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// JSONParser.swift
// Doubt
// Created by Josh Vera on 10/16/15.
// Copyright © 2015 GitHub. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Madness
import Either
import Prelude
import Doubt
typealias CofreeJSON = Cofree<JSONLeaf, Range<String.CharacterView.Index>>
typealias JSONParser = Parser<String, CofreeJSON>.Function
extension String: CollectionType {
public var count: Index.Distance {
return characters.count
public static func lift<A>(parser: Parser<String.CharacterView, A>.Function) -> Parser<String, A>.Function {
return {
parser($0.characters, $1)
func not<C: CollectionType, T>(parser: Parser<C, T>.Function)(_ input: C, _ index: C.Index) -> Either<Error<C.Index>, (C.Generator.Element, C.Index)> {
if index.distanceTo(input.endIndex) <= 0 || parser(input, index).right != nil {
return .Left(Error(reason: "", index: index, children: []))
} else {
return .Right(input[index], index.successor())
typealias StringParser = Parser<String, String>.Function
typealias CharacterParser = Parser<String, [Character]>.Function
let stringBody: StringParser = { $0.map({ String($0) }).joinWithSeparator("") } <^>
not(%"\\" <|> %"\"")*
let quoted = %"\"" *> stringBody <* %"\""
let whitespace: CharacterParser = String.lift(space()* <|> endOfLine()* <|> tab()*)
typealias MembersParser = Parser<String, [(String, CofreeJSON)]>.Function;
func members(json: JSONParser) -> MembersParser {
let pairs: Parser<String, (String, CofreeJSON)>.Function = (curry(pair) <^>
<* whitespace
<* %":"
<* whitespace
<*> json)
let separatedPairs: MembersParser = (%"," *> whitespace *> pairs <* whitespace)*
let oneOrMore: MembersParser = curry { [$0] + $1 } <^>
<* whitespace
<*> separatedPairs
return oneOrMore <|> pure([])
typealias ValuesParser = Parser<String, [CofreeJSON]>.Function;
func elements(json: JSONParser) -> ValuesParser {
let value: Parser<String, CofreeJSON>.Function = whitespace *> json <* whitespace
let separatedValues: ValuesParser = (%"," *> value)*
let oneOrMore: ValuesParser = curry { [$0] + $1 } <^>
<*> separatedValues
return oneOrMore <|> pure([])
let json: JSONParser = fix { json in
// TODO: Parse backslashed escape characters
let string: JSONParser = quoted --> { Cofree($1, .Leaf(.String($2))) }
let array: JSONParser = %"[" *> elements(json) <* %"]" --> { Cofree($1, .Indexed($2)) }
let object: JSONParser =
*> whitespace
*> members(json)
<* whitespace
<* %"}"
--> { (_, range, values) in
Cofree(range, .Keyed(Dictionary(elements: values)))
// TODO: Parse Numbers correctly
let number: JSONParser = %"0" --> { Cofree($1, .Leaf(.String($2))) }
// TODO: This should just be dict <|> array and Value = dict | array | string | number | null | bool
return object <|> array <|> string <|> number
} |