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module CorpusSpec where
import Diffing
import Renderer
import qualified Renderer.JSON as J
import qualified Renderer.Patch as P
import qualified Renderer.Split as Split
import qualified Source as S
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Bifunctor.Join
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Data.List as List
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import System.FilePath
import System.FilePath.Glob
import Test.Hspec
spec :: Spec
spec = parallel $ do
-- describe "crashers crash" $ runTestsIn "test/crashers-todo/" ((`shouldThrow` anyException) . return)
describe "crashers should not crash" $ runTestsIn "test/crashers/" (uncurry shouldBe)
describe "todos are incorrect" $ runTestsIn "test/diffs-todo/" (uncurry shouldNotBe)
describe "should produce the correct diff" $ runTestsIn "test/diffs/" (uncurry shouldBe)
it "lists example fixtures" $ do
examples "test/crashers/" `shouldNotReturn` []
examples "test/diffs/" `shouldNotReturn` []
runTestsIn :: String -> ((String, String) -> Expectation) -> SpecWith ()
runTestsIn directory matcher = do
paths <- runIO $ examples directory
let tests = correctTests =<< paths
mapM_ (\ (formatName, renderer, a, b, output) -> it (normalizeName a ++ " (" ++ formatName ++ ")") $ testDiff renderer a b output matcher) tests
correctTests :: (FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath) -> [(String, Renderer T.Text String, FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath)]
correctTests paths@(_, _, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) = testsForPaths paths
correctTests paths = List.filter (\(_, _, _, _, output) -> isJust output) $ testsForPaths paths
testsForPaths :: (FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath) -> [(String, Renderer T.Text String, FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath)]
testsForPaths (a, b, json, patch, split) = [ ("json", testJSON, a, b, json), ("patch", P.patch, a, b, patch), ("split", testSplit, a, b, split) ]
testSplit :: Renderer T.Text String
testSplit diff sources = TL.unpack $ Split.split diff sources
testJSON :: Renderer T.Text String
testJSON diff sources = B.unpack $ J.json diff sources
-- | Return all the examples from the given directory. Examples are expected to
-- | have the form "foo.A.js", "foo.B.js", "foo.patch.js". Diffs are not
-- | required as the test may be verifying that the inputs don't crash.
examples :: FilePath -> IO [(FilePath, FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath, Maybe FilePath)]
examples directory = do
as <- toDict <$> globFor "*.A.*"
bs <- toDict <$> globFor "*.B.*"
jsons <- toDict <$> globFor "*.json.*"
patches <- toDict <$> globFor "*.patch.*"
splits <- toDict <$> globFor "*.split.*"
let keys = Set.unions $ keysSet <$> [as, bs]
return $ (\name -> (as ! name, bs ! name, Map.lookup name jsons, Map.lookup name patches, Map.lookup name splits)) <$> sort (Set.toList keys)
globFor :: String -> IO [FilePath]
globFor p = globDir1 (compile p) directory
toDict list = Map.fromList ((normalizeName <$> list) `zip` list)
-- | Given a test name like "foo.A.js", return "foo.js".
normalizeName :: FilePath -> FilePath
normalizeName path = addExtension (dropExtension $ dropExtension path) (takeExtension path)
-- | Given file paths for A, B, and, optionally, a diff, return whether diffing
-- | the files will produce the diff. If no diff is provided, then the result
-- | is true, but the diff will still be calculated.
testDiff :: Renderer T.Text String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe FilePath -> ((String, String) -> Expectation) -> Expectation
testDiff renderer a b diff matcher = do
let parser = parserForFilepath a
sources <- sequence $ readAndTranscodeFile <$> Join (a, b)
let srcs = runJoin sources
let sourceBlobs = (S.SourceBlob (fst srcs) mempty a, S.SourceBlob (snd srcs) mempty b)
actual <- diffFiles parser renderer sourceBlobs
case diff of
Nothing -> actual `deepseq` matcher (actual, actual)
Just file -> do
expected <- readFile file
matcher (actual, expected)