElement (Info range lineRange categories) (Fixed i) = makeList i range categories
toElement (Info range lineRange categories) (Keyed k) = makeMap (Map.toList k) range categories
accumulate (children, previous) (child, range) = (children ++ [ subtext previous $ start range, child ], end range)
accumulateFromMap (children, previous) (key, (child, range)) = (children ++ [ subtext previous $ start range, Dt key, child ], end range)
makeList i range categories = (Ul (classify categories) items, range)
(children, previous) = foldl accumulate ([], start range) i
items = children ++ [ subtext previous $ end range ]
makeMap k range categories = (Dl (classify categories) items, range)
(children, previous) = foldl accumulateFromMap ([], start range) k
items = children ++ [ subtext previous $ end range ]
subtext :: Int -> Int -> HTML
subtext start end = Text $ substring (Range start end) source
splitHTMLIntoLines :: HTML -> [HTML]
splitHTMLIntoLines (Text string) = Text <$> lines string
splitHTMLIntoLines (Span className string) = Span className <$> lines string
splitHTMLIntoLines (Ul className children) = Ul className . splitHTMLIntoLines <$> children
splitHTMLIntoLines (Dt string) = [ Dt string ]
combineLines :: HTML -> [[HTML]] -> [[HTML]]
combineLines child out = case splitHTMLIntoLines child of
(first : rest) -> appendOntoLastLine first out ++ ((: []) <$> rest)
appendOntoLastLine :: HTML -> [[HTML]] -> [[HTML]]
appendOntoLastLine line [ x ] = [ line : x ]
appendOntoLastLine line (x : xs) = x : appendOntoLastLine line xs
classify :: Set.Set Category -> Maybe ClassName
classify = foldr (const . Just) Nothing