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module Analysis.PHP.Spec (spec) where
import Control.Abstract
import Data.Abstract.Environment as Env
import Data.Abstract.Evaluatable (EvalError(..), ValueRef(..))
import qualified Data.Language as Language
import qualified Data.Abstract.ModuleTable as ModuleTable
import qualified Language.PHP.Assignment as PHP
import SpecHelpers
spec :: TaskConfig -> Spec
spec config = parallel $ do
describe "PHP" $ do
it "evaluates include and require" $ do
(_, res) <- evaluate ["main.php", "foo.php", "bar.php"]
case ModuleTable.lookup "main.php" <$> res of
Right (Just (Module _ (scopeGraph, (heap, valueRef)) :| [])) -> do
valueRef `shouldBe` Rval unit
const () <$> SpecHelpers.lookupDeclaration "bar" heap scopeGraph `shouldBe` Just ()
const () <$> SpecHelpers.lookupDeclaration "foo" heap scopeGraph `shouldBe` Just ()
other -> expectationFailure (show other)
it "evaluates include_once and require_once" $ do
(_, res) <- evaluate ["main_once.php", "foo.php", "bar.php"]
case ModuleTable.lookup "main_once.php" <$> res of
Right (Just (Module _ (scopeGraph, (heap, valueRef)) :| [])) -> do
valueRef `shouldBe` Rval unit
const () <$> SpecHelpers.lookupDeclaration "bar" heap scopeGraph `shouldBe` Just ()
const () <$> SpecHelpers.lookupDeclaration "foo" heap scopeGraph `shouldBe` Just ()
other -> expectationFailure (show other)
it "evaluates namespaces" $ do
(_, res) <- evaluate ["namespaces.php"]
case ModuleTable.lookup "namespaces.php" <$> res of
Right (Just (Module _ (scopeGraph, (heap, valueRef)) :| [])) -> do
const () <$> SpecHelpers.lookupDeclaration "Foo" heap scopeGraph `shouldBe` Just ()
const () <$> SpecHelpers.lookupDeclaration "NS1" heap scopeGraph `shouldBe` Just ()
-- (derefQName heap ("NS1" :| []) env >>= deNamespace heap) `shouldBe` Just ("NS1", ["Sub1", "b", "c"])
-- (derefQName heap ("NS1" :| ["Sub1"]) env >>= deNamespace heap) `shouldBe` Just ("Sub1", ["Sub2"])
-- (derefQName heap ("NS1" :| ["Sub1", "Sub2"]) env >>= deNamespace heap) `shouldBe` Just ("Sub2", ["f"])
other -> expectationFailure (show other)
fixtures = "test/fixtures/php/analysis/"
evaluate = evalPHPProject . map (fixtures <>)
evalPHPProject = testEvaluating <=< evaluateProject' config (Proxy :: Proxy 'Language.PHP) phpParser