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Rob Rix da3e338d84 Revert "Add runJoinWith to extract-and-apply Join."
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2016-03-24 14:26:28 -04:00

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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Alignment
( hasChanges
, linesInRangeOfSource
, numberedRows
, splitAbstractedTerm
, splitDiffByLines
, Row
, AlignedDiff
, alignDiff
, groupChildrenByLine
) where
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Free
import Data.Adjoined
import Data.Align
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bifunctor.Join
import Data.Bifunctor.These
import Data.Coalescent
import Data.Copointed
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Both as Both
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.OrderedMap as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Diff
import Line
import Patch
import Prelude hiding (fst, snd)
import qualified Prelude
import Range
import Source hiding (fromList, uncons)
import SplitDiff
import Syntax
import Term
-- | Assign line numbers to the lines on each side of a list of rows.
numberedRows :: [Row a] -> [Both (Int, Line a)]
numberedRows = countUp (pure 1)
where countUp from (row : rows) = ((,) <$> from <*> row) : countUp ((+) <$> from <*> (lineIncrement <$> row)) rows
countUp _ [] = []
-- | Determine whether a line contains any patches.
hasChanges :: Line (SplitDiff leaf Info) -> Bool
hasChanges = or . fmap (or . (True <$))
-- | Split a diff, which may span multiple lines, into rows of split diffs paired with the Range of characters spanned by that Row on each side of the diff.
splitDiffByLines :: Both (Source Char) -> Diff leaf Info -> [Row (SplitDiff leaf Info, Range)]
splitDiffByLines sources = toList . iter (\ (Annotated infos syntax) -> splitAbstractedTerm ((Free .) . Annotated) sources infos syntax) . fmap (splitPatchByLines sources)
-- | Split a patch, which may span multiple lines, into rows of split diffs.
splitPatchByLines :: Both (Source Char) -> Patch (Term leaf Info) -> Adjoined (Both (Line (SplitDiff leaf Info, Range)))
splitPatchByLines sources patch = wrapTermInPatch <$> splitAndFoldTerm (unPatch patch)
where splitAndFoldTerm (This deleted) = tsequenceL mempty $ both (runIdentity <$> Term.cata (splitAbstractedTerm (:<) (Identity $ fst sources)) (Identity <$> deleted)) nil
splitAndFoldTerm (That inserted) = tsequenceL mempty $ both nil (runIdentity <$> Term.cata (splitAbstractedTerm (:<) (Identity $ snd sources)) (Identity <$> inserted))
splitAndFoldTerm (These deleted inserted) = tsequenceL mempty $ both (runIdentity <$> Term.cata (splitAbstractedTerm (:<) (Identity $ fst sources)) (Identity <$> deleted)) (runIdentity <$> Term.cata (splitAbstractedTerm (:<) (Identity $ snd sources)) (Identity <$> inserted))
wrapTermInPatch = fmap (fmap (first (Pure . constructor patch)))
constructor (Replace _ _) = SplitReplace
constructor (Insert _) = SplitInsert
constructor (Delete _) = SplitDelete
-- | Split a term comprised of an Info & Syntax up into one `outTerm` (abstracted by an alignment function & constructor) per line in `Source`.
splitAbstractedTerm :: (Applicative f, Coalescent (f (Line (Maybe (Identity outTerm), Range))), Coalescent (f (Line (Maybe (T.Text, outTerm), Range))), Foldable f, TotalCrosswalk f) => (Info -> Syntax leaf outTerm -> outTerm) -> f (Source Char) -> f Info -> Syntax leaf (Adjoined (f (Line (outTerm, Range)))) -> Adjoined (f (Line (outTerm, Range)))
splitAbstractedTerm makeTerm sources infos syntax = case syntax of
Leaf a -> tsequenceL (pure mempty) $ fmap <$> ((\ categories -> fmap (\ range -> (makeTerm (Info range categories) (Leaf a), range))) <$> (Diff.categories <$> infos)) <*> (linesInRangeOfSource <$> (characterRange <$> infos) <*> sources)
Indexed children -> adjoinChildren sources infos (constructor (Indexed . fmap runIdentity)) (Identity <$> children)
Fixed children -> adjoinChildren sources infos (constructor (Fixed . fmap runIdentity)) (Identity <$> children)
Keyed children -> adjoinChildren sources infos (constructor (Keyed . Map.fromList)) (Map.toList children)
where constructor with info = makeTerm info . with
-- | Adjoin a branch terms lines, wrapping children & context in branch nodes using a constructor.
adjoinChildren :: (Copointed c, Functor c, Applicative f, Coalescent (f (Line (Maybe (c a), Range))), Foldable f, TotalCrosswalk f) => f (Source Char) -> f Info -> (Info -> [c a] -> outTerm) -> [c (Adjoined (f (Line (a, Range))))] -> Adjoined (f (Line (outTerm, Range)))
adjoinChildren sources infos constructor children = wrap <$> leadingContext <> lines
where (lines, next) = foldr (childLines sources) (mempty, end <$> ranges) children
ranges = characterRange <$> infos
categories = Diff.categories <$> infos
leadingContext = tsequenceL (pure mempty) $ makeContextLines <$> (linesInRangeOfSource <$> (Range <$> (start <$> ranges) <*> next) <*> sources)
wrap = (wrapLineContents <$> (makeBranchTerm constructor <$> categories <*> next) <*>)
makeBranchTerm constructor categories next children = let range = unionRangesFrom (rangeAt next) $ Prelude.snd <$> children in
(constructor (Info range categories) . catMaybes . toList $ Prelude.fst <$> children, range)
-- | Accumulate the lines of and between a branch terms children.
