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{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-}
module Graphing.Calls.Spec ( spec ) where
import Prelude hiding (readFile)
import Prologue
import SpecHelpers hiding (readFile)
import Algebra.Graph
import Data.List (uncons)
import Data.Abstract.Module
import "semantic" Data.Graph (Graph (..), topologicalSort)
import Data.Graph.ControlFlowVertex
import Data.Span
import qualified Data.Language as Language
import Semantic.Config (defaultOptions)
import Semantic.Graph
import Semantic.IO
callGraphPythonProject paths = runTaskWithOptions defaultOptions $ do
let proxy = Proxy @'Language.Python
let lang = Language.Python
blobs <- catMaybes <$> traverse readFile (flip File lang <$> paths)
package <- fmap snd <$> parsePackage pythonParser (Project (takeDirectory (maybe "/" fst (uncons paths))) blobs lang [])
modules <- topologicalSort <$> runImportGraphToModules proxy package
runCallGraph proxy False modules package
spec :: Spec
spec = describe "call graphing" $ do
let needs r v = unGraph r `shouldSatisfy` hasVertex v
it "should work for a simple example" $ do
res <- callGraphPythonProject ["test/fixtures/python/graphing/simple/simple.py"]
res `needs` Variable "magnus" "simple.py" (Span (Pos 4 1) (Pos 4 7))
it "should evaluate both sides of an if-statement" $ do
res <- callGraphPythonProject ["test/fixtures/python/graphing/conditional/conditional.py"]
res `needs` Variable "merle" "conditional.py" (Span (Pos 5 5) (Pos 5 10))
res `needs` Variable "taako" "conditional.py" (Span (Pos 8 5) (Pos 8 10))
it "should continue even when a type error is encountered" $ do
res <- callGraphPythonProject ["test/fixtures/python/graphing/typeerror/typeerror.py"]
res `needs` Variable "lup" "typeerror.py" (Span (Pos 5 1) (Pos 5 4))
it "should continue when an unbound variable is encountered" $ do
res <- callGraphPythonProject ["test/fixtures/python/graphing/unbound/unbound.py"]
res `needs` Variable "lucretia" "unbound.py" (Span (Pos 5 1) (Pos 5 9))