childLines :: (Copointed c, Functor c, Applicative f, Coalescent (f (Line (Maybe (c a), Range))), Foldable f, TotalCrosswalk f) => f (Source Char) -> c (Adjoined (f (Line (a, Range)))) -> (Adjoined (f (Line (Maybe (c a), Range))), f Int) -> (Adjoined (f (Line (Maybe (c a), Range))), f Int)
-- We depend on source ranges increasing monotonically. If a child invalidates that, e.g. if its a move in a Keyed node, we dont output rows for it in this iteration. (It will still show up in the diff as context rows.) This works around https://github.com/github/semantic-diff/issues/488.
childLines sources child (nextLines, next) | or ((>) . end <$> childRanges <*> next) = (nextLines, next)
| otherwise = ((makeChildLines <$> copoint child)
<> tsequenceL (pure mempty) (makeContextLines <$> trailingContextLines)
<> nextLines, start <$> childRanges)
where makeChildLines = fmap (fmap (first (Just . (<$ child))))
trailingContextLines = linesInRangeOfSource <$> (Range <$> (end <$> childRanges) <*> next) <*> sources
childRanges = unionRangesFrom <$> (rangeAt <$> next) <*> (concat . fmap (fmap Prelude.snd . unLine) <$> sequenceA (copoint child))
makeContextLines :: Adjoined (Line Range) -> Adjoined (Line (Maybe a, Range))
makeContextLines = fmap (fmap ((,) Nothing))
-- | Produce open/closed lines for the portion of the source spanned by a range.
linesInRangeOfSource :: Range -> Source Char -> Adjoined (Line Range)
linesInRangeOfSource range source = fromList $ pureBy (openRange source) <$> actualLineRanges range source
-- | Does this Range in this Source end with a newline?
openRange :: Source Char -> Range -> Bool
openRange source range = (at source <$> maybeLastIndex range) /= Just '\n'
-- | A row in a split diff, composed of a before line and an after line.
type Row a = Both (Line a)
type AlignedDiff leaf = [Join These (SplitDiff leaf Info)]
alignPatch :: Both (Source Char) -> Patch (Term leaf Info) -> AlignedDiff leaf
alignPatch _ _ = []
-- alignPatch sources patch = crosswalk (hylo (alignTerm sources) unCofree) (unPatch patch)
-- alignPatch sources (Insert term) = hylo (alignTerm sources) unCofree term
-- alignPatch sources (Delete term) = hylo (alignTerm sources) unCofree term
-- alignPatch sources (Replace term1 term2) = alignWith Join (hylo (alignTerm sources) unCofree term1)
-- (hylo (alignTerm sources) unCofree term2)
-- alignTerm :: Both (Source Char) -> Join These Info -> Syntax leaf (AlignedDiff leaf) -> AlignedDiff leaf
-- alignTerm sources infos syntax = (\ (source, info) -> Free . Annotated info <$> alignSyntax source (characterRange info) syntax) <$> Join (pairWithThese sources (runJoin infos))
alignDiff :: Both (Source Char) -> Diff leaf Info -> AlignedDiff leaf
alignDiff sources diff = iter alignSyntax (alignPatch sources <$> diff)
where alignSyntax :: Annotated leaf (Both Info) (AlignedDiff leaf) -> AlignedDiff leaf
alignSyntax (Annotated infos syntax) = case syntax of
Leaf s -> (modifyJoin $ runBothWith bimap (((Free . (`Annotated` Leaf s)) .) . setCharacterRange <$> infos)) <$> sequenceL lineRanges
Indexed children -> (modifyJoin $ runBothWith bimap ((\ info (range, children) -> Free (Annotated (setCharacterRange info range) (Indexed children))) <$> infos)) <$> groupChildrenByLine lineRanges children
_ -> []
where lineRanges = runBothWith ((Join .) . These) (actualLineRanges <$> (characterRange <$> infos) <*> sources)
groupChildrenByLine :: Join These [Range] -> [AlignedDiff leaf] -> [Join These (Range, [SplitDiff leaf Info])]
groupChildrenByLine ranges children = go (fromThese [] [] $ runJoin ranges) children
where go ranges children | (l:ls, r:rs) <- ranges
, ((firstLine:restOfLines):rest) <- children
= case fromThese False False $ bimap (intersects l . getRange) (intersects r . getRange) $ runJoin firstLine of
(True, True) -> bimapJoin ((,) l . pure) ((,) r . pure) firstLine : go ranges (restOfLines:rest)
(_, _) -> Join (These (l, []) (r, [])) : go (ls, rs) children
| ([]:rest) <- children = go ranges rest
| otherwise = uncurry (alignWith (fmap (flip (,) []) . Join)) ranges
getRange (Free (Annotated (Info range _) _)) = range
getRange (Pure patch) | Info range _ :< _ <- getSplitTerm patch = range
modifyJoin :: (p a a -> q b b) -> Join p a -> Join q b
modifyJoin f = Join . f . runJoin
bimapJoin :: Bifunctor p => (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> Join p a -> Join p b
bimapJoin f g = modifyJoin $ bimap f g
intersects :: Range -> Range -> Bool
intersects a b = max (start a) (start b) < min (end a) (end b)
-- alignSyntax :: Source Char -> Range -> Syntax leaf (AlignedDiff leaf) -> [Syntax leaf (SplitDiff leaf Info)]
-- alignSyntax source range syntax = case syntax of
-- Leaf s -> Leaf s <$ lineRanges
-- _ -> []
-- where lineRanges = actualLineRanges range source